Jewdaism Red pill

I need someone to red pill me about Jews, past the memes

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Thanks user

First you need to be redpilled on race.

That's pretty simple. Different races have different cognitive abilities and temperaments.

Now understand that the Jews are not white. By this I mean they are not descended from the same people as European white people. The Jews are a distinct subset of the human race.

Now finally understand, the jews, being a distinct ethnic subgroup, have distinct characteristics. They have been described throughout history as "clever" and indeed they are quite intelligent.

The issue is that their moral character is not the same as the white mans. They are more conniving and liberal. They make their way through the world through manipulation and deceit.

That's about it, and remember that these are broad strokes to paint people in. Their are excellent individuals in the world of every race. I only allude to the general characteristics of the races.

Where do these Jews come from ethnically if not white? Arabs or something similar?

Yes they are Semitic Arabs.

Though I'm under the impression that a large part of them (ashkenazi) are mixed with european whites. Scarjo for example

>moral character of the white man
>[Jews] are more conniving. They make their way through the world through manipulation and deceit.

So riddle me this; When whites finally gained a clear technological advantage roughly 400 years ago - what do you call it when whites were colonizing the world, exploiting indigenous for their own economic benefit, using divide and conquer tactics across places like India, China and South America to gain a foothold?

Before Whites were able to project power out of Europe the papacy was doing this within Europe. The Romans were doing this. The French and British were doing this.

You know what I think? There isn't actually an inherent difference in moral character at all. Just the old Greek saying "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" is at the heart of it.

Why not take the redpill Uncle Hitler himself took?

>Though I'm under the impression that a large part of them (ashkenazi) are mixed with european whites

what gave it away? Was it their pale skin and light hair? thanks for your brilliant insight, detective.

first ever true post on Sup Forums

why don't you go read wikipedia you lazy fag

We call that "bringing light to the peasants". Do you deny that a lot of those colonised places have become more developed since white people went there? Besides, even if everything you said is right (which it isn't), are you suggesting that we should allow the Jews to do to us what you're saying we did to the less developed places?

Wikipedia is bias to the normal leftist media you piece of smegma

Read The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald.

They're the reason Germany lost the WWI.
The Reich collapse from within, not from extern forces.

Look it up, most protests there were created by jews, januarstreiks, aprilstreik. All jewish

The aryan is a warrior people. Conquering, enslaving and genocide is okay if it's made by the fair use of force.

The jews control through deceit and debt. It's a dishonourable way to rule

>light hair

Pick one.

Jew detected

>When whites finally gained a clear technological advantage
Whites have had the general advantage over every other race since they Greeks 3000 years ago. We have been dominant ever since.

>what do you call it when whites were...

I call it the noble conquest of civilization over savages.

>There isn't actually an inherent difference in moral character

The Jew has never maintained a civilization or culture. They leech off of host nations until they are inevitably kicked out.

>"bringing light to the peasants"
you mean when 90% of the native population of the americas were killed through disease and genocide brought by and carried out by Whites?
>more developed
I'm sure all of the dead natives feel lucky to have been killed in a place that later enjoyed advanced infrastructure.
>are you suggesting that we should allow jews to do to us what you're saying we did to the less developed places?
there is no jewish plot to conquer europe or the americas or australia so this question is irrelevant.

That's one way to spin it. Although you'd have to be totally deluded to actually believe it. The Europeans didn't come to these places for altruistic reasons. They needed economic exploits to gain advantages over their other European rivals. The technological benefits were an unintended side effect. The assistance they did give was generally a cynical strategy to wage a proxy fight against another Great Power.

I'm not suggesting anything about the Jews. It's not related, we're discussing this concept of inherent moral character. If you wanted to know my opinion of it, I do believe the Jews push damaging ideologies/ideas on Western societies both accidentally and intentionally. It's not really related to this though

Also britains involvement in ww2 was goaded on by the jews in britain.

No, the technological superiority only started around 1600 AD+. Before this, Persia and China generally surpassed anything in Europe, even the Caliphates were technologically and scientifically ahead of Europe.

