Needing reasons to live

It all started back around summer 2008, when my uncle committed suicide. My mother told me the reason being was apparently because he looked into a lot of conspiracies, and being only 13 at the time, I didn't really understand too much of it. All I knew was I lost a family member who I considered as my best friend at the time to be gone. Fast forward to 2016, when I was a Bernie Sanders supporter until the largest mass shooting in the United States happened in my hometown of Orlando. A good friend of mine from high school was with his girlfriend when he died at that club. He died because of an Islamic fuck who thought it was okay to shoot at innocent people. As I started to follow Trump I looked deeper into the corruption of the White House and why "everyone" hated Trump so much, I became a far-right Trump supporter. I wanted justice for my friend, and for no one else to experience the grief my hometown did. I couldn't even attend his funeral, as I was thousands of miles away at the time, but he received a Fireman's Funeral, which made me even more angry as I couldn't be there; I couldn't be there for my family and friends, I couldn't be there for my city, and as much of a cluster-fuck Orlando is, I will always consider it to be home. As time went on, I looked deeper into the all the information that is tried so hard to be kept secret, eventually digging to the bottom and the truth about how Hitler was definitely not the evil man portrayed like ((((history)))) says he was; not necessarily a saint, but still had monumental intentions for the German people. But here I am, a white male in my 20s who is battling depression that has lasted ever since adolescence started. My uncle found his reason, and now I think I found mine. I've legitimately thought about suicide at least once a day for the past several months, and now I don't think I can deal with it anymore. I don't want to live to see my family and the rest of the world suffer because of the ideas of a few.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fight it. That's the only thing left. If you kill yourself, you've quit. Which is fine, but quitters quit, not men.


Give us the short version user. Also don't worry about the future user, just enjoy as you watch the world burn. Can't wait until the third great war consumes Europe once and for all. Third time is the charm. The coming of the true Lord is coming, repent your sins and no I am not exaggerating. I can feel it.

Not if I kill her while she's awake

look what you've done Donald!

Dead men can't try to make the world a better place.

his mother died in the orlando shooting, didn't you read the op?

I don't know if I have ever heard someone express exactly how i also feel besides now. It's not even the fact that I don't wan to watch my family and the rest suffer as much as it is the crushing reality that we are utterly hopeless in the face of such chaos. The world is becoming increasingly more complicated and with it, becoming even more hard to comprehend. I think a lot of us found Sup Forums because we fucked around on Sup Forums mostly "adult gif" then realized that Sup Forums espoused exactly how we've all felt. A collective of people bound by the same unrelenting quest for answers only to find more questions with answers that only made the world seem more bleak. I think about the fact that I have only 1 other person in my life, my brother, who understands the mental anguish im going through, and thats only because he is as well. Im only carrying on with the hope that the house of cards collapses and maybe I can be one of the few to rebuild. Ignorance really must be bliss.


Fuck you

I think as you get older, you'll find that the difficulties that life presents are actually the most interesting things about life. If everything is easy and comfortable, we lose our will to live because there's no challenge. We evolved in an environment that challenged us and that's where our emotions of pride, satisfaction, and joy came from: achieving things that were meaningful in an ugly and dangerous world.

Well, just because we have cars and computers, doesn't mean it isn't still an ugly and dangerous world. We just have to refocus on what the modern challenges are. They aren't hunger or shelter, they're deeper than that.

The adventure of life is to discover the challenges than attempt to conquer them. I've gone through suicidal phases, but each time I came out of it, I felt stronger and more aware of what the ACTUAL challenges of life are, not the phony ones that the media and our peers tell you are important. And I've come out stronger and more hungry for a challenge every time.

If you fight through this one, I'm sure you'll experience the same thing.

The only thing more pointless than being alive is being dead.


I took the red pill and it only fuels my anxiety and depression

You'll know when time is right OP

You're right, and I appreciate that. In all honesty, I do want to change the world, but I feel like I'm too young and inexperienced to do anything about it. Almost as if by the time I can, it would be too late

As noble as it is to want the change the world, the sad truth is that you have to sort yourself out first. As you get older, you'll find that pretty much every single human in existence (with a few exceptions) lives for themselves. But that is what facilitates the improvement of society: having a population that cares about itself.

Start there, pal.

What flag is this? Phone fag problems

Eat shit dog.


You're Jordan peterson.

if you are gonna kill yourself you could wait and see what happens next and see if this thing requires your life

Conspiracy: a plot between 2 or more people

> don't puss out, make the world a better place


>I don't want to live to see my family and the rest of the world suffer because of the ideas of a few.
They wont suffer unless you do KYS. Stop worrying about shit you have no control over. I'am twice your age and shit has beef fucked ever since i can remember, but you got to snap out of it and be strong for yourself and those around you who would be devastated if you leave.

