The real redpill

Muslims endorse monogamous marriage and no degenerate alcohol consumption. Literally, what the fuck is wrong with islam to you guys?

How can you justify alcohol consumption when even Donald Trump is opposed it?

How can you not support a religion that gets the dedication and loyality you must put into a family and marriage to make it work?

How can you not understand to keep the body clothed and to not spoil it to the outside?

How can you not see France for it being the socialist perverted degenerated society it was and still is?

Also, islam teaches people discipline with its practice of fasting and praying 5 times a day. It pretty much makes you christ chan and goyim fags look like a bunch of lazy casuals with your religion.

To me, you guys are as degenerate as liberals. And am considering hoping board this muslim train. Plus, all the muslim girls ive met are pretty qt tb.h senpai.

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They're shitskins

Nice spacing plebbit

In France like a third of Arab bitches are married to niggers. Fathers are okay with that as long as they are mudshits

>no alcohol consumption

Savages. Sage.

>imam look I posted it again

>monogamous marriage
Islam allows 4 wives, that's not "monogamy".

>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
Hmmm lol?

Daughters wedding day pic?

Also Islam's idea of fasting is just not eating all day and then gorging yourself at night. Orthodox especially but even Catholic fasts are much more stricter and actually promote discipline.
Go away Islam shill.

Fuck those desert barbarians and and their moon god.


If tan girls isn't your thing, thats your problem. And its not like theres anything stopping all races of people converting to islam

I prefer to leave my points in bullet form to make it easier to read

Im okay with this as long as the marriage is monogamous and founded by love. And no abuse.

Alcohol consumption is the root of all normies. It is the fuel that drives degenerate college party and sluts. Youre the reason why people cheat and die of alcohol consumption. There is literally no benefit to having any alcohol in the world. Or at least in a social gathering.

That was the old islam. Obviously, any muslim in the western world has only one marriage partner

>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
because they are forced to in our societies !

How is sex life? What if a young Muslim couple can't afford to have children?

one good does not undo the allahu akbars

Same as Christianism user. Same as older European pagan beliefs.

Muslims are still sandniggers, they can't behave in our societies and we need them out.

>Kill First ask questions later mentality
>Women are subhuman cattle, instead of being treated like individuals
>le killed for the crime of being raped
>Religion of Agression

Muslims BTFO

>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
Since when, only if polygamy banned by local gov.
In sharia since a woman is worth 0.5 men, then you can have some say up to 3 wifes, as 3 women = 1.5 men you round down at 1 men and this way makes sense.

Fucking retard

>How can you justify alchool

Fuck Donald, i enjoy freedom and free will, Unlike you who are not free, you are just a slave to GOD , islam=serve no freedom, no free will.
Alchool has many benefits, wine can even make you live longer and healthier. the only problem is abuse, even water can kill you if you drink too much faggot.

>How you not support a religion
You mean a religion were only the rich get richer and the weak are used as meatshilds to conqure others by waging Jihad?
Really good if you are rich faggot and want to conqure shit, really bad if you are everybody else.

Why haven't any Islamic countries do anything relalevat in the last 1400 year , yet pre-islam nations were cradle of civilization best of the best... because Islam is piece of shit.

>How can you no see France it it being

Priest getting Beheaded
Trucker running over people
Ak-47 wielding faggots killing 100 people at a theater
"I hear you have freedom of speech and expersion and you drawn our Prophet in a bad pose on your comics" AKBAR TRRRRRR

No freedom, no free will, just serving or death.

I'd rather be a degenerate and be free, then a slave in your piece of shit religion.

>Islam teacher people discipline

So does all the other religion you special snowflake.
Why are people leaving your countries for "better lifes" in western ones, are you saying that discline that Islam teaches is worthless and a piece of shit?

>To you, you guys are as degenerate...

Stop trying to shill for the muzzies and GO
Unless you are muzzie and lying as it's your Duty to deceive,kill,convert, thats what Jihad is.
The struggle internal or otherwise that the world is NOT muslim.

Islam is religion of mass murder, forced conversation, slavery, and poverty.

Thats why everybody is leaving yourshit countries.

>implying even more than 10% of christians even know this
Go away, christ chan shill

Maybe there wouldn't be so many bombings, if us westerners didn't endorse disgusting evens like (pic) on a daily basis. Our society is so disgusting and has lost its roots for what is right and wrong.

