Register for Porn

New law in the UK passed so now citizens may have to register at the post office to be allowed to watch online porn.

Won't happen, just like their other attempts at regulating porn.

Not like you can't get around it with vpns or proxies or tor anyway

>UK regulates shit

News at 11. How does that shit work anyway, you can always get a VPN and visit any site you want

Its so funny that the average brit does not care about his/her rights being infringed.

Britian is pretty much the exact opposite of the US.

Porn is degenerate anyway.

We need to work out and meet real women.

T. 23 year old Incel.

All this shit about blocking porn in the name of children and all they have to do is do a google search and do as told to stick in and wallah.

Government are incompetent on certain issues

I don't see how they could make it work .

>gotta pay for your TV licence
>gotta pay for your porn licence
>gotta pay for the porn because pirating porn will get you 10 years in australia

dad what happened to you?

>Blocks porn
>Still allows Music channels with softcore
>Childrens programs too.

>implying this wouldn't be good

Porn warps kids minds m8

Everyone is against the idea of an opt in porn filter.

That is, until they have kids.
And then, oh shit, they are 11 years old and they start pestering you for a smartphone.
And hyper fast 4g internet means they can start looking at the filthiest shit possible and grow up even more fucked up and mentally stunted than you did.

Tell me, how the fuck are you supposed to raise a son or daughter when that rubbish is readily accessible with such little effort?

It's ultimately a good thing.

The point is it really doesn't stop it and just makes you have to register for something you shouldn't have to. It's about the constant steps towards further identification for everything.

Sounds like a subversive attempt at telling white people to have kids, you dipshits

inb4 it's blamed on anyone currently in office.

uk been censoring porn for long long time.

I'm going to go in there and demand access to my favourite scat, I hope they enjoy drowning under waves of second-hand embarrassment.

Post the copypasta about a guy having to call to have a wank with some cuck porn

If they honestly just wanted to pwotect the childwen, it'd be opt-in for the block instead of block by default and opt out.
We all know parents who don't want their kids seeing stuff will have no qualms with getting it put in place, but plenty of people who DO want porn will be hesitant to stand up and say 'give me porn please'.
Its social engineering.

Orrrrrr you could just tell your kid to fuck off and play with sticks and dirt like I did and most others did as kids. If you buy a child a phone or a computer you deserve to have that child grow up in to a good little goy.


This country has fallen so far that there is no longer any hope of fixing it via """"""democratic""""""" processes.

People who don't understand that don't understand the Overton window and how easily it can be manipulated by top-down, media-driven, manufactured consent.

Thing is we can call our ISPs up and request they block porn for us, or other categories of content. That ability has been there for nearly as long as ISPs have. You're quite right, this is nothing but another attempt at social engineering.


Of course. Big brother knows best. Be a good little slave and obey.

Can you not still get phones without internet capability anyway


Is that Moot?

Bit of a bad attitude my friend. You better sort your attitude out if you ever wish to be the proud holder of a Post Office Masturbatory Customer card.

Absolutely, I have a Nokia 3310. Still, kids don't need that either. They need to go out in to the world and use their big boy words, otherwise they'll end up as 30 year old man-children getting beat up by big boy fists.

Porn LITERALLY turns you into a raging cuckold and weak man.

Believe me the kikes want us to fap to porn.

On top of that most anti-virus software has porn blacklists or for stricter control they have white lists. Any parent crying about porn on the internet for their children havent taken 5 minutes to look at how to prevent it.

i want a pda with no microphone, speaker, gps, bluetooth, wifi, or cellular hardware.

>muh brick

>less rights for all means I don't have to put in any work as a parent
Or how about you be a goddamn parent. A smartphone isn't a fucking toy an 11 yo needs. And there currently are filters and methods of censoring shit for your kids, but that would require time and effort from you shitty cucks in raising your wife's son. Jesus man just be a fucking man and be a better parent instead of relying on the government to do your job you cunt. I hope your kids get raped by an achmed

>not blacklisting everything by default and only whitelisting sites you approve of.

If the kid can use a VPN to get around it, he deserves to see it.

