1. IQ

1. IQ
2. Political affiliation

1. 190
2. Radical Centrist

1. 600
2. Islamist

>Being indecisive and having identity is radical
What a world we live in.

>190 IQ
PFFFFF Gotta love the aussie shitposter.

1. 37
2. Radical Centrist

>Whatever the top 2% is.
>Reactionary. Or economically left that votes conservative parties.

centrist is just another word for fabian socialist

An IQ over 160 means absolutely nothing, hell anything over 145 is highly unreliable. IQ tests are only good for within 3 standard deviations (which are generally 15 points). An IQ of 190 only tells you that you are outside of 3 standard deviations from the mean (on the smarter side) and that it's fairly likely you are also outside of 4 standard deviations. The only way an IQ score of 190 would be meaningful would be if the standard deviation is actually 30 points (assuming a 100 median as is standard), but then it would be equivalent to a 145 IQ on a 15 point standard deviation test (standard for all but the Cattel test).

1. 78
2. alt-right

"Radical" Centrist HAHAHHAHAHHH! Commies are literally more intelligent than you, Centrism is the staple ideology of normies and political simpletons.

1. 85
2. National Socialist

1. 91
2. Trump supporter




1. 65
2. Redikewl sentrest

Look up the definition of radical centrism. It is intentionally vague. It is so vague that it can be accepted by most people.

I'm pretty certain that you got the idea of a radical center from a cnn piece that aired in February.

Score is per lobe, and thus doubled, right?

1. 5000

2. alakazam's antifa

>having no personality and living the meme life supporting meme candidates and policies is cool
What a world we live in.


>Centrism is the staple ideology of normies and political simpletons.

Nope, that would be the ideology du jour. Right now that's SJWism.

There's not a single normie who would dare say they're not a feminist/etc. in public.

2.mild centrist

1. 6,000,000
2. Jew

IQ 150

Dispassionate Neo Centrist with Urban Ties

I'm a centrist but I know in these modern info wars, there is no room for centrist. Both sides aren't fighting for truce. It's their way or chaos


1. 6 Gorillian
2. Fascism

Top 1%
Permanent Contemporaryism

No you can't Google it

Dem Soc

>Radical centrist
I imagine you going to a rally and you start yelling: "I WANT TO COMPROMISE , I WANT TO COMPROMISE"

centrist reporting in. I JUST DONT GIVE A FUCK!
and what is IQ based on? I know a little about alot but my retention skills are shit. eaither way, IQ is not something we should be caring about on this board. you're all stormfront retards.

1. 104

2. right leaning centrist

1. 264
2. Universal Bogdanovian

1. 10

2. Ultimate beta cuck


Grahams number

>190 IQ
>visits Sup Forums
>1 post by this ID

saged and hidden

Esoteric Hitlerism



I think I need a quick rundown on how you achieved such impressive numbers and political ideology.

128 - 132

Sup Forums browser

>brags about it on autistic Mongolian basket weaving forum
real intellectual in our presence

1. 77
2. National Socialist

Neuron and nango-bot synthesis.

Loch Nessterian

1. 900
2. Cuckservative

What am i?

>inb4 faggot,cuck etc

>Dont want diversity people should assimilate if they choose to emigrate in another country
>Religious freedoom should be protected but it shouldnt treat higher than the constitution
>I believe in the climate change and its a scientific heavily supported theory
>Universal healthcare should be mandatory for every citizen
>Cooperations should be taxed higher and loopholes closed
>The right to bear arms should be granted if people pass a test to determine if they are ready to have weapons

Far-Right TradCatholic Knight

You missed the 8 key twice, user

1. I don't know, and I don't care
2. Monarchist, or Anarchist. self governance before real governance with the understanding that we all stand at a tribunal after we die.

No, I didn't. I was hoping to see people enter some serious numbers but it's meme thread after all.

congratulations, you have normal political opinions, you should probably GTFO

>Authoritarian Left (similar to NatSoc)

Centrist AKA bullshitting fence-sitter.

Might as well call yourself agnostic as well. And androgynous.

Literal Communist. Fantastic.

Get the fuck out.

1. 1488
2. Reddit

Gorilla mindset

>Monarchist, or Anarchist.


Being center isn't indecision. It has its own sets of policies that centrists assess to be the best. That's not analogous to agnosticism.

The number of kings he recognizes as valid is encoded by a 1-bit binary number.

if there is no established monarchy there should be no government.

1. 100000
2. Poland

you are fucking retarded

>he hasn't taken the anarcho-monarchism pill

1. 132
2. Paleoconservatist

1. 125
2. Radical Islam

>RADICAL centrism

Centrism is the status quo, nothing radical or intelligent about it. Only politicians and businessmen love the status quo because it means a stable economy and money.

classical rebuttal

What test are you using to determine your IQ?

1. 140
2. En marche !



sqrt(age) * 20

It's called hoppean libertarianism.
Did you know that monarchies
>had lower taxes
>less public spending
>less regulation
>a mostly decentralized legal system (the monarch was hardly a legislator)
Republicanism is based on the idea that representatives are employed as a caretaker for the nation, while monarchism is based on the idea of private ownership of government. The monarch naturally takes more care of his country since he is interested in it's long-term value and he would need to bear the consequences of negative actions, unlike the caretaker.
Ideally he only takes taxes to fund his own lifestyle and acts more like a judge than a ruler. (A noble class is cancer though.)
Read "Democracy, The God That Failed" if you want to know more.


> 104
> right-wing conservatism, monarchism

IQ: 10000
Affiliation: radical centrist

1. 3.14
2. Whatever side Macron is on

3. 290
4. bi-polar schizophreniac

>Democracy, The God That Failed
Do you have a less offensive source than Hans-Hermann Hoppe?

Civic Nationalist

>IQ of 190

On what scale is this? And where did you get it measured?

>1. IQ
>2. Political affiliation
not retarded enough to be into cucklitics

2.autonomous libertartarian stalinist

>IQ 190
>Flag Australia

a 20 question internet quiz which is the most accurate way of determining your IQ

2.National Bolshevism

National Socialist


1. 72
2. BLM activist

Genderkin Imperialist


1. 86
2. you're favorite

1. 69
2. feminist

monarchy relies on one person to be wise
democracy relies on many people to be wise

are there many people that are wise today?

Sure, but can you give me some more authors along this line? Being new to this ideology, I'm not going to trust just one author when I could read 20.

2. Almazan Kitchenist
