How do you think the USA 2018 senate elections will play out?

How do you think the USA 2018 senate elections will play out?

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i feel like crying

Dems are the real racists right guys?

yep they just like to hide it to gain support of the minority vote.

Probably republicans will lose some. But not a lot.

The guy you were replying to was being ironic.

hopefully dems win everything possible as a wake up call to trump's shit performance so far

Right. Like how shitty of him to make China agree to sanction NKorea.

I thought the klan was founded in the 50s/60s?

You think the power balance will shift in either direction or remain relatively the same?

>tfw when immigration has ruined my country and my board

No. It was much earlier. Do you think they were lynching niggers in the fiftys?

That's interesting. Things I don't see in that pic:
Broken store windows
Jumping on cars
Burning garbage cans
Bike locks
American flags being shit on
Bottles thrown at the police
Fat chicks

Nothing will really change because despite all the leftist protest and bullshit. They still don't vote.

It starter in 1865. So you were right. It did start in the sixties


No, he wasn't being Ironic.

Democrats fought for slavery.

You had to be in the KKK to be elected Democrat up until the 80's.

"Jim Crow" laws were made by Democrats.

Welfare enslaves blacks to this day. It is much more effective than chains.

Pic related

OK your point? The Klan and current racial groups like blm or antifa(though antifa is classist not racist) are completely separate. Its like apples and oranges.

Dem watchers are low because Hillary drained them in the election. None of the special elections so far have went the dems way, despite millions invested/celeb endorsements. If GOP can protect its 8, it would only need to pick up a few to reach Senate supermajority.

back when the democrats weren't a bunch of pussy SJWs

Considering how office Trump is just as retarded as campaign Trump, the republicans will lose bigly in 2018. However, he needs to continue fucking up, keep the streak going for the next year or until his impeachment, whichever is first

Massive Democrat victories, they will preserve Obama's legacy until She wins in 2020 and cements it.

I thought the repubs had 10 seats up for reelection?

Also I know the dems/independents have over twenty. So if the repubs can come out with a net gain of 8 the. They'll have the super majority. But that still leaves fakes like McCain or Graham holding seats.

Yeah, we need more racist bigoted Democrats that like enslaving minorities.

If you can provide one scrap of evidence for impeachment I'll take you seriously. But you can't. And you won't even try because you know no one on this board cares what that niggra Maxine waters thinks.

Sorry for this cuck. I think it really depends on trumps performence if he does good the you may be looking at a 60 seat majority in the sen, if he does a bad job he may lose a few.

>blm or antifa

Democrats are still violent racist KKKlansmen

So, troll or shill?

Many congressmen have already concluded that he will be impeached after his FBI investigation is complete. I'm sure the investigation will yield even more evidence than we already have, assuming Putin hasn't directed them to shred it all

Democrats will definitely win some house seats.

I think the Republicans may actually win some senate seats. If you look at the composition of senate seats for 2018, you see that about 2/3rds of the seats up for grabs are held by Democrats now, meaning that Democrats have a lot to defend, especially in states that lean red.

>So, troll or shill?
A trill?

No he was being ironic

Agreed. Just because there is an R next to the name isn't a guarantee of being loyal to Trump or the electorate. At the same time, not sure if loyalty to Trump/ voters is enough to pull votes away from an entrenched incumbent like Warren or Kaine. I'm optimistic, I just don't see how Dems have gained any steam at anything post election.

The point I was trying to make, and I admit I didn't articulate well, was simply that at this point in history the Klan is basically just a club. It has no significant political influence. Its a non issue in today's society. The real racially based groups that are stirring up shit are antifa or blm

How is "Democrats actually are the real racists." ironic?

They ARE the real racists.

Party money is very thin to cover 25 separate must win state elections, user. I can see dems picking up in the house, though.

>at this point in history the Klan is basically just a club.
The Klan is a boogeyman that the Democrats bring up every election cycle to scare minorities into voting for them.

Klan is to Blacks as Nazi is to Jews

Whoa there buddy.
>evidence we already have

Name one. Single. Shred. Of evidence. Not conjecture. Not hyperbole. Not heresy. Name anything concrete. Can you?

Everybody knows that the passing of the Civil Right Amendment in the 1960 sent the Klan and all the other racists across the aisle to the GOP.

George Wallace, Dixiecrats, American Independence Party. "We've lost the South for a generation." etc.

People who use this argument in the 21st Century are either playing dumb or are fucking dumb political neophytes.

"Kill white people" is not racist when Democrats say it? WHAAAAT?

