Stop being Mediterranean

Our prophet has spoken. The new Ice Age will cleanse these lands from both MENA monkeys and Mediterranean mongrels, and all will be as it should be, once again. It is only a matter of time.

Pic related has never ringed more true than it does now. Knowing the difference between Nordics/Germanics (i.e. true Europeans) and Mediterraneans (race-mixed mongrels) could quite literally save your life.

Your time in Europe is running out, shitskins. Tick tock, tick tock...

Other urls found in this thread:

go drink odin's semen, snownigger

I don't hate meds. I legit hate alpines though.
Southern Germans could die for all I care.
Pure nordic northern German reporting in

another 3d where no one will be able to name a blonde blue eyed nordic individual that furthered humanity in a meaningful way

Nordic Germanic Übermensch reporting in.

Thomas Edison?
Charles Lindbergh?
Anders Celsius?

You'll find plenty of blond, blue-eyed scientists here:

>its only a matter of time
>implying swedes wont be extinct in 50 years

Dont worry, after the reconquista we will take good care of your lands

nah I think you're mistaken


hahah this retard has no idea about climate and environment!!!!! "Sweden is temperate while southern europe is arid" AHHAHAHAHAHA

THis snownigger thinks that people in southern europe will die if there's 10 degrees less HAHAHAHA

There will be no succour or hope for the scum that inhabits Europe.

Meds are high test extroverts who women flee to.

Norcuck '''men''' are introverted, weak, and boring. No wonder their women are all feminists. No wonder their women earn almost as much as their '''men''.

Norcucks are the closet thing to matriarchy. Embarrassing.

No natural civilizations
No empires
Retarded viKANGZ who were incapalbe of settling in lands
Literally destroying europe
Repulsive women
Low birthrates

I'm not saying I dislike Nordcucks. I just wouldn't two shits if they were nuked.

Scandinavians are weak.


>mfw he replied to my comment on his "am I a white supremacist?" video yesterday about the exact question of the this video
>mfw seeing the video today
for a second I thought he was going to post my comment

ffs who makes all of these memes?

so bassicly im nigger cus i have brown eyes and brown hair


He was blond as a kid and had blue eyes. Clearly of Nordic/Germanic stock.

I wish I could sit around in a van, collect welfare from a country that should have never let me enter in the first place because of a criminal record, and say profoundly stupid shit on youtube videos.

Varg may be stupid, and a sociopath, but he's living the life.


I do.

I continued where the Turk left off.

blonde hair becomes brown when u get older moor



Biggest homo cucks are Greeks

>damage control

Cleanse me?
But in same skin color as you

Varg contradicts himself constantly

>Hair was light blond as a child
>Now looks like this
Am I huwhite pol?

Med race Iberian btw

>(((Varg Kikernes)))
Yeah, I'm not having some lazy welfare-leeching nigger tell me what the master race is.

What's the point of saving the white race if you turn it into niggertry in the process?

You're right. I can't tell whether he's a garden ant or a fire ant.

>Med race Iberian btw

ur like a fat john snow