If you keep pondering on the fucked up shit things will always seem like shit. Find something nice in your world and start putting your time there.


the fucking KIKES want you dead, user.
If they could flip a switch, they would gladly have all people like us dead ASAP.
Don't give (((them))) what they want.

nevermind, maybe you're not

i dont htink he make stupid spelling mistakes.

the world is a fucked up place, and it's only going to get worse

don't despair, though. no need for tears.

find a spiritual path; god; life purpose. be positive and love your fellow man

there's a reason you were born, you have a life to lead

opt out of it too early and you'll only respawn in the same shitshow

>A good friend of mine from high school was with his girlfriend when he died at that club
Wasn't that a gay bar?

> reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

I wonder if the people who stormed the bastille were told to sort themselves out first.

maybe storming the bastille was a necessary first step to sort themselves out.

now, I'm happy for you that you're a success or whatever.

But don't assume that just because its possible that you worked for it and got lucky, that's its possible for everyone.

You should immediately contact a psychiatrist to get treatment for your depression. It won't go away without help. Also, listen to lectures by Dr. Jordan B Peterson on YouTube and try his Future Authoring program to get yourself moving again.

Never kill yourself. Depression grinds you down over time but it's usually easy to treat. Call a doctor now.

how fucking retarded u need to be to support bernie?

fuck. you. cunt.

"Der kostbarste Besitz auf dieser Welt aber, ist das eigene Volk! Und für dieses Volk, und um dieses Volk! Wollen wir ringen und wollen wir kämpfen! Und niemals erlahmen, und niemals ermüden, und niemals verzagen, und niemals verzweifeln!"

>I do want to change the world
>you have to sort yourself out first

is completely right. focus on yourself, then help others. raise your consciousness, and raise the consciousness of others

and you will help save the world

it's not about going out and fighting evil sword and shield in hand, the real work happens on a personal level

if you can stay positive and be a good influence on others, you're doing exactly what you need to do to help the human race

Well fuck

i'm ready to leave, but hanging or gun suicide is shit, i've decided on starvation

So you think the world is lost. And you are not willing to fight for the disenfranchised. We dont need you, sorry.

OP listen to this guy

ur red pilling only started after trump started?

ur way behind

I think the problem with me is that right now all I can really do is watch while the world does its shit, and I feel completely helpless (along with other unrelated things)

Bro just watch Jordan Peterson's videos.

Watch his maps of meaning 2017 lectures.

Don't be stupid. If you really hate life so much, go punish those who made you feel that way. After all, you've got nothing to lose.

Starving yourself is retarded and probably the most painful/slow way to kill yourself. You'll give in and eat something before realizing you wasted all that time and could've ended it in 1 second.

It is, but the gays apparently know how to party, its not like its only exclusive to gays

Watch Jordan's lectures and you will come to realize that every single thing you do and every action you take is immensely important.

Check out

Fuck you

Life's shit you dumb cunt. But it's better than the alternative
> get a real flag
> stop larping
> harden the fuck up or go shoot up a school, I don't give a shit
Just stop being a whiny faggot and get your shit sorted

Hey we all have our moments, it was before red pill

Call a help line and get treatment. Start feeling better right now.

take the breadpill

Most of us are at this point. The only thing we can do is keep being aware, spread the word to those that'll listen and never give up hope. Get a degree, work hard to get in a meaningful position where you might actually have a chance to change things or at least fuck shit up. Many of us have a chance at fighting, worse case scenario we get "suicided". But what is a life worth living if done so in a fake controlled world

The issue with getting a psychiatrist is what set me back immensely on job level. I already went to one a while back and because of that showing on medical records I couldn't be eligible for a combat job in the military. I was also disqualified because of it for the military academies, and if I seek out more help it may just kick me out

you will make a nice addition to my collection

also tldr but probably kys is the answer

When you create a world built on lies and corruption all it takes is the simple truth for the collapse to come. We're one hero away from change. You could be that hero.


hey brother
come visit the christian threads on here -
or better yet come to the dedicated christian board;
/christian/ over on cripple chan
check out the discord linked there, in the top pinned thread

you will find what you are looking for

christ is the final redpill on the jews
but also life, and everything

take the breadpill, op

It is not your fault world is on fire.
Workout, dont use drugs, dont drink and try to best version of yourself. Rolling in depresion will not change anythink. You could be depresed whole life.

Find somethink you like and enjoy. You dont have life they promised you. You dont have future they promised you. You have to make your own now.

