You cannot refute Anarcho Capitalism


>debating a retard online.

This is like bragging about winning the special olympics.

Not an argument.

>arguing with somebody on Sup Forums
>can't even formulate my argument coherently, am getting destroyed
>some other user comes in and takes over, with eloquent understanding of the issue and verifiable claims

i'll just wait for him to back me up h-here....

>And he Can't formulate an argument
>Not an argument

Wtf am I supposed to make of this kek?

It is not the best way to live.

Why would you formulate an argument if you're debating a retard? Just say kys retard and they probably will slink away

I can and I just did


anarcho captalism is an oxymoron, you are expecting to get order from chaos. Communist tier delusional ideology based on subjective naive moral principles.


>T family values and glorious western society McAncap man

Anarcho Capitalism is like riding a motorbike. It's all fun and games until the random SUV grinds your body into the cold, hard asphalt.

It's anarchism in the sense of without a government; it's a noun not an adjective dipshit

iktf b

Maybe the time for arguments has passed..

Anarcho Capitalism isn't impossible. It's just a dystopian future where corporations own everything, like Shadowrun without the hot elf babes

how do you make everyone adhere to your ideology with the NAP and no state etc?

The problem innate to ancap isn't that it's some massive free for all with heroin and child sex slaves and so forth, the issue is that humans are innately hierarchical. It's less an issue of morality than of inevitability, really; individuals will collectivize and form a structure that's indistinguishable from a government for security if nothing else, and that structure will cease to be consensual within a generation.

he he

For proving that anarcho capitalism is a good idea, the burden of responsibility lies with you.

>When your debating some retard online and he CAN formulate an argument


Anarcho Capitalism isn't a political choice like Democrat or Republican, instead it's a byproduct of multi-generational change and advancement. You, nor anyone here will live to see it.

This is why Stefan CONSTANTLY talks about child abuse and having honest, rational conversations, because it is only through this process that people can advance enough to throw the state away.

Eventually, after enough debate, and likely bloodshed, there will be a paradigm shift where the majority of people will simply say: "Yeah, I guess taxation is theft". After this, it would be hard to implement and justify the policies and structures we have today

>tl;dr: we're gonna have the communist new man but not call it communist this time

Oh and it wont directly benefit you but trust me all the chaos and bloodshed will be great for your children. Trust me, I'm a PHILOSOPHER!

i think there are a lot of anarcho-capitalist type systems in northern africa

I don't actually believe that we can create a "new man"

It may be hundreds of years before any of this is realized, but if it is, it wouldn't be based on subjective morals like communism, but objective

Because of this, you cannot refute anarchocaptialism, like what OP said

Just live your life accepting that taxation is theft and raise your children without temper or the hand , that's all

How would roads work?
Hard mode: can't answer with ">muh roads".


This is opposed to the bloodshed caused by the state through central banking and taxation?

yeah right


> nice saturday afternoon with my family in the backyard
> go to check on the ribs in my smoker, they are almost ready to eat
> neighbor's kid is playing football with his dad
> kid throws the football towards his dad but misses, hitting my garden gnome
> he has violated the non aggression protocol
> I pull out my glock and shoot him twice in the head
> neighbor tries to pull a fast one on me, hit him too
> single stray bullet hits the other neighbors car, violating the non aggression protocol
> other neighbor tosses a pipe bomb at me, run and duck
> destroys my smoker as well as my third neighbors fence, violating the non aggression protocol
> third neighbor gets involved and calls in a tactical drone strike from DeathCo on the second neighbor
> the bomb destroys everything from the second neighbors house back, including 5 other houses, violating the non aggression protocol
> I barely survive the blast
> entire neighborhood erupts into the third suburb war this month
> some neighbors send out their slave children in body armor to go fight, some use mortars, one guy bought a tank
> Jim down the street pulls out a flamethrower
> entire neighborhood is burning down
> no one is willing to pay FireCo the $10000 fee to put out the fire
> I am caught in the flame
> as I am burning up, I remember, at least I didn't live under a fascist regime

Your analogy is wrong, we do want a "new man" in that IQ needs to increase. The commies think only nurture counts and ignore the limitations of nature which is a reason why they fail. Race realists know it's useless to argue for ancap in a low IQ population.

>he forgot to pay his DRO insurance
You had one job.

>muh false dichotomy
That's not an argument. The reason ancap as an ideology is appealing to you is because you are looking at government through a modern lense, it is a corrupt an evil thing because it has no one people to represent, in effect it is just another corporation.
Soviet propaganda I'm referring to said there would be a new man when they got rid of capitalism etc. It's the exact same nonsense from ancaps.

IQ increasing is not going to change human nature that's completely absurd.