Since day one I've hardly seen any Frenchies here even seem remotely interested in her while everyone else cheered on. Why was that?
Was it because:
1. Zionist?
2. Controlled opposition?
3. Woman?
4. Egyptian?
5. Cucked?
6. Combination?
7: Other?
Can someone explain why she lost?
Other urls found in this thread:
Europeans consider their political establishment and media to be extremely trustworthy. They will blame any failures on individual politicians not their overall system.
She threatened to take the bbc
What was she expecting? A party?
>France not voting for a communist
she never had a chance and french posters here knew it. There was no reason to get excited over an impossible future
Only American politics mean anything
Everyone else is pretending to be big boys
50 odd years of liberal indoctrination.
The French have come a long way. FN is now officially the opposition to big money. The left have been cucked.
It was no victory, but certainly a step in the right direction.
>People haven't forgotten that her party was literally a Nazi party
>Debate performance that wasn't about to win over moderates
>Not a significant enough drop in living standards yet
This last one is the most important
The French enjoy being shot at/blown up and ackbar'd.
There's nothing more to it really.
France is a socialist shithole and has been in a process of decay since the end of WW1. It will take more than a few massacres to wake people up.
People don't use twitter in mainland Europe, so your propaganda was ineffective
Pretty sure it's literally illegal to post racial statistics in France.
Anti-immigration stance is at disadvantage by default.
How was she a communist? I don't know about all her policies so enlighten me.
Checked and interesting. Was shitting on her father enough?
This, their system ensures her loss
She lost 2/3s of the vote. So 1/3 of France is actually French who care about their nation and want the cucking to stop. 1/3 are self hating jewed whites who dont have a fucking clue. The other 1/3 are shitskins and jews.
Literally who? Praise Kek.
Read it again, he's saying macron is the communist.
Oh my bad, the autism kicked in.
Do minorities actually vote in France? I thought most Muslims are against democracy.
I don't think so. Her family name is probably forever tainted. Didn't help that her father ended up endorsing her in the end anyway.
Which also isn't true.
As sad as it is that we lost, Macron will still probably be better for France than Hollande
from 17% to 35%
le pen will drown macroni with cheese
>Macron will still probably be better for France than Hollande
How? They're both pro-immigration and pro-globalism.
Wow, the French are hissy about names.
>Wait for the next cycle goy
Yeah yeah
Two reasons.
People who support the FN shilled too hard for her. Not the party. Issue is not the the party. It's HER. For years. She has always been proven to be SHIT and not capable to assume leadership. Even the faggot Philippot would have been better, much better. She was SHIT, proving once again women are NOT FIT for politics, and especially not her. She's like a dog barking in a retarded way, she doesn't truly believe in whatever she said, she's not "deeply" affectionate for her country except for muh welfare and her French culture is slightly better than Macron. She's not comforting anybody.
I don't say we shouldn't have voted for her but many of us voted for her out of desperation. Yes, she was that shit, don't be delusional. If you knew French, you'd know she's a horrible debater.
The other reason is that French people have been brainwashed. State is God here, we owe everything to the "beloved" God that is State, and if we question something about it, there's something wrong with us. They NEED someone comforting them that nothing will change, that their little shitty bank account with 200 euros won't change much, and they can get an extra 20 euros next year, that's what makes them happy. Macron was reassuring as fuck during the debate.
"Les Français méritent mieux que ça, Madame Le Pen"
This is how you handle. This fucking faggot learned a lot from this campaign. Not her.
To all the FN activists out there: next time elect a COMPETENT MAN for leadership. Not some hack with a lack of rhetoric lessons.
Because Macron isn't (as much of) a socialist. Or at least, he says he isn't and his policies don't indicate as such. Who knows what we can believe from his slimy, faggot mouth, though?
And Macron worked under the Hollande government. It will be another 5 years of Hollande, cucking the people. Having his people blown up by smelly muslims and the facebook vigils will happen and Kumbaya being sung.
She's fat and too far right on issues to win 50%. She looked good in the primaries because she was the one right candidate amongst 5 left candidates.
