Catholics overwhelmingly voted for Macron

71% of Catholics voted for Macron

67% of Protestants

92% of Muslims

Really starting to think that Christianity is a cuckold religion.

but jews run le frense

wut is le problem pierre?

Way too many Catholics in my experience buy in to the total garbage the church is putting out these days.

>92% of Muslims
lolol not hard to see where this is going

I don't know it's in inherently cucked so much as it's been cucked.

However regardless at this juncture it does much more harm than good

Especially Catholicism

>Catholics voted for Macron
All 5 of them?

There are still Catholics/Christians left in France?

>Muslims should vote to get their liberties taken away

This is the reason why I didn't vote. The traditionalists represent us the best, but also want us dead. The liberals are a poison to us, but don't want us dead.

The only thing one can do is hope that the poison won't affect you, and vote against your self interests.

Memes apart, kinda. A lot of people here are agnostics, AKA don't care. But a lot of people have been coming back since the attacks.

>The traditionalists represent us the best, but also want us dead.

What liberties taken away? The liberty to swarm into foreign countries and get free stuff?

of course is cuckhold we 're talking of Judeo-Christianity

>ban holy books
>ban religious institutes
Things that take away the ability to practice your religion. The law should always have priority over whatever people have in their own brand of culture though. Immigration has nothing to do with religious freedom, and must be severely curbed for the interests of the nation.

Religion doesn't matter, it's the people that are cucked.
You think Polish catholics would vote the same?

Christfags on this board BTFO'd.

Way to go supporting a religion of degeneracy.

Explain Poland faggot.

Current church is ran by an illegitimate heir to St. Peter, he isn't even white. Fucking disgusting commie scum. We need another Polish Pope to call for a crusade

Don't put cathocucks and orthodox in the same basket

Poland is pretty damn far away from where I live and what I experience. No doubt they do things differently there.

Just saying the messaging these days is clearly off kilter and too many people just buy in to it because it sounds good or feels good or whatever.

I don't know why Sup Forums likes Catholicism so much. It's a completely fucking cucked religion that loves shitskins.

Mostly old american conservatives who still belive americans where the good guys in ww2.


>8% of Muslims had no idea what the fuck they were doing
Well at least something amusing came of this

The French killed more clergy during the Terrors than the entirety of the Spanish Inquisition

Ya think.?.




There's no such thing as gay marriage anyway. Stop believing Jewish lies.

Marriage existed before Christianity you dumb cluck. Gays want to have kids too.

we must destroy religions

all of them

Catholics aren't christian

Maybe they were just following Varg, maybe they just want to escalate the chaos

Gays fundamentally can't have kids. That's literally the direct consequence of not being heterosexual.

So Catholics were about average in rejecting her. Protestants were average. Maybe you should look to your own candidate and party and wonder why nobody wants to elect her rather than blaming voters.

There are a few muslims who are muslim in name/registration only, and they are the only ones who have any potential of integrating anywhere, sadly they're 8% at best

They worship a 'My Wife's Son', what do you expect? They make me sick.

I have trouble believing that. American conservatives seem more about Protestantism.

Adoption and surrogacy.

Lawfags ruin everything

That's not "having kids" any more than shaking up with a homo is "marriage."

You have a deranged mind incapable of understanding language, science, biology, etc.

But they say God decides what marriage is, not secular authority.

>We need another Polish Pope to call for a crusade

You were saying?

It means he's one of those """""moderate""""" muslims who are too deep into taqiiya to drive the truck of peace into a crowd of innocents, but would gladly celebrate when """""traditionalists""""" do it.

pol deserve this



What I meant was that people who have kids, biological or not, tend to prefer being able to have the title and benefits of marriage. If it were solely a religious thing it should have not morphed into the social + legal benefits that it became.

Marriage existed before Christianity. They do not have a monopoly on the concept of two people entering into a legally binding union. Marriage is the preferred name for such a union. It started out as a property agreement by which a woman would be sold from her father to another man by means of a dowry and we don't expect that to exist anymore.

White Catholics in America overwhelmingly voted Trump. Its not Catholics, its the French.

>my sister's white boyfriend is to blame for catholics being cucks

So did city-dwelling retards

>I hate the truth


It's people like you who dragged the religious aspect of it into contention. Had you framed the entire thing from the outset as wanting a government certificate for tax breaks or whatever after signing up to be the odd homo who doesn't sleep around, then you might have had an argument.

But that is not the case. You took the Jewish brainwashing, agitated against religion, and then in retrospect attempted to justify it just like a rabbi. So you can kindly get fucked because you are not able to think straight, and, frankly, should not be trusted to care for a child.

it is, Marx once wrote "we find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every pope by a Jesuit". Now the Jesuits and the Jews are explicitly in control.


