I've been lurking here for a few months and ideologically I'm as redpilled as the next guy.
After losing France it's made me think a little, maybe we've been going about this the wrong way all along. I'm sure most of you are aware of the overton window (controlled opposition so both sides move left at the same rate until there are no viable right wing options and we are forced into communism or whatever the jews have planned to enslave the goyim).This is inevitable and we will be destroyed by the jews unless we switch tack...and quick. The jews and globalists rely on power changing hands often, it creates confusion which allows the bought media and (((scientists))) to come up with some way to pin it on the nationalists and the people resisting the left and the globalists. But what would happen if the globalists never stopped winning? If they were in power everywhere? They would be incredibly hard-pressed to find ways to pin it on the nationalists, and the people would know who is to blame finally. Yes, many european countries would have to fall before people fought back and of course we want to protect europe, but the way i see it is the alternative is europe and the US both fall completely otherwise. We either force things to the breaking point ourselves and have a shot at destroying them outright and even "racewar nao" if we want, or things slowly become more globalist and the transition to slavery is so slow no one notices until the world is a jew run shithole.
This is hard to ask of you and it flies in the face of all of our principles...but vote for the far left. Vote for the globalists. The sooner normies see who causes our problems, the better the chance we have of saving the world from slavery.
>>inb4 /leftypol/
>>inb4 shill
How to beat the globalists
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Bump I know what you mean op and of course nu nationalists may think such a tactic would be on a whole a catastrophe but literally if something apocalyptic on a national scale took place how would people act. I have thought long and hard about actually subverting left organisations from the inside, there have been many confession threads from others on her over my time here about just this strategy. It's quite obvious this isn't going to end in conflict but with a whimper. We need to incite conflict amongst the machine. Being that of globalism and our torches an innate compliance to their doctrine whilst becoming more and more powerful in there spheres then just flick the switch or collide their broken ideals into one another and watch them hopefully wake up. "If there's any hope it's with her (proles)" - George Orwell 1984
We need to push things so far left that things collapse and out of the ashes rises a west more beautiful than ever. We face either a slow fade into slavery or an intentional collapse followed by a rebuilding and possibly even war to build up the west to restore it's former glory. Good luck brother.
>Fighting Globalists
Funny thing is, the same notion is why many hardcore ultra-Marxists ("Tankies", primarily) voted for Trump: accelerate change by pushing the system you oppose to its extreme breaking point.
I think we could learn a thing or two from another leftists: Gramsci. He saw that social change happens either by a "war of movement" (like the US war of independence or the Chinese civil war/revolution), or "wars of position": slow, iterated struggle between classes and interest groups. Want to beat the globalists? Get an advanced degree and excel in your field. Accumulate capital, intellectual/moral authority, and leadership positions. Wage a war of position, and use your position to make a difference in the critical times ahead. Look at people like Robert Mercer, a bid-data analytics guy and typical corporate globalist, until he used his money and skills to build conservative think tanks, and then to help coordinate the decisive online influence campaigns of UKIP and Trump.
I don't know if you're a retarded shill or a supreme autist, but I'm no e-celeb worshipping fag. I recognize they're likely controlled as well and active participants in the leftward march of the overton window. I hate niggers, cringey kek shit, and trannies as much as the next guy on here does (i've never been and will be a redditor, I came here from pretty much nowhere desu).
Honestly I think we need a two-pronged attack.
The people on here young enough to decide to go for that career (such as myself) can do so. In the mean time the voters put all globalists in office so things fall apart and then hardcore nationalists get elected. By this time the younger here have grown up and gotten positions of power that they then use to get rid of globalists and fund the right and subvert the right into victory. It's literally jewing except to the opposite side.
That's called accelerationism. It's not a good idea.
You're putting principles and getting the truth out before your very survival and living conditions.
We have to do what we can to fight back even if it's a losing battle. We have to try.
But do you not understand that they control everything and they WANT opposition to exist so they can shift not only the government but the entire population left without anyone catching on. It's a battle we will definitely lose as everything will be pinned on the right no matter what. We will be subverted into slavery unless something is done. The only way to win is by not playing into their hands, like I said things will go to shit and our civilization will be destroyed in all likelihood, but we are more than capable of rebuilding once the enemy is vanquished. Fighting them is a war we cannot win and a war they want us to fight. If we destroy everything and it all falls apart, no side will have an advantage and the right will ultimately win.
Let's not do this everywhere. We need only make an example of one or two nations, like Sweden and (I guess now) France.
There is no opposition to the globalists. The opposition is people who just want to live their lives normally and don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
They don't need you to build a villain out of, they will invent one if they don't have a convenient one available. Think about all the obviously non-racist republicans they've managed to convince the general public were racist over the years.
