Now that Le Pen is Le Pwned, we can return our focus to removing Le Blotus.
Now that Le Pen is Le Pwned, we can return our focus to removing Le Blotus
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why don't you first focus on killing yourself
Why, are you that afraid of us?
We're coming for you, honey.
>don't fat shame you assholes!
>hahaa xDDDD hey check it out, someone photoshoped a picture of Drumph and made him fat #hitfacs #987^9 genders #LBGT #BLM
You're an idiot. I don't give a shit about insulting fat people, niggers, spics, mudslimes, sjws, or anything.
But I still think Trump and his supporters are literal retards.
Well you definitely came to the right place, Sup Forums cemented it's reputation as the Trump Hate HQ of the Internet in the last cycle.
Seriously, Trump is obese. He NEEDS to lose weight.
>retard shaming