Shut the fuck up god damn. This is the worst fucking criticism in politics because it's so god damn untrue. I'm a republican and I hate niggers, it's why I vote republican


Senator (((Feinstein))) couldn't do it when asked point blank on CNN

>Dems are teh real racissss

Cause minorities would totally vote for the guys who want to:

>Have the TSA pull you out of line for a surprise inspection cause you have a funny name

>Make it so the police can pull you over and possibly arrest you for not carrying ID on the off chance you might be an illegal

>Allow government agencies the right to spy on people in mosques or certain organizations regardless of the 4th amendment on the off-chance there are radicals within it

>Support racial profiling because the police don't have a bad enough rep as it is for dealing with minorities, but hey that nigger walking down the street might secretly be a gangbanger, or plotting to steal something

All this shit just scream how much republicans want minorities to integrate and just how tolerant they are.

but hey minorities just vote dem for all the free stuff right?

Not because they want their shitty lives to be filled with even more shitty government bullshit.

Because clearly the dems of today are just like those dems from decades ago, because only a retard would assume that political parties and the people within them actually change with the times

I mean just look at all those confederate flags being waved by dems these days in republican states clearly they must still support the Confederacy and their state rights to own people

Democrats have like 23 seats up for reelection and Republicans have 8. Right now looks like nothing will change but Republicans have a lot to gain.

Republicans don't kill people for the color of their skin.

Democrats do.

True but activity wise they do nothing. Whereas blm burns down its own neighborhood and antifa...well antifa just embarresses itself.

It's sarcasm you fucking idiot, not irony.

Half his staff quitting over Russia allegations
Jeff Sessions perjuring himself
Illegal business ties
Illegal waste of taxpayer money

The list goes on and on and on. But I'm sure a good little trumpcuck like you will find every thing he's done perfectly valid, so fuck off

Lmfao you're fucking retarded.

>Wanting a public apology for libel is the same as having hurt feelings over mean words

Sarcasm, irony, doesn't change the fact that Democrats -ARE- the real racists

If democrat policies work please explain Chicago and Detroit to me. Also, to be fair, I hate the old guard Republicans. Neocons might as well be democrats. Honestly when you go high enough up the political ladder parties don't mean a damn thing. Its just a playbook to hold power. The elites don't give a damn about us plebs.

All seats are up for a vote, so there might be a problem there.

"Kill white people" doesn't come from the republicans, and "kill black people" didn't come from republicans from the 1900's to the 1980's.

It comes from Democrats.

You say illegal. I don't think you know what that word means.

I missed that. Didn't Maxine waters have a similar situation happen too?

She's had several that I can recall. You should check out the clip, user. Wolf Blitzer asked Feinstein point blank about Trump/Russia. It looked like it was painful

I'm just glad the Russia meme is mostly dead since Trump ordered the airstrikes

Agreed. I personally didn't buy the chemical weapons angle, so the outcome of the strike went a long way to squashing the neocon talking point. Think about it user... how many months and hours of network coverage and tens of thousands of headlines were rendered fake when Trump launched?

Democrats will probably have control, and after that we'll have an anti-white socialist state.

Oh it was the moment trump 'became' a politician. No one who took even a cursory cglance at the details believes Assad used, or even had chemical weapons. But trump likely would have been destroyed if he didn't do what he did. The Russia meme would have gained so much steam and fakes like McCain would have tried to rip his throat out. But Trump trumped them and cleared out old soon to be expired weaponry and make the world know he meant business. All while enjoying dinner with president xi.

I hate the term '4d chess' but if anything ever was it was that move by trump.

Why do you think they'll win? I'm still undecided on whether I think the repubs or the dems have the advantage in the next election.

>we'll have an anti-white socialist state.
so Canada?

Fuck, I love the democrats now.

Neocons take every seat

Shit I think im voting for Chelsea now

That may be a worse outcome than if dems won them all.

Hm. That's actually not bad. We should spread that shit around when we can't decide what someone is.

>That may be a worse outcome
we'd at least get a good war

The democrats have always been the party of racism, ever since it was founded

>cursory cglance at the details

I dont not believe you, but do you have a link or anything to this stuff? I never read up on it much beyond:
>Trump ordered airstirke because of chemical weapons use
>It was in response to the agreement between Obama and Assad that chemical weapons wouldn't be used and this was to "make up" for complacency on Obama's part
>USA told Russia what was going to happen beforehand
>MUH 75 Million tomahawks


>illegal waste of tax payer money
Nigga all tax payer money is wasted and it's totally legal

I wish the original immigration EO could be submitted to scotus. It would be upheld, employed, and make the first roughly 100 days in office even more succeawful, and also leave time to focus on the WALL.


Did this "great switch" even really happen or is it entirely a jewish scheme?