If we destroy everything, nobody wins. Most likely Islam or some other barbarian ideology will take over through sheer force.
If we allow Western civilization to fall, it will not come back, not in our lifetimes or our children's lifetimes.
We're either going out on our terms or jew terms...which do you think we have a better chance of recovering from? The only chance we have is to burn it all down and then explain why it burned down and build society on the strong principles we know to be successful. Islam will not take over because they will be part of the globalist problem so when we wage war on the globalists we will be waging it on muslims as well. If you know anything about the west (especially today) you'd know we'd easily btfo muslims.
But then they can still use the right wing scape goat for that country, and we will lose. We need EVERYONE to see for themselves how globalism works, people are on average too stupid to understand how things work and affect them.
>The only chance we have is to burn it all down and then explain why it burned down
...because we burned it down? The Globalists have pinned everything else on us, why wouldn't they pin this on us too?
You have a super weird conception of what the death of western civilization is going to be like. We still have some power now. Why do you think anyone would listen to us when we have no power and are totally defeated?
Man idk anymore. I just want to save the west and I'm desperate for any way to do that even if that means it's temporary destruction. I'm desperate, all I'm asking for is for the human race to not be enslaved but that's too much to ask for in this cruel cruel world. Hold me, it hurts.
stop i can only be so erect
you have to go back.
t. Hillary
We need patience, keep pushing. Le Pen will win next time around, to have a nationalist candidate 7 years ago would be unheard of.
UK Jew here.
You DO realise that most of us are actually not exactly fans of globalisation, right? There's a reason why Jews have been making the aliyah from Europe to Israel en masse and why Israel is extremely right-wing. The only people are are being let into Europe via globalisation are people who've been trying to murder us from the start because their barbaric religion commands it. It's not a coincidence that one of the places the Bataclan attackers chose to take hostages in was a kosher supermarket. I can't even wear a Star of David or a kippah or whatever walking around certain parts of London anymore because of the death stares I get. It's not worth getting stabbed over.
The globalists these days are whites with a serious, serious guilt complex who think eradicating racism means never inconveniencing non-whites in any way. If they have their way, our heads are. quite literally, the first ones on the chopping block.
Test failed, you need to leave newfag.
Then why the fuck do your people constantly campaign for the west to be taken over by caliphs?
Oh, that's right... your people are the CHOSEN, of Rothschild.
OP is either a shill or literally retarded
Here's the thing:
>the left inherently centralizes power
>once power is centralized it is not easily decentralized
we won't be able to simply vote to change things once globalists have consolidated power, taken over the internet, and banned whiteness. that's just a dead sprint off a cliff. bad idea. sage
FBI user here, OP is a fag.
No the globalists are all either jews or jew accomplices/ loyalists. You jews can say "oh I'm leaving europe because globalization is killing it I hate globalization" all you want. It doesn't change the fact that you advocate for leftism and globalization while outside of Israel and suddenly become a far right traditionalist in Israel. It's almost as if you want a different outcome for the rest of the world than your country? You're just leaving because you know that shit is about to hit the fan because of the work of you and your brethren.
OP here, can confirm literally retarded.
Idk what I was thinking man I'm just fucked up thinking about the loss of France and desperate to save the west and the white race.
The idea was more revolution than it was votes, but honestly I'm not sure it's a good idea anymore.
This won't work. The ultimate goal is to get complete control then work on dumbing down the populace. I mean, you can show a progressive numerous instances of rapefugees killing innocent women but they'll still deny it.
Watch Yuri Bezmenov's videos, it touches upon the propagandizing of the masses better than i could ever do.
If you want an actual answer, the cosmopolitan lovey-dovey 'borders don't real' thing is because of Jewish history. Look up the history between the Jews and Christians (and Muslims for that matter), the "blood libel", "host desecration", accusations of poisoning wells, the Mortara case, murders, massacres, pogroms, etc etc etc. and you'll get an idea of why we typically try to convince people to be more friendly and accommodating towards foreigners, though our idea of "foreigners" is, or was, almost exclusively to mean "Jews", not really Muslims or anyone else but we couldn't afford to be hypocritical, especially when Jews have been refugees/migrants in Europe for our entire existence in the continent. As such, it's fairly simple to see why teaching Jewish kids Jewish history would lead them to adopt certain political positions, however that's all changing. It's already changed entirely among Orthodox Jewish sects who are anti-Muslim migration to their bloody cores, for obvious reasons, namely that if they're choosing not to make the aliyah, then they'd far rather share their neighborhoods with benign Christians rather than people whose book literally commands them to murder the Jew.