Good. Porn is degenerate. Maybe it'll get people to stop watching it

Don't even need AV shit for that. On Windows you can just dump IPs in the hosts file and Bob's yer uncle. Parents that buy their kids this kind of technology are bad parents looking to offload some of the work of parenthood on to an object that doesn't get tired. So we end up with kids that aren't properly socialised and you end up with screaming snowflakes. We need an EMP.

>blame the jews
>show no evidence
Well done Britfag

Bad attitude, you're a fool.

Of course. That's why you should let the nanny state make all your decision for you. Personal responsibility and making your own decisions is too dangerous. Just obey. No need to think or make your own choices.

Those cunts use porn as a weapon, in the literal sense. They use pron in combat theatres as a weapon. Should read up on it desu, they're very smart. The filthy little kikes.


You just know they will also use this to block out any other site they deem "inappropriate", like Sup Forums and anyone else that doesn't march to their tune.

I think as well one thing that should be noted is a child is not particularly going to be looking for pornography anyway until they start puberty in which case they'll be sex crazy regardless. I agree porn is unhealthy but a post pubescent child looking for it isn't going to change and there probably is no way to stop that.

Really I think this is more a generational issue because the parents now are typically middle aged and the child knows more about internet security than they do but I think it is limited to that generations ignorance for the most part.

but i wont get more hormones if we have an emp

Feminists want to ban porn & sexbots

I actually had to call up sky not too long ago as Sup Forums was blocked, they accidentally changed my settings (Found out later you can do it online). Now I could easily get around it but as an adult it was an irritation

Bingo. Why else would they block porn but refuse to prosecute people who view CP?

>New law in the UK passed so now citizens may have to register at the post office to be allowed to watch online porn.

That's not what the story says, panty-sniffer.

Fortunately liberals care about porn so they'll probably do all the protesting for us.
Not read the article but it basically depends on whether this goes to vote before June. If it does we'll be fine. If it doesn't Tories will have a much bigger majority and probably pass it easily.

Fucking amazing, they need to properly outlaw it though

Stop being a spastic then.

It was said to 'turn you into a raging cuckhold and a weak man'.
Proof where?

or you could take the fifteen minutes necessary to learn how to install and calibrate proper filters on your child's phone.

There is nothing worse that lazy, self-righteous parents. You are THE biggest reason governments get away with infringing on our liberties.

what decade are you living in?

The tories have an obsession with morality laws regarding porn. Can't believe they actually came up with the 4 finger rule.


The first few lines of the article say that these new rules would make it harder for children to access adult content, because an adult needs to go prove their age. Missing a big thing here though.
>parent proves age
>gets access
>his kids now have access as they are in the same household

>what decade are you living in?
One in which the things deemed socially acceptable are morally reprehensible and irreversibly damaging. Why would I give to my child a device that is used non-stop to pump propaganda in to their minds? Give me one good reason that outweighs the effects of modern propaganda for me to give my kids this sort of tech.

Peace be upon you too brother.

Who even thinks this is a good idea?
Sometimes I feel like people propose laws just because there aren't any other interesting headlines to print.

This had royal ascent like one or two weeks again. No-one on Sup Forums said or did anything. gj guys.

>not wanting to swap wank stories over the counter with the 70 year old hotty serving you
Are you okay?

Always funny

Also, I like how you pin blame on us but not yourself. Don't be a cunt, you're part of it all too. If you're going to blame us then put your hands up and accept the blame that rests on you.

Porn is dwgenerate. I am glad roasties and chads will not learn new ways of destroying society, hehe

>it also applies to anime porn


North korea 2. but with more shitskins

>anglo-cuck countries
>anglo-cuck legal systems
>Sharia law is coming

>Fast internet

pick one roo fucker

what the fuck.

It's not about changing name servers. The problem is when people can't be arsed to do something to change or repel laws.

Lift your arse and go fight for your rights, best ally. If you don't do anything no one will.

>implying there's anything wrong with cuckoldry

Come the fuck on man. You are saying "I like to lose and have things taken from me" you are literally a huge loser right now.

That being said I think you should be a financial cuckold and send me all your money.

And people called me crazy for downloading all of that porn, now who's laughing?

>he didn't pay his porn licence

>Give me one good reason that outweighs the effects of modern propaganda for me to give my kids this sort of tech.