Seriously, most poeple believe that both parties decided to COMPLETELY switch platforms for no reason at all? Literally everyone believes this here but I've never heard any details or explanation, it sounds like an convenient lie to me

To start, there were peace talks that were to be held about a week after the 'chemical' attack. Those talks were canceled.

OK, so in 2013 after the first Assad chemical weapon situation Assad agreed to be disarmed of chemical weapons and this was confirmed by an international third party. So as far as the world is concerned Assad had no chemical weapons. What good would come for Assad by bombing a civilian population with chemical weapons? All it accomplished was demonizing Assad to the world and ended peace talks that would have benefited Assad.
Not to mention the astounding irregularities of the attack itself or the fact that al queda is on record saying they do false flag attacks.

However conspiracy aside, answer this: how did sending chemical bombs to kill civilians that didn't even appose Assad benefit Assad?

I can't find a plausible answer to that question and because of that I believe that the mainstream narrative is false

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Pic is from Trump's speech to Congress earlier in the year.

I'm not redpilled enough to give details but I believe it was just a fantastically executed marketing plow by the democrats to completely redefine their image without actually changing policies.


The "great switch" was when the Democrats realized that minorities were more useful as vote slaves than labor slaves and adjusted their playbook with a new strategy and fancy cover.

Uh , but the party's actually switched. The republicans back then had today's democratic values and vice versa. Sooo they where technically republicans.

>Uh , but the party's actually switched. The republicans back then had today's democratic values and vice versa. Sooo they where technically republicans.

Don't let'em fool ya'. They're all Whigs.

Great switch really existed, most of you southern retards don't know your history. Check out how Texas vote for example before 64

South was voting solid democrat up until 60s. Was called Solid south actually

Retarded nixon gave up the minority votes who supproted GOP since Abe in exchange for southern racists who were voting democrat up until then. A bad fucking trade

Yeah but that argument is taboo at Sup Forums because it's a traditional cuckservative talking point. It's moot for two reasons:

1. The alt-right IS racist, so trying to play a game of who's less racist is retarded.

2. The argument is futile because leftist hypocrisy is almost never accounted for. Did you know Samantha Bee and her husband fought against integration of black people into their children's schools? You can google it. Jew media will never hold them accountable.

No, the civil rights era normalized mixed race schools across the country and the children grew up less racist and the other conservative values became more important. As the Democrats went ever harder left, they lost their conservative values and the racism hook wasn't there to keep the southerners attached, so the south went republican, who maintained their non-racist platform and their moderately conservative values. They still aren't very conservative, but still much more so than the remaining Dems. You can see the friction between the tea party and the republican establishment today.

Meanwhile the democrats have always kept the blacks as resources, just the chains are made of welfare bribes.

If the senate plays ball against Obamacare... the Republicans will win again easily. Americans fucking hate Obamacare... only lobbied senators support it.

Not seeing any evidence there, just more "my allegations are proof enough"

People got less racist after the civil rights movement and voted based on economic problems instead of racial issues. Little did they know that democrats will always be democrats.

Also after freeing the slaves, blacks turned on the Republican party the moment Democrats started handing out gibs (which was way before Jim Crow laws were abolished). The Republicans were always the liberal party.

Democrats are still bigots, just in the "minorities are too stupid I mean oppressed to get anything on their own" sense.

Abortion is the number one killer of niggers, and you want that banned? The entire 'anti-racism' thing the democrats do is just a facade to keep minorities poor, killing eachother, and become slave labor at best, all while they say they're so oppressed and need whitey to give them things to survive.



holy shit people here actually believe this

Yeah, they just change their subversion tactics with buzzwords and welfare instead of slavery.

The Democrats will get destroyed if they continue to act like this, especially to the Trumpbots and the Redpills.

If the Democrats regain either the Senate or the House, they will try anything to bring things back to the status quo and try and impeach Trump by any means necessary.

That was when they had peak membership in the 20th century.

Then a chain of FBI raids apprehended their more fanatical zealots to the point where they only got 5k-8k members left.

Mocking anyone who says it is a meme because kids watched Murdoch Murdoch and think they should do what cartoon characters do. Also it's false because we are the real racists.

uhhh yeah, to not know this is to be ignorant of history


MSM rhetoric and alleged accusations do not count. Do you also seriously trust the Intelligence Agency, especially considering they brought you the wonderful War on Drugs, spy on your own citizens and other electors and help jumpstart the Mujahadeen?

No. In congress almost all Democrats who fought against civil rights legislation remanded with the democratic party for many years thereafter sometimes reaching high positions of power like Robert Byrd. As for the voters themselves it took years for formerly democrat strong holds to start voting GOP aside from the odd presidential election. The only thing that changed was the older generation of solidly democratic voters died off. A transition that is still occurring in much of the rust belt today.