>pol shills WmAF
>Le pen loses
This is what you did to youeselves

Fillon was a better choise for the second voting, its your own falt for choosing le meme.

You don't understand. They say God is Truth. If God is Truth then gay marriage doesn't exist

Assumedly marriage will drag more homos into monogamy. I think religious elements dragged that into it more than gay people did. Gays wanted the social benefits, the legal benefits, and construing them under a different word to define a new concept felt like segregation.

You're religion is a cancer everywhere it goes. You don't belong in the west to start with.

Gender war now!

wmaf is the problem

Then why are more than half of French babies murdered in the womb?


That's not my fault and does not justify your redefinition of terminology. You know, you could just get along like a reasonable person instead of being a useful idiot.

End white men




End abortion

So Le Pen got first the youth vote and now the atheist vote? What the fuck is wrong with this country?

Probably secret atheists. Ex-Muslims are total bros.


They will have 'open marriages', force Churches to marry them, jail people for not worshipping sodomy, adopt children to rape and brainwash, etc
Gays are irredeemable and will not suddenly become monagmous
Bad decision!

I agree. I see a lot of it near me and it really triggers me. Sup Forums has ruined me.

Segregation of naming wasn't really necessary if both gays and straights are conferred the same benefits. The word marriage carries a lot of legal baggage beyond its religious associations. It isn't a redefinition if the primary focus of marriage was on two people being in a union, it wasn't like you HAVE to have kids or HAVE to be Christian to get married, so those arguments are invalid.


They have never forced a Christian to perform a gay marriage.

>implying westerners practice the religion in their file
how stupid are you?

Nah, it's just that the Pope has his hand in religion now. He's a leftist infiltrator that is not even a Christian. He's trying to destroy Christianity and further the goals of globalism.

Time to stop WMAF by force

Come home, white man.

>worship a child of cuckold couple
>not a cuckold religion

White men must die

Stop wmaf

Why do you even care so much whether I believe that your decision to get free gibs from the government from some kind of government contract is "marriage?"

You really don't have an argument at all. Why don't you start by explaining to me why the government has anything to do with a sacred bond in the first place, and why it confers gibs? Or do you entirely lack a historical understanding? You seem quite entirely out of your mind.

We must stop WMAF

That's about the only time she's the bigger pussy of the two.











The bond's roots do not rest in religion but in property rights.

3D... not even once.

cute baby

the hell is the negro doing among those chinks?

Pushing a narrative of 71% of French Christians voted for Macron is incorrect.

The voter participation rate was 65%. A historic low for France. That adjusts the percentage of Christian Macron supporters significantly.

France does not have an electoral college system. Tyranny has ruled. Let them eat cake.

Monkey see monkey do.

it's funny how the Pope has always been considered the most likely place an anti-christ would spring up.

So you want property rights? Are you going to go on to allodial title and taxes?

No. You only care whether or not I think there exists such a thing as "gay marriage," which is what sparked this entire argument. You are a victim of brainwashing.

I lol'd

No? It will come

No, just in your cucked country. Christians propelled Trump and Brexit to victory

It is. Let everyone walk over you and it is a competition to see who can bend over the most.

No I am saying marriage emerged as a consequence of property exchange prior to the advent of Christianity and thus is best rendered an economic rather than purely religious conceit.

Not in the U.S. We do not compel speech here.

>8% of muslims voted to be deported

What percent of fedoras voted Macron?


Come on home Arab man

if he's a god why is he missing an eye?

Catholcucks have been convinced by Jews that they're responsible for DAH HOLOCAUSTS because they didn't do enough to help Jews or some such. This self-hating guilt bullshit carries over into their daily lives. Nevermind that the Nazis jailed priests too, or that the Jews have historically been the enemies of Christianity in Europe because they are chronic betrayers and infiltrators on behalf of global Islam. The Holy League killed all the Jews they could get their hands on in Belgrade, for example, because when the Ottomans took Belgrade, the very first thing the Jews did was swoop in and steal all the property and enslave all the children. Christians didn't forget it and took revenge.

Modern Catholicism is just a lobotomized zombified version of its former self. The backbone is gone, the culture is gone. It's just a collection of people going through the motions 'just in case', yet will fold with the slightest of prodding towards whatever proggy anti-Christian agenda exists. Social conformity means more to them than God, these days.

well she obviously would cure no yellow fever
really ruins the message of the image
I guess she doesn't bring down the average iq of the image that much after all

>implying it wasn't cu_cked from beginning and that its not a creation of (((them)))

No, you're backtracking and issuing the same talking points as everybody who gets wildly upset at me for saying there's no such thing as "gay marriage."

You could have formed a coherent argument by now, but you didn't. You only care that we have different religious beliefs, making you no better than a low-IQ inbred muslim (actually worse, since you can't even inbreed) who mandates that I adopt your ideology.