This thread is made to coach Sup Forumsacks on how to approach and speaks to women lets face it most Sup Forumsacks are socially awkward spergs and many are virgins. Give your best advice on how to talk to women in a variety of scenarios. Mods this is very politically related because without Sup Forumsacks seducing women and procreating right wing ideas will perish.
How to talk to women general /ttg/
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most people here should sort their life out before talking to women. unless you can lie through your teeth without being caught until you procreate. but, i feel like if you can lie that well then you would be a pretty good position of power already
go to /r9k/ where you belong
Given that all kinds of subhumans frequent Sup Forums, I doubt that encouraging anything other than sterilization for them is a good idea
An average male can get a woman and marry someone decent user he doesn't have to be a high status person to do so
Confirmed. Talking to women is only a problem for a few. I used to get laid a lot, which I regret. But still, finding a girl to settle down with and have kids requires money.
Money requires a career, requires motivation, requires indeed . com , requires resume, requires a nice suit, requires reliable transportation, requires ability to sell yourself, ect.
White babies and good family are the goal .
Don't go at it with the goal of getting laid. If you seriously want to procreate then your goal is a wife, not a one night stand. Seriously, when you talk to a woman don't even allow yourself to think about having sex with her. You need to be making a friend. And discovering what commonalities and differences you share. Get all that down long before you even attempt to make it a romantic relationship.
you're acting like many on here are average males. at the minimum you should have your own place, make 40k+/year and not be physically appalling. that's the minimum. also, have hobbies outside of Sup Forums and watching 2d hentai
31 year old virgin checking in. Unironically waiting to start dating until I've mastered other aspects of my life. Talking to women isn't something you have to overthink. If your goal is to get to know her better in order to court or have sex, my advice is this (borrowed from another based user); it really doesn't matter what you talk about as long as your able to build energy and project confidence.
>make 40k+/year and not be physically appalling
that's average but its not even that necessary also only Sup Forums fags watch hentai
>Be me
>See a hot blonde at the grocery store
>See she's buying milk
>Confirm she must be a white nationalist
>Breathe in; Go to talk to her
>Start talking about how the economic stratification of the allies against Germany being the reason WW2 was lost
I don't know pol isn't the best place to learn pick up tricks.
True, indeed. My parents have a good 45 years together and are still madly in love with one another. Their secret to making it work all these years was to not only be husband and wife, but to be really good friends to one another.
You're supposed to learn from the bants, not from the politics stuff. Women love bants
good luck with that faggot
1. Be yourself
Dont ever talk to women about Sup Forumsitics unless she asks you
Which part, comfortable interacting with women or putting off dating?
Fix your shit, get in shape, fix your style (fuck /fa/ though) get some actual interests and substance.
Then all you have to do is go socialise and put yourself in situations where you talk with women, and talk.
If you don't know what you're doing, don't talk politics
This desu.
No dude you suck. Be anyone else. Literally anyone
>decide to try tinder
>Get a decent amount of matches
>Honestly not sure what to do
Like it's bizarre, I have no idea what people actually do, and I'm not even sure I want to hook up with them.
>Call her a jew nigger then shout KEK
That's "bantz" on this shit forum. Women do love bants though. You got that part right.
This is a trap.
Women ignore me because I look like a little child at the age of 26. You can't talk your way into someone's bed if you don't have the assets.
>I look like a little child at the age of 26
Baby face wise or just really skinny?
Lift and grow a beard.
Be yourself means
Stop care about begin accepte to women, focus on make yourself better, then some women would start to talk you, just be natural and make things happen, if she start to talks of sex saw at eye and start to touch arms or hips.
Same here, I got matches just dont really know what to do now...
Too late, I went my own way. *^_^*
Half of the board are fags though
>have your own place,
not necessary
>make 40k+/year
not necessary
Have a job, a direction in life, some idea of who you are, who you want to be. Approach women openly and honestly. Make a move sooner rather than later.
You'll find someone, guaranteed. Maybe someone excited to build something up together with you.
Every woman has widely different tastes, but most men are pretty much the same.
My frame is scrawny and I am skinnyfat. My shoulders are narrow (below average; I checked) and my wrist are 6" in circumference. My face isn't terrible but I do have an upturned nose, which is a feminine trait and looks bad on men. My hairline is very bad also, as I have a cowlick. My voice is also high pitched.
Often the first thing people comment on when they meet me is how young I look or how small I am. Women simply ignore me entirely if they are not in a situation where they would be forced to talk to me (ie, a professional setting where they need something from me or vice versa). Female colleagues my age will not even greet me or acknowledge my presence in the office kitchen. The men are worse. I get into countless situations where other men see me as a soft target and try to bully me or intimidate me in order to make themselves feel tough or appear tough to others.
