You realize he's a nazbol Dugin shill, not a "nazi" or even a White nationalist, right?

You realize he's a nazbol Dugin shill, not a "nazi" or even a White nationalist, right?

Other urls found in this thread:–1877)'_Vendramin_Calergi

The fact that Spencer divorced this perfectly THICC woman is all the evidence I need that he's gay.


he's a globalist and a zionist.

the eurasian master race comes from combining the best of the west with the best of the easia
slavs are barely even human

They didn't divorce, that was fake news. He retweets her and appears on her twitter all the time.

hands dont lie, her manly middle fingure really stands out

She's Georgian or something. So is Dugin. So was Stalin. Not sure what to think about Georgians at this point.


THICC = Fat and disgusting.
Go on a diet so you don't have to bottom feed, faggot.

I don't think I would call Duginism "globalist". Its pan slavic and third worldist, but communistic, against the current neoliberal world order. Maybe if you think of it as a Russia-centered globalism, maybe, but its got too many old bolshevik elements to really be what we call globalist.

I'm a normal weight, and I'll feed on whatever woman's bottom I please, friend.

T H I C C. Dayum I wouldn't leave that ass

>implying you have the physical fitness required to get off your own ass

She looks part Jew.

im more thinking Israel based Globalism

He's not even White. Neither is she
Richard - 99% Euro, 4% Southmoor
Nina - half Georgian subhuman, straight shit loads of nigger blood

>Said the burger

We're plenty fit. We have to be able to run from polar bears.


oh, you again

>Kalergi was a jewish writer

False. Kalergi's mother is Japanese while his father doesn't have any traceable jew in his blood.

Why are you posting false propaganda?

>oh, you again
mfw the paid shills remember you
Did you read the meme?

Internationalism, not globalism.

>mfw the paid shills

nah, you're the shill here lol

Internationalism is another word for Globalism. Just like the word Federalism.

>pic related

Typical tricks, Rabbi.

That quote is actually correct, and he had enough of Jew and "Greek" blood

I'd actually like him more if that were true, it'd mean he has a fucking weird-ass crypto-ideology of which white identitarianism is one part.

As it stands he comes off as very plastic sometimes.

did you read the meme or no m8?

Are we seriously going to go through the same discussion from the last thread?

He has neither Greek nor Jew nor "Turkic" as you claimed. Stop spreading lies

Disgusting fat tranny

He's a twat who cries when he gets swatted. Nothing more than an entitled little Southern faggot.

Rockefeller's aren't Jewish...

Thanks for handling my lightweight, lad.

lol, wow. Blow me. Sherman would shoot himself in the mouth if he saw what you kikes were doing to the country.

They're cryptokikes.
They're Jews.

Kalergi is literally a Greeknigger surname, dumb ass mongoloid

Never thought I'd see the day Richard "I suck Jewish cock" Spencer would get triggered in a Sup Forums thread.

You're seriously fucking dumb and should stop lying

Here's where the Kalergi name comes before the merger of the houses–1877)


>everyone who doesn't fit my narrative is a "cryptpkike"

This is embarrassing.


How was Stalin idpol?

>He's ingsoc

That's! NO GUD

It's a Greeknigger surname, mongoloid

nigger the source is in the pic

stay mad

No it's not, his lineage traces to Poland and Russia. Also, that name is seen in rest of Europe during those years'_Vendramin_Calergi

One drop rule. That shit comes from Greekniggers

You cucks don't have the muscle tone to even squat the bar

Even if it did, it doesn't matter - no jew in him. The picture claims that he's full jew. Therefor, the picture is false propaganda

The picture is somewhat false, but he is part jew. One drop rule

Yeah, I think the divorce thing was just to keep the media away from her and their kid.

>Sup Forums posts are sources now

To be fair she's right about the statue. If they want to keep it up I don't give a shit. Richard Spencer is a fucking idiot btw.

He's not nazbol. Listen to his talks he's literally Hitler. Fuck off /leftypol/

Shouldn't they be having more children to, you know, save the white race?

>haha the actual book and page number aren't sources because it's on Sup Forums

How much do they pay you to lose to me?

Hitler was pro capitalism. Richard is pro socialism.

>trade routes trought all eurasia on land.
>no fucking USA puting its nose into politics.

wait. this is kike thread isnt it?

Hitler was anti capitalism too.

>One drop rule
There isn't a single jew in his entire lineage. Stop lying

Real Ukrainians hate kykes.

>some random book you can't even link is 100% true always

Do you also read David icke?

You already killed your credibility by trying to disprove the fact here


>Real Ukrainians.

real ukrainians speak russian

so how much?

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb subhuman, I told you that there isn't any Greek in him and then showed you that this surname is seen in rest of Europe. Then suddenly he magically became a jew and I killed my credibility

You're really fucking retarded

duginism is just schizophrenic collectivism

Hitler was a natsoc go away leftypol

do they pay you in shekels or preteen girls, Rabbi?

>That voice

She has nice tits though I'll give her that.

>wants me to buy his fanfiction book to prove his bullshit.

How about no, post the book.

Yeah and DPRK is democratic because they say so.

that's true.
my dad's 100% ukrainian and he is very antisemitic.

She has a repulsive face

you can read it for free right now, you shekel grubbing hooked nose kike

Kalergis are always Greek, dumb mongoloid nigger. That particular place in Italy has relation to Byzantium times Greeknigger house. Maria Nesselrode was part jewish. One drop rule

Been away for awhile what the fuck is nazbol

I'm OK with allying the nazbols as long as it's in order to defeat the ZOG.

>Maria Nesselrode was part jewish
no she wasn't

DPRK is natsoc too

strong woman
carry mule on her back
toil the fields
big hips
produce many strong children

Yes she was dumb nigger


Richard Spencer's parents are rich and he still married a Bulgarian Gypsy woman.

>Here is a pic of him with Laura Bush.
Wow, truly /ourgoy/

>no mention of Rockefeller

Woah... Good book.

>Bulgarian gypsy.
Georgian subhuman*
96% Euro, has nigger blood

>i read a book in 2 minutes

thats volume 46 you dumb nigger. FORTY SIX. you have the source now. its a real book. go educate yourself. ive already spoonfed you enough.

>what is Ctrl+f for a name I was told was in the book

So post the book.

>Kalergi wasn't jewish
You've heard the term "shabbos goy" before, right? Have you even read his pan europe manifesto? He thinks Jews are the master race, the "natural aristocrats" that should rule the world. At that point who cares if we can prove he's jewish or not, he's sold his soul to them.

Said it a million times already, see pic

Exactly this. He's anywhere between 1/8-1/16 Jewish though

You and me bong

Do the Mike Cernocuck fancucks really believe this? Its more likely Cernocuck works for the CIA than this faggot, right?

>thinking Sup Forums likes Spencer

They are notorious losers, even by Sup Forums standards.

>thinking T_D makes you a shill
I don't know why have such trouble realizing that we hate them, they aren't fucking welcome, and never have been.

The data doesn't lie, there's numerous graphs showing use of T_D accompanies gaslighting efforts by faggots on Twitter. Plus divide and conquer bullshit is older than Shareblue, no matter how much Reddit visits.


>it's another non-whites attempt to assassinate Richard Spencer's character because they're legitimately afraid of white nationalism episode
Spencer is pro-white and therefore based. Are there any arguments against Spencer's White Identitarianism?
