What does the future hold for us?

>Canada 67% white
>UK 80% white
>Germany 80% white
>France 68% white
>US 70% white
>Australia 70% white

We're fucked

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He will rise again.

>67% white
Explain this meme

>What does the future hold for us?


>Poland 99,9% white

Why is that ?

>protip: religion faggots

>pulling numbers out of my ass

all of those stats look wrong except maybe Australia

>US 70% white

Is Polish a difficult language to learn? I want to move and convert

If you already know atleast one slavic language its sort-of easy to learn. Lots of words in Polish are almost exactly the same in Russian

>nobody wants to go there


I'm down to move to Poland. Fuck this sinking ship.

we are 70% white fuck off

I bet they'll close the border...who wants such a large number of autistic people in the Country?

don't you have any other images in your meme folders to spam on every thread?
I mean, I'm with you jamal-kun, but please try to keep it interesting


Nobody would. But I'm not autistic. I'm just tired of living in a godless drug addled orgy of a country.

Oh rly ? Tell that to 2 million ukrainians that we took when their conflict started. They were begging us to come here.

Don't you have churches in england anymore ? Polish language is really hard.

That's just a jewed version of christianity. Pic related.

>I'm just tired of living in a godless drug addled orgy of a country.
Yeah, I understand how you feel...I wish I could move to Poland (I'm Catholic, traditionalist and I cannot stand the Leftist ideology which is consuming Western Europe), yet I know it's infeasible.

>That's just a jewed version of christianity
You're talking about the Pope kissing the foot, right? Well, I'm okay with Christianity being given to all the world (after all, it started in the Middle East, then moved to Europe and Africa, the nto America and Asia, etc...); I'm against immigration, and there's no need for racism to understand that different people have different ways of live, different cultures, etc...

>You're talking about the Pope kissing the foot, right?

Mate, do you know how many jews are in the catholic church ? Pope francis is one of their agents ffs. There are many redpilled priests in Poland who talk about that and also about a homosexual lobby in the catholic church. They are being silenced, but some of their voices reach those ears who are willing to listen.

A real christian would never kiss a muslim feet or supported mass immigration.

>Mate, do you know how many jews are in the catholic church ?
Sadly I know...I met a priest who knew a lot. He told us how they forced Pope Benedict XVI to give up the petrine throne, and how there's a giant "anti-Church" at work in the midst of the bishops and cardinals.

>A real christian would never kiss a muslim feet or supported mass immigration.

I am still Catholi mostly because I see how, even in such terrible shape, the Chruch still exists, and therefore if God allows such a weakened bide to be on His side, it means He truly loves her and us His children.

>Sadly I know...I met a priest who knew a lot. He told us how they forced Pope Benedict XVI to give up the petrine throne, and how there's a giant "anti-Church" at work in the midst of the bishops and cardinals.
True, fucking kikes try to put their tentacles on everything.

> if God allows such a weakened bide to be on His side, it means He truly loves her and us His children.

Have faith mate, there are still many based priests and believers unwilling to bend the knee to the jewed version of christianity. The fire rises.

>>US 70% white

>Have faith mate, there are still many based priests and believers unwilling to bend the knee to the jewed version of christianity. The fire rises.
I d my best, at times I feel like I'm about to give up everything...but the love God poured into me cannot be completely dimmed.
Best of luck, man!

FYI, UK is 87% White.

It's 80% "White BRITISH" however.

Not like that makes it any better.

Same to you mate.

Also, the US is 64% white (non-Hispanic)


You've clearly never been to the US, it's about half of that.

64% is a figure from the official US census. I imagine that if you factor in your large illegal immigrant population which is unaccounted for in the census, the white non-Hispanic figure would be much lower

There was a lady who wrote a book and she determined through other economic factors it wasn't only 11 million illegals we took in, but some 60-70 million. Can't remember the name of it now. But the government is definitely lying.

As far as I know, that also doesn't take into account the number of tourists or foreigners on green card or visa that are here at any given point in time. I could be wrong about the latter though.