Sandy Hook was a false flag psyop and the only people who died were Adam Lanza and his mother

Fuck all you motherfuckin' bitches who think this was real just because you saw it on TV.

Two fags caught on tape running out of the school into the woods in camo, one of them captured by police and caught on camera, with no mention of the story in news coverage.

How would that logically happen? When something that suspicious happens at the scene of a massacre, you would think someone would have at least commented that someone was apprehended by police and later released, instead of just acting like it didn't happen.

Multiple memorial sites went live up to three days before the shooting happened and there were any victims. How could they have known that was going to happen? One of them was a memorial for a specific student, for god's sake.

The Sandy Hook Elementary school website was offline for years, and only went back up for the school year in which the shooting occurred.

It's highly unlikely that a school in a wealthy and prominent neighborhood like Newtown wouldn't have websites for their local schools in 2012.

International mass casualty event protocols weren't followed for this shooting spree. Why were all of the victims declared dead on the scene without being provided emergency treatment? They just bagged everybody up and casually drove them to the morgue.

You'd think there would have been at least one child who wasn't killed instantly, who needed to be airvac'd to the hospital. Did he literally blow off all their heads or something?

His father was also involved in the libor scandal, it's possible that his son was an illuminati sacrifice required of him in order for him to stay in his good graces.

Anyone who knows more start posting, now. Go ahead and post about Aurora, too. Project Blue Beam, anyone with conspiracy knowledge start fuckin' posting about it, now.

Other urls found in this thread:

I remember looking at the Newtown Bee that day and they interviewed the principal, Dawn something. Anyway it was after she supposedly died. Weird stuff.

The fricking kids sang at the superb owl halftime show 2 months later. I think it's safe to say it was a faked shooting.

back to /x/ faggot

Yes, I remember hearing about that as well. Another peculiarity with the case is that there was literally only one person who was shot and survived.

Who was this kid, the terminator? In real life, shooting people isn't as instantaneously fatal as the media would have you think.

Cho Seung Hui was literally executing his wounded victims with head shots, and yet Lanza supposedly tallied up almost as many kills as him with mainly center mass shots, according to the coroner's press conference.

The simple level of vitriol you're met with for suggesting it was fake is evidence of its reality, to me, as well.

Just like pizzagate, it's just a forbidden topic unless you're using it to make fun of Alex Jones.

It would be normal to find one or two anomalies and media misreportings in a big story like this, but when you start finding 5-10 inconsistencies with just a casual glance of the facts, that warrants some looking into.



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Alright, at this point these little bitches owe me their deaths for having to hear about them for the past five years. Fuck these faggots.

Their parents too.


Wow, she really packed on the pounds quickly in those two months, didn't she?

Fucking porky pig. Maybe she should have been shot so some of that fat could have been drained out of her.

BRB with the Wheeler's address

it bumped up firearms sales much more than any advertisement campaign and polarized a lot of people in gun control/right debate.

If this was a false flag by the dem government, they fucked up badly.


They used the younger pictures of these 11 year olds to be "the victims"

What are you fucking retarded?

What's so hard to believe about a nut shooting some kids?

keep trusting the jewish media and nigger government, moron.

Just told you in detail, numb nuts.

>implying "Adam Lanza" even existed

It was a FEMA "Capstone" event, and we're about due for another

6" tall 112 lb skeleton lugging around one fifth of his body weight? That doesn't sound odd to you?

not really, I'm also a skellington of the same height and I've gone on backpacking trips with more than 1/5th my bodyweight.

^Nigger abo

I think its odd that you all talk about this. Never happened in my timeline.

Usually there be a "My best friend's wife's cousin's son got killed during Sandy Hook shooting" shilling going on by now.

>I too am a skeleton
How much do you weigh?

Guess I can contribute a few

why would they do this?

Nowadays I'm around 140, but when I was 130 I could easily carry 30 pounds for 10 miles a day (with practically zero exercise leading up to that).

I some guys in the infantry and a lot of them weigh around 160 to 180 but carry upwards of 80 pounds.

It isn't at all hard for me to believe that lanza could carry a fifth of his body weight for however far he had to walk... what a couple hundred yards?

You've got the brainless autistic part down, too

Are these the before and afters?