The Greeks were a backwater compared to what existed in the Near East. Pretty much everything you picture when you imagine Ancient Greece comes from the Classical Period which was after they came in contact with people like the Phoenicians, Babylonians and Persians. A lot of Greek maths and philosophy derives from the works in the Near East from works that are now lost, we know this because the Greeks actually said this. Hippocrates even said "I stand on the shoulders of giants" referring to the works from the Near East the influenced him. A lot of the Greek work survived time, but the stuff from the Near East was either lost or hasn't been dug up yet (very little archaelogical works done)

>dead natives
Who cares? Literally not my problem that they died of a disease they couldn't handle. Shit happens, if it wasn't those specific diseases that wiped them out, it would've been something else when someone else discovered their lands.
>there is no jewish plot to conquer europe or the americas or australia so this question is irrelevant.
Then they won't mind if we kick them the fuck out of our countries, right?

Sure, they wanted the land that was mostly being unused, some wanted to spread Christianity, some wanted the natural resources, some wanted a fresh start, there were all kinds of reasons.
What's your point? China is colonising Africa right now but I don't see them being compared to Jews.

The red pill: Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than whites. To us, whites are like feral negros chimping out about ancestry

It's funny and sad

My point goes back to my original comment;

>You know what I think? There isn't actually an inherent difference in moral character at all. Just the old Greek saying "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" is at the heart of it.

What's funny and sad is that with all that IQ, you still can't have any measure of success independently. You're a tribe of leeches.

We still won.

>he fell for the anti-semitism meme
You do realize that we're shitposting for the most part? No one here unironically collectively hates any group of people on the whole, that would be retarded. Stop taking memes seriously.

The war has just started.

the war has been over for almost 100 years

Stay complacent, Jew.

I'm shekelin in my boots, boss aus

You're delusional. You'd be singing a different tune if you were happily living in a mud hut somewhere and a bunch of white people came in and raped your village. Oh but it all makes up for it because they brought the steam engine with them, right?

Instead of talking about deficiencies in other races, of which I don't doubt, be honest with the deficiencies of the moral quality of your own race.

>general advantage over every other race since the greeks 3000 years ago
Except for, at various times, the Mongols, the Ottoman Empire, China, Japan, Persia, India.
>noble conquest
maybe it would be noble conquest if the whites were conquered
>leech off of host nations
Oh, by "leech off" do you mean "do a ridiculously disproportionate amount of the legwork in the sciences"? Or maybe you mean invent the weapon that brought about American hegemony for the last 70 years? Or are you talking about their disproportionate contributions to the fine arts?

Our """deficiency""" is that we look at niggers as subhumans.

>Who cares?
me and most other people.
>Shit happens
One example of such shit would be smallpox blankets. Yes, there was an epidemic, but the spread was deliberately maximized by whites.
>if it wasn't those specific diseases, it would've been something else
Pure speculation. You have no way to back that up.
>then they won't mind if we kick them out of our countries, right?
A) If they are citizens, then those countries are theirs too
B) yes, the would mind being kicked out of their homes.
C) Maybe you should go back to the country your ancestors came to australia from.

Jewish people hate Gentiles. Seriously, read the Talmud. It talks about how if a Gentile slaps a Jewish person it's the same as slapping God himself. Jewish men pray thanking God they weren't born a slave, Gentile, or a woman.

Thousands of years of being told they alone are "God's special people" have given them a weird complex, in which they prefer to stick to insulated communities and look out for the benefit of their own community sometimes at the expense of others.

When the Jewish people lost their homeland they were sent to countries all over the world. To survive as a people they had to prefer people of their own race at the expense of others (being racist against others) and they realized the importance of lobbying and political influence to allow their own well-being.

The pope also spoke out heavily against usury which allowed many Jewish entrepreneurial people to go into banking which caused resentment from Christian neighbors. This along with the racism they have against the country that is harboring them inevitably gets them expelled or persecuted, which created a big persecution complex among this group.

With the Holocaust (sorry poltards, it happened and yes it was a tragic event), they use that white guilt very cleverly to avoid any criticism against themselves, and any criticism is compared to Nazism and anti-Semitism.

