What is Hamilton (The Play)

Redpill me on the Hamilton play, my friends are obsessed with it.

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Virtue signalling.


"white genocide" on ice

Niggerbabble: The Play

Ft. Kangz

Black people acting as the founding fathers. Uses the circumstances and achievements of Alexander Hamilton to advocate for a strong federal government and immigration.

Its a liberal clusterfuck that displays everything wrong with out country.

1. Demographic change due to 70% of play members being shitskins.

2. dumbing down of political concepts with stupid rap music.

3. Making fun of the British people.

4. Misunderstanding the ENTIRE life of Alexander Hamilton. Potentially scarring his reputation for the real people studying it.


Give me my Tony please!

Tried to point out the double standard of replacing a white historical figure with a black as my class mates have complained about white washing. One Asian girl freaked out saying it is a role model for blacks, but then why don't they use an actual black person? Anyone got any tips to use against her?

It's nigger music with niggers acting like they founded the greatest country on the planet. Hip hop is the most degenerate music. Seriously.

Basic leftist jewery, trying to rewrite the history.

All founding fathers are black or hispanic. All evil british are white guys. All political debates are hip hop.

Just tell her it's offensive to you how white culture is being appropriated by lesser races

We waz founders and sheit

Basically did

To be a true Hamilton fangirl, you have to be too stupid to know basic American history. So, you let minorities rap about events and issues only white people dealt with.

It's a play with rap music instead of typical Broadway songs. The rap in Hamilton is easy listening, so it does well with the wealthy white crowd that listened to NWA or 50 Cent when they were edgy teenagers. The progressives who produced it decided to make it 'multicultural', but no one who pays to watch it complains because they'd rather listen to a good black rapper pretending to be white than a bad white rapper.

Remember that the people who pay inordinate amounts of money for tickets fully know what the play entails. And yet they spend their wagebucks on the play because it's just that good.

Forced meme. Hamilton was a piece of shit. Your friends don't even know about his plans of establishing a pan-American empire, military coup or shit economic ideas.



If you want to learn about American history in a far more informative and accurate way, watch the TV show John Adams starring Paul Giamatti.

So why isn't it just a concert then? Why even bother to mask it as theater?

Because it's Broadway. People go for the sappy musicals, not for the theatrical value. If they went for the latter, they'd spend a significantly smaller amount of money on quality Shakespearean plays.

So is our president's Jewish handler.

Those were the day. Now HBO produces leftist propaganda like All the Way about Lyndon Johnson.
Hopefully the show about Andrew Jackson will be fine. And I don't care that they'll show Trial of Tears as a bad thing because that's obvious. I'm more concerned with the bank dispute. Some consider the Panic of 1837 to be his legacy which is not true.


It's a progressive cosmopolitan's wet dream. They rebranded Alexander Hamilton as La Antiracista fighting the big bad Thomas Jefferson no-no racist, even though Hamilton was a pretty elitist antidemocratic douche (like they are). Of course, casting entirely non-white actors in the roles is meant to add insult to injury. Basically, this is a meme of the culture war, a not-so-subtle way of celebrating the centralist, socially progressive, cosmopolitan elitist victory over the federalist rural conservatives. I actually saw it and was not blown away, but when I witnessed the beltway faggots I'm surrounded by coom all over it it became pretty obvious what was going on.
Just a mediocre rap show that lets urbanite shitlibs feel validated for being better than the plebs.

Virtue signaling and people think it's brilliant because it's hip hop and I hate musical theatre people goddamn this is why I sing opera

Ah, I see.

I'm surprised that hip hop is so popular. I wonder how much people pretend to like it to seem 'cool' or if it's just really that good in their honest opinion.


just youtubed it

>Lafayette is a nigger with dreadlocks
>Hamilton is a spic
>almost whole cast is black
>theyre literally rapping

Holy fucking shit
holy. fucking. shit

People pay how much to watch this?

I don't know why this made me kek so hard

What do you listen to if not rap? Everything else today screams of virginity.

What are you talking about?

A ticket on broadway costs $900.00

>Being friends with libscum

Listen to what you want.

But this is real music; youtu.be/UJsUpeXK6Jo

Not virtue signalling IMO. These are people who got into hip-hop in high school and college, stopped listening to it after they got married because they wanted to fit in with the suburban/ wealthy urban crowd. Hamilton is a way to listen to 'classy hip-hop'. It seems that it's the only rap that doesn't talk about gangs, shooting, drugs, and prostitution.

Normie entertainment

Why the fuck did pence go see this shit???

Bitch, please this is the best music.

Did you kill her?

what does virtue signalling have anything to do with the post

>One minute in
>Strange boring nonsensical monologue
>Strongly hip hip influenced elevator music
>But hip hop is gay
>But I'm not a virgin!

When niggers create art that is a step above their typical hip-hop degeneracy, it's lauded as a masterpiece. That's Hamilton. In reality, it's garbage that doesn't even approach something can actually be considered good theater.

mods do your job

>move from British territory to British territory
>duh yeuhh he a ibbigrant


It's a bunch of spics culturally appropriating American founding fathers. It's all fucking rap, diverse, racist rap.

