
Was Yugoslavia or Austro-Hungary
a real country?
Yugoslavia > Austro-Hungary
Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union was the closest to uniting slavs.

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it should exist today

it fell apart because serbs tried making greater serbia out of yugoslavia

Austro-Hungary was way better though.

Austro-Hungary was way better though.

Communism a shit.

close but not exactly true
the real issue was that tito trusted yugoslavians more then he should


thread theme


Czechoslovakia should have remained, too


It was doomed from the beginning due to an utopian economic system (aka "market socialism").
Foreign economic aid and cheap credit from both the US and Soviet Union however kept it alive much longer than it would have stayed on it's own.

When payback of debts came, the vultures killed it off in the 80s (i.e. IMF "restructuring").

will there be any more slavic megacountries ever again

I'm quite optimistic that the Visegrad group will evolve into more than it is currently, especially since it's participants appear to keep their economies and societies on a stable track.

But a megacountry? For the sake of god, no!
You Czech'ems didn't even want to stay together with Slovakia, why try something like that again, or even on a bigger scale?

I want Great Slavic Union
wouldnt be problem for me since I speak all slavic languages

i dont want great slavic union
i want to see other slavshits dead

Good country would have worked but Catholic Serbia ruined it.


a failure like any other marxist shithole, of course once it runs out of people to expropriate from and lenders to fuel the shortsighted and politically motivated central planning

>a failure like any other marxist shithole
it wasn't Marxist by design, it had been overtaken

Bulgaria under an authoritarian regime wanted to join it


"Slavic union" would be the endless war between Russia and Poland. We can't get along, at fucking all. We view each other as heretics, we have had bad relations for a century. Why would we suddenly get along now?

>Zerbs wantu maked d greit Zerbia
>Doesn't mention that all Croats wanted was to have independant state
>Tito gave you borders after (Son of a bitch gave you Baranja) dividing Yugoslavia into regions
>Declare independance in 1995 after making Serbs from Krajina and other parts of todays Croatia to flee your country and genocide them while they are running away from your army
>Becomes EU state in 2013, thus becoming Germany's bitch
Wtf is wrong with you Croats

>it wasn't Marxist by design
wtf does that even mean?
yugocrapia was based on class struggle, expropriation of property from capable enterprising individuals and their children, war reparations, 3rd world weapons and industrial revolution-tier exports, and cheap credit
fuck that shit, the motto was brotherhood and unity, multiculturalism in a nutshell with a bunch of commie bullshit sprinkled on top

basically every slav nation hates you, so we will never get along, i pray for your destruction and my prayers are being heard


Not even mentioning WW2 background of your country..


Pray some more then, heretic.


stop with trying to stir shit up you shithead

Meant croatian ww2 background

Umro je drug Tito [*] it was the only state beyond the Iron Curtain that made sense because it wasn't under the Soviet boot, destroyed by brainless ethnonationalism and foreign intelligence services

i dont want you to die instantly I want you to suffer

If we unite we can get rid of Islam forever


>people unironically believe this

>Was Yugoslavia or Austro-Hungary a real country?

...they both had armies, navies, currencies, and international recognition. So, yes, they were real countries.

What the Hell kind of question is this?

why dont u fucking bastards speak English. we have 5 of u fucktards assembling large TOS mill in our factory and they just mumble in their own language

Normally I'm not one to call someone out on their language skills, but given that you're yourself doing so...

>why dont u fucking bastards speak English. we have 5 of u fucktards assembling large TOS mill in our factory and they just mumble in their own language

Should be:

>Why don't you fucking bastards speak English. We have 5 of you fucktards assembling large TOS mills in our factory and they just mumble in their own language.

Compare/contrast spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Also, why should Czechs speak English in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Surely you're rather they speak Bosnian or something.

you know why Czechs are afraid of Poles? because their uprising was shorter than the movie about it. note how even English adopted our way of writing their demonym instead of even bothering to make up its own version. also I'm pretty sure the Pepiks are still butthurt about Zaolzie. and boy, you don't know what weirdness is until you meet a Czech-speaking nigger

do you two hold some grudges against each other? i didn't know that

We Slovenes, the innocent victims of these primitive monkeys to the south,
have now seen the collapse of Austria-Hungary and two Yugoslavias.

We are a living proof that a nation can survive even the most failed multicultural projects.

