RIP populism

RIP populism
2016 - 2017

Its like a scale from least cucked to most cucked.


>shills implying that voting in a rigged system and losing is the end of nationalism

You kikes fail to realize the gravity of the situation.

The more you rig elections, and pull the string on the media marionettes, the more you draw our rage out. The more you force immigration down our throats, the more you stifle our economies, the more you force our hand. And when our hand is forced, the day of reckoning for you and your kind will be as swift as the speed of light, and as furious as the swirling inferno of Hell.


Shut the fuck up, nerd. Trump complained over and over that the system was rigged against him until Russia intervened and gave him the election.

OUR RAGE, that is, the rage of the people, outnumbers any pathetic bullshit pissjar babby "rage' you feel.

Shut the FUCK up and go shoot up an elementary school or something.

eh, most right wing populist politicians have this mentality

Cower in fear, hide in the shadows behind your masters. When the time is nigh, you will not be safe. Your family will not be safe. You have dug your grave, and we will forcefully stomp you into it until you're unrecognizable from processed hamburger meat.

Well if you can never beat Trump, I guess France fucking up is a win for the left in America?

>being this triggered by Hillary memes


Post the other one you made. The really butt hurt one

trump is the biggest cuck on that picture

>Shut the FUCK up and go shoot up an elementary school or something.

We should report this user to the FBI for encouraging mass violence.

I was talking about the countries.

RIP? No. Things are just heating up.

Honestly not that triggered by the result. Le Pen was not ideal anyway, and now we have a clear example in the EU/Europe. They will prove as a demonstration of what happens when you follow the ideals of cultural marxism.

Britain will prove to be an island fortress once more, and the United States will once again steer the rest of the world (hopefully that includes Canada and my own country) to the future.

this is how I see it too.

>swedish nationalist partty
how cucked can a country get



I love it when 3rd world nations rig our elections

Eastern Europe will become the powerhouse in the the century progresses barring fun and surprises. This has been the prediction for many years now.

Did you really expect cuck nations to vote that way? Europeans centralists are American leftists. Europe is super liberal.
I want to fug that German woman in pic tho

Yeah populism is dead. Either pure Nationalism or its not worth pursuing.

America is far more right wing than any conservative the UK has to offer. Most of the right wingers over here don't even believe in scientific facts regarding climate change. Don't even get me started on how much they worship their Israeli overlords as well.


>RIP populism

TFW you're more popular than the president.


Kek. Populism never even made it into 2017, kid. I wouldn't be surprised if some unexpected shit goes down and Theresa May gets booted out of her own special election that is coming up.


Why is no one complaining that marine Le pen lost because of misogyny?


can i get the original pic

>expecting anything from a hyper-progressive non-country

Regarding the CO2 hoax, here in the UK that hoax has run it's course. The tax has failed to bring in the dough now & pollution is the new word.

we need to meme harder

Do you even populism? Its when you pander to what idiots want in the short term. Usually what they want is based on no education on the political field and comes from jimbo from down the road.

Is Nigel Farage even involved in British politics anymore? I thought he fucked off out of that whole thing.

>Post the other one you made.

The libfag didn't make it. He edited a plagiarized image. Just like a liberal to think they're entitled to other people's labor.

remember, defeat trump, save america.

I hope so too Aussiebro

Nice, loving the swing against these conmen populist racist pieces of shit

We'll have a liberal world guaranteed for at least another 20 years thanks to the Cheeto in chief

dude, don't post nazis, nazis are lunatic loosers who think Hyboria from conan is a real place.

>french literally voting for a rothschild puppet

I'm done. time for nukes.

Exactly, but we need to meme properly to swing the French over to /ourside/ for the next election. 2022 is probably our last hope.

Using google translate doesn't work, because the result is shit, as pointed out by many French anons. As well, we need to find out popular French forums instead of using the Anglonet to spread ideas. A lot of French don't use English speaking websites, and Sup Forums doesn't have a lot of penetration into the Francophone world since again it is predominantly English.

We need to do better next time..

Dude.. They can tell you're fake frenchies. Also you realize that there are other issues outside da muzzies and globalism.. You really want to fuck with a country's future when you have nothing to lose?

I think you mean RIP mainland europe