Its like when the barbarians conquered rome. They were disgusted by the colluseum battles and all other types of horrific shit the romans deemed as normal.

I do not endorse killing or bombing of innocent people. But you have to understand how disgusting western society really is.

>Same as Christianism user. Same as older European pagan beliefs.

Conservative girls are the sluttiest bitches on the planet. you can not deny this. The whole foundation of christianity and judaism has been corrupted. Christ chan has lost her roots and is now taking in the BBC. The only pure religion is islam

You may try to lie
But you should fear us, we've read your quran, hadih. we know how you are supposed to lie to convert people.

Everyone has a chance to convert,and refusing to convert is a insult, which means any muzzie on earth can target you and kill you once you refuse.


just a bunch of crazyed brainwash monkeys going crazy and killing people for disagreeing.

They don't drink. Drinking is a huge part of western culture.

listen to this user whites
islam is the way to fight degeneracy , erosion of traditional family, feminism ,liberals.

its time for the west to embrace the teaching of muhammed.

yeah, they also marry their cousins

>>Conservative girls are the sluttiest bitches on the planet. you can not deny this.



I have nothing against some Muslims like Bosnians, Turks, Indonesians, Malaysians, but Arabs and Arab Muslim culture is literally the most barbaric, filthy and disgusting perverted religion on earth.

As someone who's lived in Qatar for 2 years... Arabs genuinely believe that it's a woman's fault if she gets raped. That's the real reason Arab women wear abaya / rags on their head... it's not culture, it's 100% necessary to prevent being raped by Arabs.

Arabic culture is the most sexually perverted, disgusting, filthy, animalistic culture in the world. I've personally witnessed the sexual degeneracy and maniacal lust of Qataris and Saudis... they genuinely cannot control themselves looking at the bare skin of a woman or even a little boy / girl... they go beserk which is teh real erason they have to covered up.

This is the real reason why Arab Muslims are overrepresented in rapes and gang-rapes on European women and why so many Arab men rape little kids both male and female in Europe.

It is without question the filthiest, stinkiest and most degenerate culture on earth. And that's only relating to gender relations, wait til you hear about their other barbaric and savage beilefs and attitudes.

If anyone here has any sympathy towards this vile culture... you're mentally ill, and I strongly suggest that you actually go and live in a Middle Eastern country and view the people in their natural environment and you'll be in shock. If you think Iraqis in Sweden or Maghrebis in France are bad, people who have been brought up in the social and cultural environment of the country, just wait til you see Arabs, especially gulf Arabs in their natural environment.

Once you do, you'll lose your hatred for all other races, because they are simply in a class of their own.

Drinking is forbidden in Christianity too.
So either you're wrong, or Christianity is not a part of western culture

Mohammed was a dyslexic retarded sexually frustarted Jew who wanted to make Judaism great again, but got rekted by jews in Medina when he pretended to be Their prophet.

They threw him out of Medina, and he cursed them, he later return to Medina and cleared them out like rights, after being a super Edge lord

He married a 6 year old , and fucked her at 9. Atleast thats whats written, who knows what actually happen, 3 years is a long time not to get your dick wet, maybe he just fucked goats until then.


That is only ancient tax. It will be reformed.
Well fine. I can not support middle eastern islam then. I support a islam mixed with wester morality.

Think what you want, but christianity and judaism are now just former shells of what they were and are just masks to hide degeneracy.

inbreeding, rape, child molestation, homo shit. Islam sure seems cool.

>Im okay with this as long as the marriage is monogamous and founded by love
Typical mudshit cuck

OP, get the fuck out of the US you brown garbage. This isn't your safe space. Many of us are waiting to wipe you off the face of the Earth. I'm going after your women and children as well, because Semites and Arabs don't deserve to exist, and you should be afraid. I know I'm not the only American that resents you and your disgusting culture with his whole being.

Jesus was a drunken whore lover

I really wish you a good life
But GTFO or else.

Know that you trying to shill it's actually making things worse.

We are many, we are watching.

Also fun fact
Care to explain why does GOD favor christians?
I mean in battle islam has always had won battles by Zering and bringing 100.000-200.000 men to war, where as christians often had 10-20 times smaller armies and WON.