The question is, can the other 27 survive this next brilliant multicultural project?

you do not need to be fluent or overly grammar correct about it. It is about basic communication where ever you go.
We even had fucking Germans speaking some basic English (which is fucking rare). But these bastards are outright ignoring any attempt and just go around waving hands. Mind u, it is a large job they are doing, with allot of crane work and stuff like that.

Being able to at least say "up" "down" and those types of things would be sufficient, but nah.

>note how even English adopted our way of writing their demonym instead of even bothering to make up its own version

I think you'll find it more likely that English uses "Czech" because that's basically how the Germans (tschechisch) and French (tchèque) say it. Italians too (ceco), for that matter.

If there is a Polish inspiration for it, it would be fucking ancient and probably date back to the Kingdom of Poland.

well, it's really them holding grudges against us for no apparent reason

I have a few friends from Maribor, you guys seem the most civilized people out there


>We even had fucking Germans speaking some basic English (which is fucking rare)

Really? Because my brother went to Munich in High School and observed that most Germans there spoke better English than Americans do.

>you do not need to be fluent or overly grammar correct about it.

When one is calling out someone on their language skills, one should themselves demonstrate a proper grip on language, lest one come across as a hypocritical, whiny asshole.

It's a matter of presentation, which is something the English and French have always understood and the rest of Europe seems to just throw out the window in favor of primordial grunts and howling at one another. Particularly Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

>well, it's really them holding grudges against us for no apparent reason

Not once in this thread did the Czech poster say anything about Poland, positive or negative. The most he did was call for a united Slavic nation against Islam, which hardly comes across as holding a grudge since it's an open invitation to Poles to join with him.

The first Polack in this thread - you - immediately starts shitting up the place, along with the Bosnian.

And yet the Czechs are the one with the grudge.


>well, it's really them holding grudges against us for no apparent reason
i don't really understand why slavs hate the other neighboring ones so much, i mean only your part didn't escalate to some massive shitshow only because you were under other control for so long. i doubt you would resist if it was the otherwise

you can forget about English in Germany basically for anyone older than 30 years. Maybe you know that they dont watch any media in English, they dub the movies, everything. So maybe internet generation of Germans is less prone to that kind of isolation. But trust me you will not come far in Germany with English.

Why would i expect from anyone that speaks my language as outsider to be elegant and fluent in it. Maybe if he was living here for lets say 10 years and still speaks and writes like an retard i would have questions. But if we can understand each other than it is fine.

>i don't really understand why Slavs hate the other neighboring ones so much

"neighbors Cow always gives more milk", is the answer for your question

not wrong

yeah but it seems that it's only in our mentality to fight between ourselves so much

because we never had an authority that we agreed to be under, that could unite us. it is basically country side "free for all"

well you're a shithead then famalam
even mudslimes have respect for their own people

Austria-Hungary actually united different ethnicities. Yugoslavia was just a Serbian colony and resulted in ethnic cleansings.

Croatians have more history with Hungary than they ever did with Servia, and it was a mistake to lump them together because of language rather than culture.

I don't think we need to unite again. The lines between ethnicities are more distinct now, except in FBiH. Yugoslavia fell apart because it suffered an economic collapse. Amerikikes wanted their money back because the Soviet union was only getting weaker. Naturally, retards here started to blame each other for this shit and everything that followed.

>Austria-Hungary actually united different ethnicities.
why do you jobless faggots even post

whats worse than Diaspora shill?
A fucking Leaf Diaspora shill

it's amazing to me that the cow story is present in folk tradition of all slavic nations. we do really seem like we have that bad characteristic of enviousness, greediness and the lack of proper organization. so unfortunately i have to doubt that we'll ever manage to make some functional slavic union in any form

-t. German
-t. Kebab

but u gotta understand that that exact lack of organisation and general "i can not give any fucks" attitude is what is currently saving us from western degeneracy. Maybe when they fail utterly, we will rise.

I like to say that i love that i live in this chaotic shit hole, just because EU does not and can not integrate us in that abomination.

Try again.

true, in this state of the world living in a shithole is much better than living in some first-world country full of degeneracy and shitskins

>Maybe when they fail utterly, we will rise.
one can hope, i guess. but yes, i'm also waiting for something good to happen to us for once

>Soviet Union was the closest to uniting slavs.
Wtf is wrong with you?
Are you even czech or some russian migrant shill

Czechoslovakia should have stayed united tho

im 100% czech that can speak all slavic languages because i love them all