Most people in my country are pretty chill, but the Jewish community I have found to be the most racist. They would rather help a Jewish person they have never met rather than a Gentile acquaintance they're friendly with.

holy fuck my sides got destroyed by that pic





This is a heeb meme like bbc. The tenuous "proof" is nobel prizes and for every muh Einstein or Oppenheimer there's a Planck, a Fermi, a Bohr (jews will claim him as "half Jewish on his mother's side" but they only make this exception when it suits - you wouldn't get this allowance if trying to join the family or the business) and a Hawkings.

Why are Jewish people so racist against non-Jewish people? A Jewish boss will always promote a Jewish person over a Gentile. I don't get why that happens and why they don't get called out for it.

>seriously, read the talmud
most jews don't even read the talmud. Only orthodox, and even they realize that it's just the opinions of some rabbis from many centuries ago.

No, the proof is IQ tests.

They sound very Sup Forums-tier and nationalistic, placing themselves first ahead of any other group, when you put it like this.

We invented racism you retarded leaf in order to control your voting habits

Some jews are being jewed by the real jew, the eternal jew.

>The Holohoax happened
But it didn't and you know it didn't.

Jews aren't strong, mighty, smart, or righteous though. The white man is a warrior/honor culture, just like the Nipper's have their samurai/honor culture. Whites honorably and righteously conquered the world, and we were nice enough to give it back.

The Jew is the exact opposite: a parasitic, hiding, deceiving, lying, cheating, betraying, backstabbing, plotting, scheming, nepotistic, cronyistic, corrupt, conniving, chicanerous, sophistic, casuistic, slick, slimy, sleazy, greasy fuck

>The Jew fears the samurai

The real red pill is how racist Jewish people actually are. They literally think they're the best race in the world. The Talmud continually talk about Jewish supremacy.

Haha. no. The world is full of supposedly high IQ underachievers. The test means nothing in practicality. Not surprising it's clung to by Jews - anything to make the parasites seem useful.

You have a strange sense of honor if you think killing and raping is righteous.

I wouldn't expect much from a degenerate white man like yourself, though.

ya think ya hot shit doncha? ok then einstein put that Insolence Quotient to good use and go figure out a way to all gas yourselves and save us the logistical nightmare. we'll give you an Ignoble Piss Prize

IQ has a precise meaning: mental age divided by physical age multiplied by 100. Scores are normalized around 100.

Saying "IQ is meaningless" shows that you're a brainlet. It is highly correlated with success

There's a fucking redpill right here

>for every einstein or oppenheimer, there's a planck, a fermi, a bohr
PERCENTAGES, my lad. PERCENTAGES. The jewish population is only 14 million. White population is a billion. Go to any major research university in the US. Go to the science departments. The Jews and Asians are almost always represented at a rate far beyond their percentage of the entire population.

>killing and raping

something is needed and it starts with a c and ends in itation

>The white man is a warrior/honor culture

Literally every culture has this, you fucking idiot.

Japanese Samurai are overrated and misrepresented thanks to pop culture. The only thing that should interest you about Japanese culture is seppuku

GOYS GOYS GOYS WE HAVE TO SLOWLY REDPILL NEWFAGS! and it is happening hehehheheheheheeeheeehee..


Is that why Israel beat the living hell out of arab troops that were 5x larger, Mohammad?

What does that say about mudslimes?

Read about the Congo Free State.

Every culture does not have this.

Because they have more military training and weapons? Thanks to the United States? Plus you think those are really jews fighting? And not Arabs convinced they are jews? STUPID FUCKING IDIOT

>you mean when 90% of the native population of the americas were killed through disease and genocide brought by and carried out by Whites?

90% of the pre-Colombian Native population was wiped out by epidemics prior to Europeans arriving. Diseases originating in pre-Columbian Mexican settlements ripped through the huge, mound building culture of the Mississippi river system.

>NEET shitposting on Sup Forums

yes they do. Warrior/honor culture is a male abstraction. You see this come out with Zulus, Maoris, Pashtuns, Arabs, Turks, Native Americans, Aztecs. Fucking everything. Lmao did you spend even a single second thinking about this before you posted that?

We have at least 10 of these threads every day and the internet is full of this info, what's the point in asking?