Picture yourself at 130 lbs. Now imagine you lost 10 lbs. Now imagine you lost another 8. That's how thin and emaciated he was. And you think that in that condition he could carry all those weapons and ammunition?


We KNOW This guy is an actor. So the entire thing is FF.

I think casually backpacking at your own pace is different from storming a locked school and killing two dozen people with an assault rifle in ten minutes.

He was practically operating with military proficiency, yet every picture we've ever seen of him shows a little kid who looks like he could barely even pull that off in Counter Strike.

I thought I said in the first post that niggers like you need to get the fuck up out of here, bitch.


Don't forget about the weird statue found in the woods nearby.

>tfw OP is lit af

someone post the GIF of the """""SWAT""""" guy carrying the AR15 lmao

>hey not cool man i work with/know a guy/brothers son died in the shooting

I think there was a big highway sign that said "all extras must check in at reception"

Also the police parked a mile away from the school when they got the call

those are some parentheses if ive ever seen em
good goys at least

or maybe theyre just kids who knows my dude

Westboro Baptist Church was a psyop to make people hate Western religion


One of the kids is named Hubbard too, if that matters..

When researching these things I always heard they were fake and believed it, but I never connected the dots. This actually makes a lot of sense.

I live 30 minutes from Newtown and know somebody who lost a child. Please be considerate to those who lost their children

so the """""SWAT""""" guy is related to the kid

Don't ask questions because people died?

Just like the 9/11 false flag.

I also grew up about 15 minutes away from the school. All I know is they did use the Chalk Hill school in Monroe for the displaced Sandy Hook students after the shooting.



Let me guess, it was a closed casket funeral too? And they never got to actually see the body, and were only ever shown photographs of the 'corpse' to confirm their identity, right?

Ohh wait, wrong! You're completely making that up like a loser! EVERYBODY LAUGH AT THE GLOBALIST, HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA!

>avatarfagging Kakihara

I wish you'd been in the school too

I remember hearing something about adam lanzas father hiding in the wooded area around the school.

kys, this is fucking low.

Can you explain further? Got any dumps on sandy hook?
Here are a lot of videos disputing all of your your profanity-laced tirades. Take them or leave them. I don't give a fuck.

is this faggot for real? yes Sandy Hook was real. Its who did it that matters. Follow the purple van you dumb cunt!

Fuck it here's some images that make your almonds activate. Not sure if I believe this stuff or not but I'm gonna at least question it.


follow this faggot!

>school had no website, proof it was fake

>ignores that a fake full size elementary school is situated in the middle of a affluent rural area

I love how broken brains cherry pick facts.

Tell me again how a full size fake school is hidden from thousands of rich and rural folks living around it. (literally everyone would be talking about it before the massacre)

The accuracy of his shooting.

I mean the Jews need a reason for blood sacrificing or cover up.

post by this id


Nuns? What fucking nuns? A nuns outfit looks like a radical islamists outfit. The nuns, the guys in camo, all of this is disinfo. The truth slipped out the day it happened. Adam lanzas father was found hiding in the woods behind the school. Not guys in camo. His father is in the illuminati and this was some kind of sacrafice. I mean how else could adam lanza have driven all that way? How did he know how to use a gun? Wasnt he like mentally retarded or something?

What i make of all this is. It is a false flag. Adam lanza did die there and he did shoot all those people. But it wasnt meant to be just another school shooting. To me it sounds like these nuns were meant to be percieved as radical islamists.

Is adam lanza jewish? This could explain alot. They were trying to hype people up for war with muslims and the expansion of greater israel.

Someone said, how could an entire community not know about a fake school in their neighborhood. Well. Its easy when the whole community is in on it. This newtown place must be a giant cult. They all had their children bully adam lanza so they could pull this shit off. While his parents fed him psycho drugs. Why would he kill his mother when the news reports say she was irate that the school let her child get bullied. It was obvious she loved him. Or fucking did she!?

The army guy is bald. Cleary debunked.




Why did his mother teach at the same school that subjected her child to such abuse?


Take you conspiracy fag horseshit over to /x/. The schizos over there will think you're a god with this drivel.

