>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
Since when, only if polygamy banned by local gov.
In sharia since a woman is worth 0.5 men, then you can have some say up to 3 wifes, as 3 women = 1.5 men you round down at 1 men and this way makes sense.
Fucking retard
>How can you justify alchool
Fuck Donald, i enjoy freedom and free will, Unlike you who are not free, you are just a slave to GOD , islam=serve no freedom, no free will.
Alchool has many benefits, wine can even make you live longer and healthier. the only problem is abuse, even water can kill you if you drink too much faggot.
>How you not support a religion
You mean a religion were only the rich get richer and the weak are used as meatshilds to conqure others by waging Jihad?
Really good if you are rich faggot and want to conqure shit, really bad if you are everybody else.
Why haven't any Islamic countries do anything relalevat in the last 1400 year , yet pre-islam nations were cradle of civilization best of the best... because Islam is piece of shit.
>How can you no see France it it being
Priest getting Beheaded
Trucker running over people
Ak-47 wielding faggots killing 100 people at a theater
"I hear you have freedom of speech and expersion and you drawn our Prophet in a bad pose on your comics" AKBAR TRRRRRR
No freedom, no free will, just serving or death.
I'd rather be a degenerate and be free, then a slave in your piece of shit religion.
>Islam teacher people discipline
So does all the other religion you special snowflake.
Why are people leaving your countries for "better lifes" in western ones, are you saying that discline that Islam teaches is worthless and a piece of shit?
>To you, you guys are as degenerate...
Stop trying to shill for the muzzies and GO
Unless you are muzzie and lying as it's your Duty to deceive,kill,convert, thats what Jihad is.
The struggle internal or otherwise that the world is NOT muslim.