>tfw Macron is the beginning of Children of Men
hold me Sup Forums
Of course they do, if that allows them to get more free gibsmedat in their free apartment, they always go for the pinko piece of shit.
The powers that be are scared. They pulled a number of things with this election that are nothing but blatant interference to ensure their guy won
~Obama endorsement and political campaigning
This is screwy, because less than a year ago Macaroni was a nobody. He was an investment banker that instantly went into employment by Rothschild & Cie Banque, which is a name you should all know unless you're living in Yahoo answers. He went from being a Rothchild banker to being a card carrying member of the Socialist Party.
He resigned from the socialist party in order to look for the presidency, and as soon as he resigned, a conveniently timed new party was formed, which he joined, and started his bid for presidency.
He had a direct line from the Rothchild bank, to the socialist party, to a party that seemingly sprung up just for him to run, and into the presidency. Something's fucky.
~massive landslide victory
Call me paranoid, but with the images of their rallys and Macaroni having such a low turnout, having him pull a 30% spread is lunacy.
~boomers. He had more than 80% support from people 65+. People who are known for being crochety old fucks who are often racist, or nationalistic, who would fall right into the right to save the france they once knew. they voted almost exclusively for this 40 year old cuckold.
I don't buy it.
Why wouldn't they? Isnt that the reason why geert wilders lost?
>ban islam
>pro dutch
>self hating white cucks vote against him
>arabs obviously vote against him
I cant see any other reason why Le Pen would lose
Economically, he's efficient.
But in the "Silicon Valley" way. You know, "we wuz start up" memes and the whole uberization of everything, including people's own life. This is why he's gonna kill land owners. Because himself never owned a house. He's the trendy yuppie spending money in rents and hotels because he doesn't have children.
I memed for trump pretty hardcore I made about 3 quality memes a day for about a year I had hundreds by the time it was all over
I didn't make one meme for France because the election was boring
Get more interesting characters and memes get inspired
Be boring and I don't care who wins it won't be funny either way
Nige was funny trump was funny both were based and pissed off a lot of people while being smug
All these other elections just don't get it
It's about Hope for the future and the joy of winning while having fun along the way
Not just rah we are nationalist vote for us it's time for a change
She lost because she was a weak candidate trying to capitalize on the trend of the right but without the heart of what makes it connect
She was female book smart right not street smart right
>People who are known for being crochety old fucks who are often racist, or nationalistic
Their parents are, not boomers.
Boomers are more like "not in my yard" type of cuckservatives, and that's only half of them.
I genuinely know boomers who are pro-race mixing and who are constantly daydreaming about their children racemixing.
Those sound like hippies.
Boomers mostly voted for Fillon (cuckservative) in the first round. Macron was right wing enough to attract them but without rocking the boat too far that they'd be afraid about their damn retirement savings, regardless of whether or not that means their daughters are violated and sons killed
>~boomers. He had more than 80% support from people 65+. People who are known for being crochety old fucks who are often racist, or nationalistic, who would fall right into the right to save the france they once knew. they voted almost exclusively for this 40 year old cuckold.
boomers are now nationalists? dude these are the exact people who fucked everything up for us in the first place, the boomers are the hippie generation who "survived" the threat of nuclear war with the soviets.
They are hippies, they us all to hold hands and love each other.
> ~massive landslide victory
> Call me paranoid, but with the images of their rallys and Macaroni having such a low turnout, having him pull a 30% spread is lunacy.
All the normies who would never think of going on a march voted Macron. It's not that unusual
> ~Obama endorsement and political campaigning
idk if it had any effect but lots of France has been told to dislike Trump
>save my money, but damn my children
I hate these people.
Better passwords.
Some people don't want to be "saved", so to speak. Some would rather live in the bliss of their own denial and pretend everything is ok because it doesn't directly affect them.
The French have been told that "diversity is our strength" and everybody who speaks against it is the enemy. They won't be the villains, so they will keep voting for whoever offers them more diversity and more social justice. Until someone they care about gets raped or killed and just then, they will start questioning their world. France will need to lose everything they love before they can come forward to take the right decisions. Let them eat cake, now.