Nice simplification. The Israelis fought a war where there were multitudes more soldiers but at no point did they fight an army much numerically superior than their own. The Arab armies weren't united they were all under individual leaderships not working together. The Israelis had some brilliant Generals that realised they could quickly bounce between each confrontation and maintain their edge in numbers and firepower. This was a war decided by one side having good leadership and the other side not.

Vast majority of native american population was wiped out by disease brought by europeans. that is a fact.

Here, watch a jew explain jewry to you goy

The rabbicinal order underlies Jewish culture.
To say that the Talmud has a neglible influence on the Jewish people because only the most devout Jews read it is simply wrong.

>weasel words.

Not arguing the definition, you maggot. I'm saying that simply having "high IQ" doesn't matter in practicality. By your "standard" Hong Kong should be the preeminent achiever on the word stage.

We actually don't need "smart" people to post on Sup Forums or flip burgers or be NEET but it abounds. But the kind of narrow causality you posit is what I'd expect from a slippery kike.

Jew worms deal in false dichotomy as a salve for their own neuroses and as a tool of manipulation.

Yes it did goy, 200,000-300,000 gorillion 100% innocent chosen people died because of the evil NAZIs.
None of the Jews in Germany did anything wrong at all, ever!

>brilliant generals, good leadership
huh. sounds like the jews are actually smart and good.

Since noone is actually posting redpills.


The Jews are intelligent but suffer from high levels of neuroticism and mental illness (as well as other physically debilitating heritable illnesses).
Their minds can attune well to certain tasks but they have reduced physical strength on average and thus require an underclass or host society to support their disproportionately cerebral pursuits.





The Arabs once upon a time had brilliant Generals too. It was how the defeated the world's two foremost military superpowers in the span of a generation (Byzantium and Persia). In every society brilliant people are born, and once in awhile they gain positions of influence.

One thing Israel has going for it over it's neighbours is that they have a merit based hierarchy where brilliant people can rise to the top. The Arab governments are far more corrupted and their leaders assign roles based on proven loyalty over actual merit. They're so concerned over internal coups they will put their autistic nephew in a position of importance rather than the top of the academy who might have questionable allegiances and motives.


>Is that why Israel beat the living hell out of arab troops that were 5x larger

I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about, but I'm still 99% sure that USA was responsible. If it has anything to do with Israel, The USA ZOG MADE Israel. That little kikestain in the ME wouldn't exist without USAZOG

>What does that say about mudslimes?

idgaf they're a bunch of inbred goatfuckers. Worse/more degenerate than The Jew behavior-wise but much less clever than The Jew, making them far less dangerous compared to the virulence of The Jew. The Goatfucker are like retarded zerg troops, there's a shitton more of em but their actions are limited. The Jew is like a virus, gaining entry inside a white cell by using deceptive practices to get past a society's safety checkpoints, then subverting and clandestinely betraying and backstabbing the host society. This is undetectable up to a point, until peak degeneracy critical mass is hit, and the white man's patience, kindness and tolerance runs out and the obvious red flags and clues of the danger of The Jew become staggeringly salient, which at this point a total parasitic cleansing/purge is initiated

>So The Mooslamb world it itching dangerously close to the precipice of Crusades 2.0 by zerging our people on our land and The Joo is awaiting the imminent BTFO #110 after being clever enough to degenerate our culture, but not clever enough to not be blatant fucking kikes about it

>neither are smart and strong enough to beat the white man at the endgame of their campaigns










The biggest redpill on jews (how it all started):



Finally somebody had the balls to explain it perecrctly

You are dumb! They don't conquer, because they're already in control! All they want is to maintain that control through banking cartels and corporate groups, and they don't care if it's whites, or nigs, or chinks making up a majority of population in the West. The ethnostate is what they fight at all cost.


No, this is literally how it started (with hate, they are bane, the grew in the darkness):

>Local rulers and church officials closed many professions to the Jews, pushing them into marginal occupations considered socially inferior, such as tax and rent collecting and moneylending, tolerated them as a "necessary evil". Catholic doctrine of the time held that lending money for interest was a sin, and forbidden to Christians. Not being subject to this restriction, Jews dominated this business.