My life is a living hell, basically. I'd gladly marry a nice girl and have two or three kids but I don't have such a choice. Others have already determined that I am not fit to reproduce.
>Often the first thing people comment on when they meet me is how young I look or how small I am. Women simply ignore me entirely if they are not in a situation where they would be forced to talk to me (ie, a professional setting where they need something from me or vice versa). Female colleagues my age will not even greet me or acknowledge my presence in the office kitchen. The men are worse. I get into countless situations where other men see me as a soft target and try to bully me or intimidate me in order to make themselves feel tough or appear tough to others.
Again lift the guys at can help out
start lifting, you can do it from home with small weights and bodyweight exersizes
Holy shit, seriously? My wrists are like 9 inches in circumference at least and I'm not even that jacked
read this for tips
Trenbolone is your friend.
>not politics
Fuck off to /r9k/. Being unable to communicate with people just because they have a vagina is not a common problem here.
Why the fuck is this on Sup Forums?
How do I convince a woman to date me if I want both of us to go on welfare and be stay at home parents of 5+ kids to hasten the collapse of our fundamentally broken society?
You don't need to do this, but make it seem like you have friends and you're doing shit and keep it fun. Keep up the charade until you either become it or you fuck her and dump her.
I can talk to women fine I'm not an aspie like most of you cunts.
The problem is most women are fucking WHORES. Where are all the good ones? Or at least a-political ones that I can begin to mould into fashy ladies?
fuck a nigress
Don't be a dumbass, you're waiting because you're scared. The final day will never come. Fake like you're a fun guy until it becomes real or she believes it enough to fuck you. Women are just as fake, so don't be a heroic fool.
sorry brahs but as someone who had success with tinder back in the day, it's absolute ghost town now. Maybe one girl in twenty will reply nowadays.
hapa here ama
Its 99% gooks and fatties anyway. Same with OKC.
Why havent you shot yourself yet?
Why are you concerned with women being whores when you're a homosexual?
Go for 18 years old and don't go for asians.
i keep myself away from guns to specifically avoid that
So, what now?
Where do you think you are friend? This isnt /r9k/
Because the people who are going to write "just lift bro!" don't realize the part genetics plays in all this. There's a reason why male models don't have to look jacked to look good. Your frame is your most important trait, after your facial aesthetics. Even if you lift or take roids, nothing will make your bones grow bigger except maybe cancer.
Most men don't lift and they look just fine on a diet of mostly junk food. They don't look athletic but the key point is that they still look like men.
And hypothetically, say you're a skeleton babyface loser like me and you lift and take roids and get jacked. You wife up a shallow bitch (because they all are) and then you break your legs. You can't work out anymore and she leaves you and takes half your shit and the kids because you can't maintain the facade you built any longer. There's your first blackpill.
Well no shit Pablo I said WHERE not who
Thats depressing
I was just memeing user dont shoot yourself
For autistic anons, please remember it's very important to create the illusion that you can read facial expressions, the best way of doing this is to reciprocate with a mirror expression in exaggerated form quickly followed by the opposite expression, this helps to put emphasis on the initial expression & gives it the proper gravitas, these rules come intuitively to the non autistic but need to be consciously practised for those on the spectrum.
the trick is to realize that they are human beings and you should just talk to them normally without any pretense
You have it in your power to lift and over time make your body an immensely attractive trait user. YOU are the only one who can do something about it. if YOU sit and complain about how bad your shit is on a Mongolian fish sorting forum WITHOUT doing at least SOMETHING to improve your situation, then man to man, you absolutely deserve it. If I see an ugly short cunt who feels sorry for himself why would I respect him in return? If I see an ugly short cunt who has confidence in himself and works on his shit then I willl respect the hell out of that guy because it's even harder to do than when you're average/handsome
Maybe lift just to help your hormones get all sorted out, I think that's the big issue here
>Be semi successful and above average looking in a decent size city
> Get Tinder
> Go on coffee or happy hour dates. Be cordial and seem ambitious
> Have sex
? Repeat
Good choice. This whole fucking board is full of NEETs.
Please end your miserable mongoloid existance.
Had a date tonight. Got stood up bros :(
Haven't had sex in 1.5 years
>the trick is to realize that they are human beings and you should just talk to them normally without any pretense
This is possibly the worst advice in this thread, please see
Try living in Melbourne buddy
Slim pickings doesnt do it justice
90% of all women here are purple haired shitskins or lard asses, the remaining 10% qts are mudsharks
Honestly user the only ones I've found that aren't mindfuckrs/sluts are young (18 - 19)and usually went to more conservative private schools
I found a girl who was 18 and homeschooled and she has restored my previously lost faith in women. It's night and day between her and the girls I used to pick up from the bars
Ones that g out to clubs/bars are guaranteed hoes
no means yes, yes means anal
go out and meet women on the street with confidence and no nervousness. Just do it for fun and to meet new people. Even attempting it and not looking like a red pill sperg puts you above 95% of other men, you just have to sell yourself after that and convince her that you're worth her time
If she puts out within 2 dats drop that THOT
Most girls are apolitical and just go along with what everyone else is saying to fit in
For those who think im joking
Every page on OKC is like this
I literally hate women, especially the attractive opinionated ones. I throw a few condescending chauvinist jokes at them when they are in my group, they get "offended" then after a few drinks they end up wanting to fuck. Women truly are fucking retarded. To me they are nothing more than dumb animals, and when you treat them like the objects that they are they end up wanting your dick, retards.