>>idk if it had any effect but lots of France has been told to dislike Trump
It's something I didn't expect because it entirely flies in the face of the idea that interfering with elections is bad, when he turns around and does that
>she was a meme
>she ran a fear campaign instead of proposing any policy
>tried to ride the dead trump wave
>has the intelligence of an egg
>french ppl are smart
Why she lost ?
le FN est un parti xénophobe. Malgré un vernis rajouté de social, ce parti reste hypernationaliste. La France a toujours été formé d'une multitudes de régions, de peuples, d'origines différentes. Ils râlent souvent, mais leur point commun est l'intelligence, le travail en commun, l'entraide et la volonté de connaître les autres. Elle représente tout le contraire : elle s'est retrouvé à la tête de son parti car elle était la fille de son fondateur. Elle a intrigué pour arriver tout en haut de son parti. Elle présente bien, mais malheureusement, ayant le gabarit et les défauts de son père, elle a cassé en deux heures dix ans de son travail pour lisser sa personnalité.
Pourquoi a-t-elle perdu ? Parce qu'elle affirme que la France est en déclin. Or, elle est l'épine dorsale de l'Europe avec l'Allemagne. Parce qu'elle est xénophobe et islamophobe. En France on ne regarde que l'utilité et l'intelligence des gens. Pas leur origine, ni leur couleur de peau, ni leur religion. Et pour les américains : en France plus de 60% des gens n'ont aucune religion. Ils croient en eux. Pas en un hypothétique dieu surnaturel. Et s'ils y croient ils pensent que leur dieu est bienveillant.Ils pensent qu'en prenant toutes les bonnes volonté, on peut y arriver mieux qu'en excluant des boucs émissaires. Ils ont horreur des murs, la ligne Maginot n'ayant pas pu retenir leur ancien ennemi. En plus, le principe d'un mur, c'est qu'il suffit de le contourner. En fait, le français moyen c'est le contraire de Trump : il réussi par lui-même et non avec les sous et les relations de papa. Il voyage partout et ne reste pas confiné dans ses murs. Il invente, imagine. Il ne rejette pas la faute sur les autres. Il va à la rencontre des autres civilisation et les autres peuples. Mme Le Pen ne connaissait pas ses dossiers. Elle a voulu monter qu'elle arriverait à déstabiliser le petit jeune. C'est raté, elle a fait figure d'idiote comparée à lui.
Le Pen's economic policies are completely insane. It's Venezuela tier populism mixed with neoconism (huge increase in military spending for no reason)
Meanwhile, the refugee problem of France is completely overblown by American far-right media, it's Germany that accepts large amounts of refugees not France. And the domestic terrorist threat coming from the large population of native Muslims cannot be solved with empty hostile rhetoric, only made worse. Macron has a better plan to assimilate them more.
So the people who voted for Le Pen were mostly rural rednecks who want gibs. The same kind of useless monkeys that elected Maduro in Venezuela.
nice moonrunes. Is that Arabic?
>a better plan to assimilate them more.
>assimilate Muslims
that was a joke right?
I'm talking about French born Muslims you fucking moron. Often third and fourth generation Muslims still grow up in ghettos because the French government just ignored the problem for decades.
It's a fact that Britain has done a much better job with assimilation.
Of course they vote. In a way that is one of the most unsettling bits, as they tend to vote according to what they are told by their Imam in mosque. Additionally, I find it very unlikely that family members are allowed to cast their vote according to their opinion.
What I suspect more is that the family votes according to the father who is respectively told who to vote for at the mosque.
This would effectively forms a uniform block of voters that at some point (like in Turkey) becomes too large to counterbalance by the native populace which due to the individualism can never outpace the uniform ideology bloc in the number of votes.
That I believe has already a big effect on the elections in Europe (at least in countries with large muslim population). It will get more severe however as the young ones grow and start bringing more ballots home.
In a way, it is a similar effect on the civic democracy as the "democratic socialism", where you form a significant proportion of dependent/non-individualist citizens who will ensure large enough electorate for years to come in order to keep the socialists in the govt.