Your hate and pain will be with you. But understand that feeding these feeling only hurt you. Good luck. This world will be even worst.
But even if islam wins, you will die anyway one day. Dont kill yourself. Maybe in 10 years you will have to fight for freedom with riffle. This is not future we wanted. But it is future we have to deal with it.

There's nothing you could ever do to lose what grace has won. Let love begin its work, and He will make a miracle of you

With God, all things are possible. God loves you, even if you don't believe it, and wants you to live. Satan longs for you to die, to deprive the world of your light. You see the scars from when you fell, but we see the stories they'll tell.

Jesus can still recognize the one He loves in you. I know you can't see it, so lift your eyes to Him. There's something good being made with your life. God isn't finished yet

If you do it, you're weak. We could need you one day. Think about it, you're fucking accepted. You're a selfish person if you go through with it without thinking everything out.

you're not actually thinking about suicide. you know too much to they are trying to implant thoughts in your mind to get you to kill yourself. You can beat this

Fuck it, consider me your uncle now. You have a drunken, dickhead, piece of shit uncle telling you to shut the fuck up and join us. You're already in.

OP take the Christ pill




Get some philosophy.
Existentialism works for me, maybe not you.

>We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man

user, existentialism works for nobody.


To the Christians in this thread, join in prayer for our friend.

Lord, we gather to ask You to intervene for user. He has suffered, and watched others suffer, without Your healing in his life. As such, he is at the edge of the abyss, with one foot hovering over the pit. Please Lord, pull him back and into Your embrace. Send your angels to comfort him in this trying time, open his eyes to Your glory and the promise of grace that You offer. May he join the body of Christ and be one of Your children.

In Yahshua's holy name, amen

Only reason I'm still alive is because I CAN'T LET THE NORMIES HAVE THE LAST LAUGH.
Being alive sucks, but I don't care. Suicide is for pussies. And I stopped being one.

>Christian Anons

I'm not going to lie, but I've distanced myself from Christianity for a while. Not necessarily became in Atheist, but branched off in my own way. Seeing all this stuff, I'll give it another shot.

As for everybody else, I appreciate it. It feels reassuring to read all this

+1 Faith in Humanity

Good luck, friend

There are no reasons to live. Kill yourself.

make sure u watched the whole vid

I want you to come back marching home Johnny.
The fight is yet to come.

OP you can battle through this. We need you to fight against the cucks of the world. We need you to fight for your homeland. Get through this


Stick around, the next 10 years are going to be a hell of a ride. You get to watch France learn exactly how much of a mistake they made, laugh at fence jumpers getting removed. Gonna be a good time. Suicide is for pussies.

>the reason we are losing the war is because of faggots like you...if you want to die then at least die fighting for something you believe in.

Would taking 1000mg of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride and combining it with alcohol result in death?

Suicide is for pussies.
Either you fight or you die.

Thank you for this video. I'm not OP but this really helped me.

I have depression it sucks donkey balls, find an evidence based psychiatrist, someone who will cite trials directly if asked or if you decide to find a therapist get one that is rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy, because that has real evidence behind it. I see you are getting advice from christians and existentialists but neither of those perspectives will help with depression because they are worldviews not philosophies of life. I recommend stoicism, the meditations of Marcus Aurelius are a great place to start. Stoicism provides a framework for systematic living as well as serving as a perspective for giving life meaning in the face of death.

>cripple chan
wheres that?

you're welcome brother

check out andersons channel if you want some preaching, music, etc.

nobody tell him

I would like to join /christian/ though and would like to read what they think and write about.

it's an 8 instead of a 4

the christian board is fucking horrible though, it's full of catholics who literally advocate murdering people of other denominations and they ban non-catholics for disagreeing with catholics

It's blocked here and by Google. You can only find it if youknow it's there. Probably blocked by German isps anyway.


But, that's the will of God, though.

At least don't kill yourself until you catch an incurable disease.

Dammit Sven.


its the will of satan

I think first it's good to care about your nations future and the future of your race, but at first you also have to look at you, because others try to look at the nation and race, but not at you. Secound you being afraid and depressed is excatly, what those who seek to ruin us want. Third get away from the illusions, like the older generations had it better, it's only true to some extend there was always struggle and there will be always struggle. Mental health is important, I think far to important to leave it to other people, you need to find things, places and activities, which you like. Also try sport and look after your diet, this can have immense effects on your mental health, look it up. And don't expact the world to give you anything you have to earn and take it.

Alive men can't make the world a worse place.

No. Catholics are the real Christians. The others follow Lucifer and the Jew.