It's basically evil jew wizardry. One of the Karmic laws is responsibility:
"Whenever there is something wrong in my life, there is something wrong in me."

Basically it is a way for them to avoid karmic responsibility for this crazy shit because they know it will cause bad karma unless they present it to us and we accept it then we are complying with their actions because we did nothing to resist.

It's the same reason mason and occult symbols are on U.S. currency and why 9/11 was spoiled on the Simpsons and in the 1st Matrix movie.

Oh look another gov-dick sucking nigger

It's a small town, it isn't hard to believe that the people living there were involved in a government plot.

Is it an egregious breach of public trust? Yes. Is it outside the realm of possibility? Definitely not.

Especially when you're dealing with a bunch of leftists who would do whatever it takes to get the populace disarmed.

So fuck off with your little bitch ass dismissals you homo. Disprove some of the information dropped in the thread if you're going to claim this is all just a conspiracy theory.

Otherwise everybody on the entire site is going to be laughing at you for years to come.

I want you conspiracy fags to tell me something right fucking now:

How do you explain the wealthiest government on earth reusing the same 3 crisis actors over and over when there's a bunch of "evidence" linking them to attacks?

No really, you're trying to tell me that they faked the deaths of over a dozen kids and then decided to hire the same kids to sing on one of the most televised events in the whole wide world? Explain please

never saw any compelling evidence otherwise, this is the biggest false flag I've ever seen. Also, if this was proven real I would never believe a false flag again.

Also the way anti-gun laws were pushed right afterward was the biggest red flag.

Never underestimate the power of denial. They don't.

>Two fags caught on tape running out of the school into the woods in camo, one of them captured by police and caught on camera, with no mention of the story in news coverage.
i remember this



The fact that you still think it was real is proof enough.

Enough people won't remember the specific people's faces that anyone who did could be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist.

Like you just did you little gay ass weeaboo bitch. No more fuckin' anime for you, faggot, you're not even Japanese. Trust me, motherfucker, I can tell.

Oh look, another butt blasted conspiracy fag.

over the years I've seen a lot of discussion on this

what I've never seen is proof that the shit happened

with something like this, I think if I were personally related to it in any way, I would step forward and say "no, look, here is some concrete evidence that it happened".. nope, nobody has anything

Also it is incredibly taboo to question such inconsistencies and makes you look like some kinda monster who does not care about dead kids. Questioning it will make you a pariah so most people just don't question the official narrative. They don't cover up their psy-ops because they don't have to

>over the years I've seen a lot of discussion on this
>what I've never seen is proof that the shit happened
>with something like this, I think if I were personally related to it in any way, I would step forward and say "no, look, here is some concrete evidence that it happened".. nope, nobody has anything
exactly.... this is so fake govt conspiracy shit tier crap for anti guns. so exposed.

>a fake president with his
>fake female wife and
>fake family with a
>fake birth certificate and
>fake father goes on
>fake news to cry
>fake tears about a
>fake shooting in front of
>fake victims

if this doesn't jog the noggin over sandy hook you need to start thinking

>Fuck all you motherfuckin' bitches who think this was real just because you saw it on TV.
yeah! smart people trust the internet where everything is totally on the level

>literal pictures of the ((("victims"))) still alive
>no security cam footage
kek'd, you will die, shareblue jew.

Weak ass copypasta user

>conspiracy fag

go back to plebbit newfag

No you can fuck off with that, those are literally photoshopped headlines, there is literally 0 video evidence showing that bullshit, and you're a retard for believing they would royally screw up so hard "lol lets not only use the same person lets use THE SAME PICTURE!" there is literally no reason to fuck up that hard, an actual tinfoil hat loony wouldn't even fuck up that hard.

No fuck off again dumbass, they can totally remember and especially if there's video evidence supporting it. your evidence is fake and your premise is retarded

kek its all fake

fake news, fake food, fake institutions, fake politicians, fake people, fake friendships, fake everything

at least we have some
where is the footage from all those sec cams?
kill yourself, shareblue-kike

youre retarded faggot go back to plebbit

you just answered the question you dumb faggot. even if they use the same actors it doesnt matter, the average retarded sheeple (you) still wont accept the proof in front of you, making up retarded rationalizations like you do