>the election was boring
It was a far more interesting election than the US one, imo. Far more variety and the candidates actually seemed to know about the issues they cared about and vice versa. Sorry you can't enjoy anything without it being memeable
Muslims can assimilate when they stop being remotely Muslim. That will take about 10 generations for the average Muslim family. This the single biggest reason they are so despised anywhere they go.
As Muslim though they will NEVER integrate. Only by abandoning everything they once was and embracing everything France stands for will they be able to assimilate. It has nothing to do with money or ghettos per say. I am aware that ghettos makes it harder to abandon their Muslim roots as they are surrounded by Muslims in ghettos.
>It's a fact that Britain has done a much better job with assimilation.
No it is not. Britain just got few Muslims and they ones they got are not from the worst Muslim countries. Give Britain the Muslims of France and you see the exact same thing.
Parce qu'elle est arrivé à la tête de son parti grâce à son père.
Parce qu'elle fait tout pour son image au lieu de travailler ses dossiers.
Parce qu'elle a changé en dix ans l'image de son parti en adoptant opportunément un programme social pour drainer les foules des plus pauvres, mais que le vernis a vite craqué.
Parce qu'elle tient pour coupable de nos maux le terrorisme et les étrangers. Qu'elle marginalise une grande partie de la France.
Parce que ses raisonnements sont simplistes.
Parce qu'elle est violente, colérique et surtout vulgaire.
Parce que la France vaut mieux qu'elle.
Parce que la France se rappelle qu'elle a appelé au secours les fondateurs de son parti en 1940 et que cela lui a bien nuit.
Parce qu'elle n'a pas du tout l'étoffe d'un président. Au mieux, vendeuse à la criée.
Parce qu'elle dit être du côté des plus faibles et du peuple, qu'elle fait des sorties pèche/poulpe et Nord/frites, mais que son coeur est à Saint Cloud et à la Celle Saint Cloud.
Parce qu'elle n'est pas issu du peuple et qu'elle méprise le peuple...
Because France has yet to feel the cultural enrichment it needs to wake up
Lurk more
>worst Muslim countries
That'd be the Gulf states. French Muslims are Algerian. British Muslims are Poo in the loos
well resumed Pierre. Marine is terrible and need to leave ASAP
She's a woman
Globalists can't let the Fourth Reich fall. Macaroni was destined to win.
The economy, stupid. She's a protectionist, and most French do not want to leave the EU.
I think the #MACRONLEAKS were a bad idea. French people really hate Trump. Anything that compares Le Pen to Trump will just turn them away. I think that is also why Macron called Le Pen supporters hateful cowards, it was a useful framing persuasion technique.
Also Macron was pro-business/low taxes, Le Pen had some weird Bernie Sanders/Corbyn tier socialist policies which French people weren't down with.
> Le Pen had some weird Bernie Sanders/Corbyn tier socialist policies which French people weren't down with.
That's the only reason why she's more popular than ever though.
The only reason why people voted massively for Macron is because he's not an "evil racist" guy.
Reminder that even Mélenchon's commie shills mostly voted for Macaroni. That's all.
Francois Hollande was a cuck that cucked France. I liked both of them. Macron is still economically right wing so that gets rid of the socialism that didn't work from Franny Boy. Always find the positives
>She have a faggot party with many fags in it. Litteraly
>Retarded economic policies
>A hated and despised name among french people
>Fucking socilaist scum
>Never been clear about getting out of Euro
>Hated name, really
>Retarded in the debate, said complete bullshit(COMPLETE) on economy
>She and her father don't want to win they wnat to stay conforyably in their opposition sit
>controlled opposition because the Le Pen stubble their party
>Now they want to form a big right wing party so they can get 30% at the 1st round and always loose at the second destroying any chance for france to have a right wing president. Controlled opposition.
The fact that melanchon's commie shills voted for Macron is the living proof that doing Corbyn like politics is a bad idea.
Hope is the first step to disappointement.
They were a single digit party semi-recently. It's like asking why the US Green party lost to Hillary/Trump. Getting as much vote as they've gotten in such a short amount of time is pretty crazy, especially when they were almost a single issue party.
> No it is not. Britain just got few Muslims and they ones they got are not from the worst Muslim countries.