It's a shitskin religion. Don't come here with your paintbrush waving it around as if your thoughts are unique and beautiful. They aren't. I don't want anything to do with a religion where people can justify jihad, honor killings, and goat fucking. That, to me, is degenerate. All muslims are degenerate, they are the political cattle for their religion. So go suckle on some nice Muslim goat teets OP, nobody here gives a fuck

>They're shitskins

Yeah sure guys, become muzzies so the only thing that gives whites the commeptitive edge on the planet i.e. science and technology and individuality, will be lost because within the dogma

This is interesting. I do see there are degenerate muslims then.

But, i have interacted and looked at muslim american and other western muslim families. It is a good hybrid that is not sick fuck like middle easter muslims, but not degenerate like the west.

Race* Arabs and other part negroids should be exterminated

If a white person converts, does that change his skincolour? Jesus,you people are stupid.

>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
Incorrect burger, they like polygamy and child brides.

Christianity is also a shitskin religion.
If you want a "white religion", then go back to paganism

hurr durr pisslam is the real red pill

No, just stupid

Yeah Judan, lets listen to the Islam.
Atleast we whites have a choice to convert
Jews don't, as Mohammed crused to not to be able to enter heaven for rekting his edgelord ass back in Medina.

Judan you should really think, your 10 milion population won't be able to do shit If islam is united under white ruler.

Imagine 2-3 bilion people willing to Nuke Isreal in a second.

No one on this board knows what they are talking about.
Islam is fine even in the middle east if practiced properly.
Most muslims in the middle east aren't practicing.

God, I'm ashamed that you and Swedes are the same race as me. I just want to bare knuckle brawl two Frenchies, one Swede, and two Quebec dudes at the same time, and just beat the living shit out of you all for fun. How can you be such fags?

This is why we hate bible thumpers. Get out of here with your religion pushing.
This. Muslims ban alcohol because they can't handle their liquor.

Wine = Blood of Christ
Damn you are stupid

By your retarded logic so is sex for pleasure purposes is forbidden, yet if you have to do it, do it for reproduction purposes.

>endorse monogamous marriage

>Alcohol consumption is the root of all normies. It is the fuel that drives degenerate college party and sluts. Youre the reason why people cheat and die of alcohol consumption. There is literally no benefit to having any alcohol in the world. Or at least in a social gathering.
Wrong. Serotonin release is the root of all normies. It's not just alcohol. It's weed, crack, amphetamines, etc.
Alcohol is god's gift to man. But, just like anything else, too much of a good thing is bad.

>he actually believes this


Exactly show me where in the Quran is says all this. Good luck because it doesn't exist.

> monogamous marriage
> multiple wives

>Obviously, any muslim in the western world has only one marriage partner
Are you fucking retarded?

>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
When the first four words you speak is a lie
nice bait tho


>Most muslims in the middle east aren't practicing.
Wrong. Most muslims OUT of the middle east aren't practicing. The ones that do are heard on the news.

Ugh even drunk newfag phone poster knows this is b8. 1/10 (because replying).

>remember to type sage in the options field of shitskin agenda threads.
Saudi Arabia eat my circumcised American white cock

Muslims are fundamentally like Sup Forums. Really conservative and hate everyone who aren't their kind.
Still Sup Forums is on one side of barricade and muslims are on the other side.

"Yeah be like us and look at eggs to see messages from allah."

>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
>with 6 year olds

Wrong. Drunkeness is forbidden in Christianity. Moderate alcohol use is not. Drunkeness is even forbidden in Judaism. And, lo and behold! moderate use is not.


>No i don't

You made a comment that drinking is forbidden,
Where Christians have a rituals where they take a sip of wine during ceremonies.

Oftens times bread = body of christ , and wine = blood of christ.

Saying it's forbidden, it's retarded since there are plently of christians legit 100% christians that drink wine in moderation and nobody tells them it's bad or it's againts their belief.

Arabs are fucking filthy creatures. They are not muslim at all. They are the ones who gave islam a bad name. Fucking cucks

Muslims trying so hard to convert Whites but what they don't realize is that we haven't forgotten what they did to our people.

MILLIONS of whites carried off into slavery and tortured to death by you savages, and you want us to join you?

That's not a burger. That's a guy the pledged to a religion that endorses the removal of infidels' heads.

Yeah because wine is the same as beer, margarita, etc...
Fucking retard

the plans are in place to cuck islamic civilization just like the western one was cucked into soon-nonexistance.

