His country isn't governed by the illuminatis

>his country isn't governed by the illuminatis

At least you're ruled by a somewhat male.


Fucking Rothchild NWO scumback. This is why socialist commies like Macron let in illegal aliens,to vote for them,so they rule in a one world government. The French people have been betrayed. So sad,have u forgotten your history. France how could you?

I have a lot of french blood I feel disgusted. I want to spit at myself.


Freemason here. Told you so. When will the Profane listen?

Why do europeans even think they have free/fair elections?

when will you stop being a shabbos goy serving satan?

Enjoy sharia law french faggots. Always knew the french flag was one of surrender, no respect

Merkel controls France now

You know that we don't do that.

Also when it stops paying so handsomely.

I won't really care if my country was ran by a lady as long as she is good at it.

Greater israel, full speed ahead !

For those who don't know, the pyramid is built in the Louvre which is the ex-royal palace.

Imwish anti white whites would follow through completely with their philosophy and commit suicide. Just jew it !

what now? more niggers?

Are you an occultist IT systems administer or something like that?

Merkel is more masculine than Macron.

that is fucked up bro. Your cuckservatives voted for this.


All the medias owned by Macron support are in full damage control: "lol it's just a coincidence bro ! Silly conspiracy theorists lmao, now move on goy".

(((they))) arent even subtle anymore

Remember Kung-pow, the movie we used to watch once a month back in the day? Really makes you think...

>thinking actual people can read the armpit language

(((you))) just have a different perspective. Had you never heard of the illurminati from the interwebz, you would think this was just a normal acceptance speech.

Betrayed? They voted him.

Now it is time to enjoy what has been voted.

Why is the pyramid lighted up on top?

Eye of satan.

the illuminati started in france

The american revolution happened before the french revolution, which was inspired what happened in america. Most politicians responsible for 1776 were freemasons. Besides that the official illuminati stuff happened a little prior to that in bavaria germany, which might have been inspired by voltaire and so on, but then you can trace back the roots of the rennaisance to the netherlands who had a very liberal laws on book printing, which led to old knowledge spreading in fast manner and this was only enhanced to the netherlands travelling all the oceans.

I would argue the illuminati have their roots in freemasonry which has roots in old mystery cults, or rather was taken over by those at some point during the rennaissance, partially because the aristocrats thought it was trendy to join and consequently freemasonry gained real life influence. The mystery cults were dabbling in ocultism in secret during the middle ages, which included studying alchemy and mystic shit that wasn't sanctioned by the public necessairly.