You are like little baby

Scuse me

Faggot historical revisionism.

Quit being a dipshit faggot, I'm not baiting you, my post is a valid if not tame response to your boring faggot music. Quit hiding behind tired bait memes, people.

I've never seen it but the gist from what I understand is:
>Jefferson was a racist! That means we need the federal reserve!


You're right.

Your music is the best. youtu.be/QHYwprmWMfY

Saw it

My main issue was with Lafayette's character and his politics which I think was inaccurate

King George III was hilarious

>Redpill me on the Hamilton play

Black people hate rich dead white males
Black people do a musical about rich dead
white males
Black people love the musical about rich dead white males

gore to newfag.

Fuck this gay fucking song, i had to sing this in choir my senior year at my school after our based ass choir teacher of 30+ years retired. We got some dumb fat bitch stopped us singing old christian pieces and had us do gay shit like this. When I said how it didn't make sense because they just changed all their races just for the fuck of it and some malnutritioned literally beta orbiter faggot literally said "THAT'TH THA POINT." We had to sing this garbage in front our parents and community, their faces were scornful in the crowd. This song is an excuse to hammer one more facet of marxism and submissiveness into our schools. Glad I graduated from there, that whole choir program went to hell in a hand basket. The sanctity of the purest form of music is being replaced and it makes me absolutely fucking livid.

>inb4 muh choirfag

Choral music the epitome of music and singing.

gore to newfags.

Hip hop is the only good, non-beta music. I'm not happy about it, I'm sure it's come about by Jew hands, but it is what it is. I do look forward to the day something else comes up, I see people mention EDM but we'll see, I have my doubts. Certainly the faggot elevator music you posted is not even on the list.

you must like this niggerfied historical musical or you're racist, goy

yes yes only $1000 / ticket, very exclusive

What's your obsession with others opinions. That just screams insecurity. Something to be expected of an unironic hip hop fan. Go ahead listen to Hip HOPpity ooga booga tough guy.

>muh friends luved it
Time to get new friends retard.

Its a fag play about the worst of the founding fathers performed by niggers.

>listens to hiphop even though he doesnt like it just to be socially accepted

You arent even beta, you're omega.

Wagner is music for men

First of all, this has nothing to do with other's opinions. I, as a man with a normal amount of testosterone, far more enjoy hip hop than Ed Sheeran's beta whining and your elevator music.

On the other hand, other people's opinions do matter unless you're a literal basement dweller, which judging by your responses...

>hip hop
>not beta


berniebot tier cuckoldry

Wew holy shit I can't type. My bad, but I was pretty triggered admittedly.

Not an argument. Literally the most alpha genre of music. Whether you like it is up to you, but whether it's alpha is undebatable.


Hip hop isn't regarded cool if you're over 16 here. However in 40% white country, I get it. You feel the need to belong with fellow mulattos.

>being a subhuman


How come it is always the Mexicans who have the gore?

just kill yourself

>Hip hop isn't regarded as cool here

Still going on about what's cool, you're more obsessed with this than me. I've already clarified my testosterone predisposes me to hip hop far more than social acceptance. Try following along with your finger this time, Jamaal.

The best redpill to come from this dumpsterfire was the song "You'll Be Back." White guy only song, and it is about how we will regret relinquishing power to the people, instead of having a Monarch. King George was based.

>When you can't form an argument and your missing father's genes kick in with genius African rhetoric

You too? My first highschool choir was absolutely based...we sang old madrigals, Balulalow, Dereinst, O Holy Night, etc. We won national awards too.

Second high school was this racist gay little Latino teacher who would only cast people of color in singing roles, and was pretty open about it. The songs were almost all gospel, but not even good gospel. Dancing was just as important as the singing to that teacher. It looked and sounded absolutely awful. Needless to say, the only place we performed at was our own school.

> Likes hip hop because it's alpha
> Doesn't care what others think about it
> Muh testosterone

Seriously, can't make this cuck up.

Rap music is garbage for niggers. If you want to see a good American historical inspired play watch Nixon in China instead.

Hip Hop is absolutely beta. Rap is another story. Most OG rap is considered alpha because it exemplifies self improvement and being a KANG. Hip Hop today is shit.

>I'll try supercility, that's a nice trick!


I also agree with

That choral music is the epitome of music and singing.

i see favelas post it too
south americans are just crazy man
they lived with jews and coke for centuries

So many people don't seem to know the difference between alpha and beta.

Aggressiveness, narcisissm, wealth, bitches = aplha.

Timidity, whining, oneitis = beta.

Hip hop is alpha whether it's moral or not. Alpha/beta isn't a moral dichotomy. You can be a moral or immoral alpha.



In process of reading rules for radicals

they were rude to Pence so put them on the firing squad

>hey everyone come like the guy who wanted to institute international banks and run the country on debt. See its not so bad if we rap about it