Because every other child around them is growing up using that sort of tech, learning on an intuitive level how to operate the devices that the modern world is built around, and if your child doesn't he/she will be at a huge disadvantage compared to his/her peers, not to mention unable to function independently as an adult. Being unable to use phones/computers/etc instinctively in this day and age is roughly the same as being barely literate forty years ago.

Do you want your child to be the technological equivalent of the guy whose lips move when he tries to read the form his boss just handed him? Then you shouldn't be restricting his access to technology, any more than you'd say 'well, he doesn't need books now - all that letters and writing and stuff can wait until he gets older'.

Yah, we're in together britfag. Now what?

Muh, thats gonna be blocked for sure. Best change the creds over to my jp wife and login with jp ip a few times to keep my content safe :)

20 years ago or so I could make a joke about how each star on your flag represents a percent of the population that is white, but not anymore

ehhh jesus no, thats where its goin to i can see it happening as a man who is fuckin tortured by new taxes every fuckin second by my government it always leads to more laws no matter what.

>his kids now have access as they are in the same household
But it's now squarely on him (if it wasn't before) since he had to take a specific extra step to make it happen.

I didn't own a computer until six years ago when I was 18, now I spend my spare time programming and have earned money through it. I didn't need to be wrapped in technology all my life to be able to get good with tech, maybe because I'm not an absolute retard who fails to understand contextual events.

No, that is not a big enough reason for me to subject my children to non-stop propaganda. That shit is the antithesis of parenting.

>going to japanese sites
Disgraceful user, bloody disgraceful.

Legalize prostitution and tax it to shit.
Simple, people are all for it because openness about sex and all that but you still have the taboo there, you still have the shame there, you still have literally everything but the law there to dissuade it.
As well straight forward sex between a man and a woman, paid though it may be, is far less damaging and degenerate than porn can be.

i pay 50% of my earnings so i can feed usless grandmas who destroy public transport and smell like shit, and gypsys who beg for money and smell like cigarettes.

Yes it was on him before, now it's on daddy government. He had the options available to him to block or allow access to certain sites for his kids. What's happening now is Big Brother is stepping in to take over the role of parenting.

>Be a Britcuck
>Do literally anything
>Swat team kicks down your door and you're arrested and thrown in prison for life.

Mad thing about all this is that all that you described can happen in the time it takes you to send one packet of data to Sup Forums server.

all the kids today are stuck on the top 10% of the clear net. really just saturday morning cartoons jetsons style.
and have you seen the games they're sellingl children? no thought required. no puzzle games. just shooters being advertised.
as soon as a politician suggests censorship, get him out. this is always about teh headless horsemen. the politicians taking away our rights are the real literal terrorists. using fear.

trump is awesome with that two for one repeal regulation.

>have earned money through it.
just out of interest, in what field?

Nobody literally cares to be honest lots of people watch weird porn and practically everyone pirates films or music. We do have some stupid regulations but lets not exaggerate too much.

every day i slightly feel more like taxes is complete theft

Just maintaining and upgrading a server for a year. It's not some career thing, not a fun career in my opinion.

>I am a redpilled facist, I believe the state must restrict the liberty of the citizenty for their own protection, including limiting free speech to guard against degenerate media that has negative effects on the nations psyche.
>it actually happens

Someone's bitter...

Kids with smart phones are the problem. They are going to get even more brainwashed than the TV generations.

This is so fucking degenerate holy shit I cannot wait for this world to burn to the ground. Day of the rope cannot come soon enough.

Lovers of cringe get your post office jobs now!


I do fear, however, when a tech-savvy authoritarian lawmaker gets into power at some point

absolutely demolished like that wall

Pretty sure when I bought a new sim card I had to provide my credit card number the first time I accessed an adult site. 1984 is already here and you faggots keep supporting tory scum

cut myself into pieces...

Porn should be banned end of story you autistic lolbertarian spergs and degenrerate weeaboo pedos having a problem with that will get the rope

>tfw literally have to go to the post office and register just to watch roastie getting railed
if i was prepared to put that much effort in i would just get a gf

Let's vote in Labour and get government issued girlfriends then, that's even less 1984 right? And before you give the talk about how we can vote UKIP, they're dead.

they also pay for TV licences like a bunch of tards, they're paying for ads.

this is my last free wank...