As time goes on, you'll see fewer and fewer Jews (other than the typical leftist types found in any cosmopolitan population) advocating for open borders and more whites instead who have internalised white guilt.
Consider the possibility that the right-wing, Nationalist Jews are returning or have already returned to Israel (imagine that you, let's say a 100% Scottish American, were living in a country in a small diaspora community and Scotland suddenly popped into existence, granted you automatic citizenship should you desire it and designed itself to be a perfectly accommodating, ancestral homeland for you; would you, as a right-wing type, want to go there? I would); those would be the people to oppose open borders. Consider that the only people they would leave behind in Europe are the left-wing, non-nationalist types who would advocate for open borders as much as any other leftist, but who aren't balanced out at all by traditional right-wing Jewish communities. I think this is the case, purely based on the observation that I have never seen any orthodox or traditionally "right-wing" Jewish communities or sects anywhere on the planet outside of Israel and New York City, yet they must have existed elsewhere beforehand.
Why does murica feel to do it anywhere but their own garden???
>Race war in Europe.
No thx.
And in the meantime white people would seize to exist
Nice plan you got there
I still stand by what I said on difference of views depending on where they live. In a jewish community a jew will be right wing for his own self-interests but outside of a jewish community a jew will perceive right wingers as a threat (looks out for self-interest and is more competitive) and will be leftist to subvert them into weakness.
Sorry for my autism, I've rethought that idea now.
what kind of autism is this
how many shekels does this earn you?
>Funny thing is, the same notion is why many hardcore ultra-Marxists ("Tankies", primarily) voted for Trump
da fuck?
I actually believe this. Grew up with Jews. The Semitic Marxists aren't going to go away, though.
>The globalists these days are whites with a serious, serious guilt complex who think eradicating racism means never inconveniencing non-whites in any way
They will use us for money and power. The race card is just a tool to get those who are influenced by it to challenge those who aren't for more division.
>As time goes on, you'll see fewer and fewer Jews
Ehh per capita you non-goys will just be settling down to the current levels of whites. We make up the larger amount of the total self loathing but we still have nothing on your tribe.
yes goy! Fight Globalism like Trudeau. If they win, they lose! If we defeat them, they win!
That's bullshit you lefty/pol/ shill.
The changes that need to come are larger than just a few politicians or governments coming to power. It's a paradigm shift that is needed in the way of thinking about oneself and your surrounding and environment.
And these changes need time - they are more of a generational thing. That means the longer we can delay the downfall the easier it will be to rebuild.
What you are proposing is taking permanent damage to our national assets and our racial substance in order to have some badly established or even untested theory of accelerationism put to practice.
>I'm redpilled
>globalists not Jews/ZOG
>still not understanding elections in nations with Rothschild central banks and Jew controlled media is just theatrics for the retarded masses believing their votes matter let alone can save them from White genocide or the Jews controlling their nation
Jews and Muslims BOTH practice war by deception.
Whites are honest and honorable.
Whites will legit kill you through skill.
So what you're saying is that if we don't defeat our enemies we win
I would call you a shill if your post didn't make me laugh so hard that I'm sure you're trolling
>If we destroy everything and it all falls apart, no side will have an advantage
>implying the elites don't have luxury bunkers/contingency plans ready to go just in case
>implying they won't benefit even more from a population cull as the survivors will be even easier to manipulate
>doesn't see the futility of right/left paradigm
Wow, you wrote a lot of words there, buddy. How do you do it. I'm gonna follow your cunning advice. You da man, yo.
Gramsci had it wrong. He didn't understand history very well. That's not surprising: all historians who try to make sense of it through the marxist dogma fail to do so.
>He saw that social change happens either by a "war of movement" (like the US war of independence or the Chinese civil war/revolution)
Already a failure. The American revolution of 1776 was a conservative revolution as was the Glorious Revolution in 1688 and even the European revolutions in 1848/49. The Chinese revolution of 1911 and the Soviet revolution of 1917 as well as the French revolution of 1789 were upheavals that turned their respective countries upside down.
Only with the latter ones you can really change something drastically. The former ones are always trying to get back to some superior (if only perceived) status.
And that's what we want.
It's extremely dangerous to overthrow something that you could change gradually. I'd never take the chance until you are standing completely at the edge.
Gradual change is more reliable, more enduring and generally more suited for our cause. If you want radial change you always have to throw something overboard with it. And you have few control over it and often you'll miss it dearly afterwards.
Russia is just now recovering from the Soviet revolution (at a good pace I have to concede), China is at a crossroad when the economic growth will be more normal in the near future. France has never recovered from their loss of monarchy. They are still headless chicken that chimp out when something doesn't go their way.