Both are untrue. British Muslims are even more concentrated in a few cities and they come from complete caveman countries like AfPak.
The problem is much deeper that you think and has less to do with Islam than you think. Christian Africans and other minorities who come to Europe are slow to assimilate because of the pampering welfare state culture that rewards a parasitic and criminal way of life which French ghettos perpetuate even more, like a culture. They aren't even very religious. A few turn to radical religion when they decide to commit suicide, so it's present but it's very, very rare.
Meanwhile, America assimilates pretty much everybody within a generation because it has a work culture instead of government welfare and softness to crime culture.
>frechmen throwing a communist with edgy-righty rhetorics away
>i love france now
Socialism is the way forward. capitalism is globalism by its very nature.
Woman, and of course above all else, the will of Allah swt
Macron btfo :
and she lost because it was fucking obvious
Who the hell believes 65% vs 35% total outcome compared to 21.5% vs 23% in the 2nd runoff.
Thats just for starters.
This election was a total sham and Boy will I argue this point because we all know im right.
Bring on the polls bring it all.
this election was a clear sham.
I'm a lefty who got seduced by Phillipot and hesitated to vote for her. I didn't because she's corrupted and has neo-nazis in her close circle.
Why she lost :
>really poor performance in the debate
>really big corruption affair(s) : 5M€ to Europe, ~1M€ to french social services, ~5M€ to French Republic
>confused as fuck about the euro
>believe it or not, Hollande does his best at security, already expells radicalised mooslims, and our borders are already closed.
>#MacronLeaks and other fake news at the end of the campaign with nothing substantial really made her look like Trump, and this is not the USA
A variety of reasons, despite all her efforts she couldn't and I don't think will ever be able to soften her parties image, it doesn't help there's still a sizeable old guard who want the good old days. Then there's her euroscepticism, the French don't like the current German dominated order but that doesn't mean they like the idea of leaving the euro either, it doesn't help she flipped flopped on this a lot so you could never tell what she would do. Finally Macrons Blairness was his salvation, his campaign and personal life are pretty much scandal free and his policies are a perfect blend of social liberalism and economic neoliberalism that everyone else could stomach him over raciss Le Pen
Clearly none of you have been to France. There are literally no actual French people left. It is all niggers.
Man, you don't understand what you are talking about, you perception is flawed by your americani expirience of two-party elections.
Mass media are 100 % against her, even so-called right_wing newspapers.
Internet culture is not as strong in France than USA.
She talks too much about european economy and not enougth about criminality, terrorism and immigration.
>faggot party
But that's one of her best asset. Phillipot is one of the reason the FN is almost normal now. Nobody cares about people's sex life here.
France needs a Pinochet.
Why FN didn't merge with Fillon? They'd won together.
Exactly. Not suitable to venture too much far out if the kitchen. Also Lega Nord in Italy and her party are fully controlled opposition by by the globalists.
Because most people in France are immigrants who doesn't give a shit about terrorism and crime. It's a normal thing in modern France.
Please, go into detail as posible.
These were my observations as well. Now, if there's a truly silver lining it's the voting demographics. Lot's of young people voted for FN, this is very interesting. With a right leader this trend could be a real changer in the next election
>protest against Macron's economic politics in 6 months
Stupid américain.
Because she is socilaist, so she have retarded economic policy.
We are not Anglo-Saxons. You litteraly don't know anything about France, right ? We love the state and our public services.
85% of French Females Aged between 18-25 Voted for Macron as did the baby boomers. The majority of people voting for Le Penn where young french men sick of watching their country die in the name of tolerance.
Then what do they have?
Fillon called people to vote Macron
The highest percentages of spoilt ballots just happened to be in the regions Macron won. You figure it out.
nobody likes putin's bitches
>We are not Anglo-Saxons.
No shit, you're niggers and sand apes.
Shut up smugberry
No. But you can compare euroelections with a poker game with 10 players in the beginning.
she was a single-issue candidate whose other policies were barebones. Instead of right wingers freaking out, why don't they focus on why France chose a centrist banker over Le Pen, a LOSER
French right wing has always been a massive joke. French are pretty much incapable of ruling themselves without outside influence and they know it.