>>implying even more than 10% of christians even know this
Not an argument. Most muslims barely know the tennets of their faith other than having to bump their head 5 times a day and not eat pork. Most muslims are also illterate in the language of their holy text, let alone their first language.

Also Islam can't be reformed by divine decree, shows your knowledge.

Did you know Muslims actually caused the European dark ages by blockading European ports and forcing Europeans to avoid the coasts, thus isolating the entire continent and making them war-obsessed rather than tech-obsessed?

Pretty interesting, especially since now Jews claim that we should THANK them for making a few copies of ancient manuscripts that they found while raiding our lands.

That's a very cute picture of a man, his wife, and his wifes mother.

dont be salty caused they cucked you with the british

Do you get neetbucks for your retardation? The bible condemns drunkenness, not alcohol use.

Muslims believe this.

Muslims are barely even human.

>Implying there was margaritas 2000 years ago
Where does it say it's not OK to drink beer in the Bible

Gib me a qoute

I get you angry you dont like alchool, but in moderation it can make your life better.

It helps digestions, kills bactaria, has shitloads of anti-bodies.

But if you abuse it, fucks you up. Leads to depression, aggresion, and other crap such as liver failure.

Fucking faggot

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” Quran 3:85

Do you even know your own fucking book roach?

The man who made you great, wasn't a big fan of Islam. He banned the shit of your barbaric rituals and traditions.

Thats why Turkey is one of the only Islamic country where life is actually fine.

You've enjoyed shitloads of years of progress, turism, growth.

Where your other Islamic brothers like Afganistan are bascily pieces of shit because of their Islam revolutions.

The Arabian peinsula only great because of western money, western builders, and western trade.

Islam (and forms of judeo christianity) is directly opposed to individual rights.

Forcing people to act correctly does not make them good people.


>endorse monogamous marriage
>muhammad had multiple wives
Pick one.

>Teaches discipline
>Arabs can't fight
Not convinced.

>Muslims endorse monogamous marriage
What, only one goat?

There's never been a good Muslim dominated nation in the history of ever.
And honestly no pretty TRUE muslim girls.

I'll stick with Christianity, buckaroo.

Is that more of an Arab cultural thing, or something actually proscribed by Mohammed?
Is it possible to separate them?

You are either a troll or never had the opportunity to face a real muslim shitskin in real life. Islam is a subhuman religion that should be exterminated to the ground. When the facts speak even the gods are silent.

Not everyone here just blindly follows Trump, you dense sand nigger. Many just agree with him on a lot of issues.


Dark beers have phytonutrients.
Moderate use is linked to decreased stroke risk.
And, it's a good way to get a couple buddies together.

Albania and Bosnia

kek probably

Last time europeans were united , you guys were almost exterminated.

And muzzies today do love Hitler and his views.
You dont want white guys in Europe getting converted to Islam and Unite the whole Islamic world.

Did you see Islamic preachers speak?

Now imagine Hitler with the power of islam backing him. On not just a europe in ruins because of Judan economic shennagians and a previews world war.

Proscribed by Mohammad, who had more than 4 wives because Allah made him a special exception so his lust could be sated.

Albania is a literally who with a neat flag, and Bosnia has been beaten the fuck up since its existence.

No questions, it looks pretty fucking clear to me.

>Exactly show me where in the Quran is says all this. Good luck because it doesn't exist.
he just showed you retard-roach, with numbered references.
and so did You gotta have a liiiitle bit of of cunning for the taqiya thing just so you know

Just remember thats what is happening today
Also happend 100 years ago in Germany and Austria
If you have the change my Judan friend, read or listen to Mein Kampf, you'll see the pattern in the first chapters.
Any system that you try to force it to change unnaturally will create a resistance, that that resistance will fight and give it life to get rid of the isuee, or kill the whole system by it self.

People are once again getting awaken, and Judans have always ended up being exiled, mass murdered, for often times their shenangians.

I respect Isreal, good contaiment country, but you need to bring all yo other judan there and keep them containted.

People like Soros or some New york jew, are gonna make world war 3 happen by mistake , and everybody will suffer.

It's not christianity.

Islam can prevalece without violence or guvernamental help which make it a very weak religion in it's root.

*Islam can't

They're the ones who founded Islam to begin with, genius.