Fuck you Sup Forums

Fuck you Sup Forums

Why did you tried to "meme" Le Pen into office?

One month ago, every French poster here told you
>she can't win, our country is already dead

You accused us of being blackpilled low energy faggots
You didn't listen to us

But the absolute worst is : you gave us hope. You made us believe that MAYBE she was going to win.

You gave us dreams so reality could shatters them.

Fuck you and your reddit frog

Now you have been broken, much like the pajeets, mexicans, leafs, and swedes
Don't worry soon we will all bask in Atom's glow

Your kind isn't welcome here, Habid.

an absolute waste of meme magic energy
check 'em

For what it's worth, my dear frog, I never believed for one second that a useless nation like France would do the right thing.
But then again, it's not like all other European nations are much better. Brexit and Trump are not indicative of any particular trend.
Shit needs to get much much worse before Europe wakes up, and I can't help but wonder if it's going to be too late by then.
I guess I took the black pill.

You did this to yourself.

Your countrymen are weak, pathetic, insufferable cunts. Their daughters deserve to be owned by the Black or Muslims.

You never learned, you never listened. You closed your eyes and called for ignorance and now, you shall pay.

We already knew that since long ago
My point is that Sup Forums gave us false hope, and now there is only despair

It wasn't false hope. Everybody crawls before they walk.

Your lack of realistic expectations isn't Sup Forums's fault.

You voted in a centrist.

Relax, you didn't elect Stalin

cheer up, you are going to have a civil war in 10 years or so, that's going to be your redeeming chance

macron fucked his teacher. how could the french resist that alpha display of masculinity?
thats what won the election. its your fault you didnt pick a far right candidate who fucked his principal in elementary school to run for president.

I'm so glad I visited France in 2009 when things weren't so bad yet.

It's gonna be a rough ride, France. Lube up!

Don't be a faggot frenchie. That hope you felt must remain there. That hope is one cog in the machination that will save your country. A war is not won in a day, these kind of changes takes generations and decades to implement. Be glad that when you will die, after a complete life with a lovely wife and your kids, you will close your eyes knowing that you fought for your land as best as you could and that your actions helped the salvation push even further. Who knows, maybe the final blow will be dealt by your own kid.

Be glad faggot, it's called honor.

Anyone have the macron gay zipper pants image, we need to designate those as the new french national pants.

Despair can be good. It's what pushes people to react after it simmers long enough.
Good luck, to all of us Europeans.




we aren't broken you larping retard

god americans are the worst posters

Was she? I mean, better than Macron for sure, but was she actually any good? I don't think so. She was weak and cucked, I laughed every time she got called "far-right".

She wasn't. That's the actual worst of this election.
We elected a rothschild banker because we were afraid of a useless scarecrow

I've been saying that it's too early for nationalists to win. This defeat was a good thing. From now on the fire will grow stronger.

edgy frogeater
go surrender yourself, Ahmed le fromage

>perfectly knowing the outcome of the election 4 months prior to the final Day is "lacking realistic expectations"
Are you joking me mate ? Every single nationalist in the francosphere predicted the 60-40

Don't worry frog. When your culture, your people are vanished and your country isn't yours, you will serve as an example. You will be a martyr to the remaining West civilizations when we start to push back.

kek left earth...he is sick of you faggots not helping him in facebook raids and social media trolling.
we could have done better than just "praise kek"...
we could actually storm the internet.