That's what he is, make sure France knows, only refer to him like that.
Refer To Him As Emmanuel Macron de Rothschild
Other urls found in this thread:
JESUIT Educated, Rothschild trained. enough said.
>Macron is a fag
Whenever you think of Macron, just picture this Dutch Whistleblower, Banker that was a FIXER for the elites in the Banking World. I can imagine Macron has skeletons in his closet and will do the bidding of his masters.
Macron is the savior of France, fuck off leaf.
damn them all to hell
Heard he was getting assasinated before it's official..
if only france had answered the call
"savior of france"
Nuh-uh, drink your maple syrup buddy.
Macron is the full package, a faggot and a Rothschild.
Congrats France.
I'm not your buddy, guy.
Don't forget that he's a literal unironic cuckold.
its all right buddy, don't cry. Why dont you go back to tumblr
Source on that quote?
If you fight the terrorists, they win.
Eh, well I'm not your friend, buddy.
Have you tried Google you reddit cuck
>If you fight the terrorists, they win.
Are you retarded?
The_Donald should be renamed The_Boomer.
Are you a fucking LARPer
Yep, no results.
I'm not your buddy, guy.
Oh, like the Pope?
as if france was even a country.
How bout just calling him AntiChrist.
Married his own mother.
Makes foes drop dead.
Gets whisked up the ladder of Rothschilds Banking.
Name is Emmanuel.
Bottom of the list favored to win. Pulls out a win.
Now some Sup Forums should go and find some baby pics so we can see the 666 birthmark.
You can't write this shit.
Bwahahahahaha!!! This butt hurt leaf faggot is spamming this meme all over Sup Forums
That Clinton meme really got you you faggot
That's true, you're a fucking leaf, I would know too.
You're just as leafy as me, leaf.
Let's get cucked together.
Oh shit. He may really be the antichrist.
If "Hister" = "Hitler,"
Does "Mabus" = "Macron?"
his wife's son is two years his senior
I'm not sure if checking here is good or bad
they are trying to warn us they are trying to wake us up
Universalism, in association with Equilibrism is perhaps what will save the west by destroying toxic ideologies.
So I will explain how it works.
My religion confirms, using logic, that there is no creator, God is the universe.
We discourage you to believe anything written by man, for only God is worthy of our trust.
Therefore, I am no prophet, just a man like you. God is the universe, the universe is God.
Equilibrism is half way between socialism and communism, and half way between librarian and fascist.
In my religion and political stance, we preach the stop of hatred, kill them with love instead. I know you're all thinking cuck, no, we also preach very strongly self-defense and preservation. We are able to discern our real enemies from the diversions, that's all.
The war of cradles is far more effective than the war of swords in this day and age, the only way to wake up our birth rates is through Universalism and Equilibrism.
It goes without saying that our main goal is to achieve world happinness by restoring freedom to all citizens of the world, and strip it from those who don't deserve it.
to Unite the world against evil, by pulling it out from its root.
Probably fucking him instead of his beard Brigitte
You are all being played like a fiddle by (((nationalist))) candidates
All of these people are propped up by kikes, Macro, Le Pen, Trump, Lauren Southern, Milo - it's all the fucking same
Le Pen:
>She has also relaxed some political positions of the party, advocating for civil unions for same-sex couples instead of her party's previous opposition to legal recognition of same-sex partnerships, accepting unconditional abortion and withdrawing the death penalty from her platform
>Since 2009, she has been in a relationship with Louis Aliot, who is of ethnic French Pied-Noir and Algerian Jewish heritage
Her niece, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, which you may recognize - she is the one who is tied into the FN and she is the daughter of a Jew
>Daughter of Roger Auque
>his mother, whose maiden name was Baudry, was a French Communist
>This daughter, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, elected deputy in 2012 to the FN, was born out of wedlock
>Auque was arrested by Hezbollah in January 1987 after being suspected of espionage activity on behalf of the Israelis