Also, I forgot to add, never, & I mean NEVER break eye contact, this is really important.
>Give your best advice on how to talk to women in a variety of scenarios. Mods this is very politically related because without Sup Forumsacks seducing women and procreating right wing ideas will perish.
Treat them like women. You know, you have to baby them, and explain things to them. Let them know you are the man. Open doors. Pat them on the head. Chop firewood if you can (this is the manliest thing).
But eventually you have to red-pill them. Here's how: take them out for dinner, and tell them you have BIG NEWS. Then: Tell them that you're gay and that you're really struggling with it.
Refuse to have sex with them a couple of nights running, then have sex with them (thank me later). Then you can start red pilling them after that (they will just let you).
Trust me; my dad told me all about dis.
And only gooks and chinks want to fuck me
Bitches loves self-confidence and credibility.
That's what most fucking virgins which never get adult aren't able to offer.
After 25 your hormones plateau and your growth plates fuse. It's not like I have low test either since I still have a sex drive and I don't have small balls or microdick. I'm pretty sure I have a grandfather in the family that was small and sickly also.
This is what happens when you come from peasant family of subhumans.
i only think about killing myself when i have anxiety
being forever alone bums me a lot, but doesn't make me want to die
i get anxiety to often though
please elaborate
what is it about melbourne that does this to people
my previously 7/10 ex gf moved there and became a hairy SJW sea cow within like 7 months
goddamn that top result, 69% too, would smash that gash if you know what I'm sayin
Where did you meet her?
Just try it anyway and see how it goes
op is a faggot or a woman.
pro-tip for the awkward spergs and virgins of Sup Forums, as op puts it
Learn to say NO. This is what girls are incapable of and why you're even and 'awkward sperg virgin' to begin with. Fucking bitches is Alpha. Doing anything else is for children.. IN FEMALES OPINION. This Is what they actually believe. They cant do anything but receive a face full of cock. And an ass full. And a cunt full. Unless its your wife, or a girl that is paying attention to you in some other way that sexually, move along.
This is how you become a man. Not by running around like a chicken with your head cut off in a desperate race to get laid and get some pussy. You lose by getting pussy that way. You lost yourself. Girls don't lose themselves. They willingly fall to their knees to suck on a penis.
For them, this weakness is the gift from the heavens. The ability to enjoyable be weak. Don't give in to women. Stay on your path. Unless she's serving you, don't bother. Never cater to a female. Go about your day, working for your FatherGod.
You're an awkward sperg virgin not getting laid anyways. BECAUSE YOU DESPERATLEY WANT FEMALE ATTENTION. Say Not now to this. Move along for real. Work, work out, eat sleep, fuck girls, don't let them have this power over you.
wow Jess_Sassassaurus sounds like a stellar catch
Guys just need to understand not to put women on pedestals. The vast majority of them are vain, stupid, and amoral. As pathetic as any Sup Forumsack may think of themselves, they're probably better than 95% of women out there. If you want to get laid, it's pretty simple. Be something they identify with - vain, stupid, and amoral. Fucking hit up tinder.
If you want a lifelong mate, be critical of them. Judge their bad life choices. If they refuse to acknowledge them, walk away - because they'll continue making shit choices. A real woman worth staying with actually cares about how to live well and right (and is a keeper).
If you're feeling to self-conscious to talk to women in general, just go and accomplish anything. Know that that's more than 99% of women have ever done.
Having a high population of non-whites, socialist/commie state government, and being the "fashion capital" (hipster central)
The best advice I can give to all y'all is to watch and listen to Patrice O'Neal's relationship advice and his shortlived radio show, The Black Phillip Show (a play on Dr. Phil)
His perspective is otherworldly and helps immensely. Seriously. Please, I wish I could say I want to keep it a secret, but it would be a disservice to my fellow man.
She was walking her dog at the park I train at, so I walked up to her and struck up a conversation about dogs
I genuinely don't understand how people on this board can manage to fuck such simple things up as this
Seems like lgbt with all the fag talk.
this fampais
This guy knows his shit. Patrice & O&A are good sources
If you respect women, you are not getting any. You need to constantly put them in their place, and they must always be subservient to you. Otherwise they will never respect you or even enjoy being with you.