Explain this

Explain this.

It's a picture with a man on it. What else you need to have explained?

>Wins 66% of votes
>Rothschild banker enters stage with EU anthem
>Stands in front of freemason-built pyramid
>Said pyramid is composed of 666 glass pannels
>Camera is placed looking up, with Macron neatly underneath the eye of the pyramid

Carry on, nothing to see here.

C'est un peu gros comme symbolisme, on voit bien qu'ils en ont plus rien à foutre, ils cachent plus.

Swearing allegiance to the zionist cause by creating a david star

He's just an ordinary guy who was groomed from childhood to be part of the elite, who went to the best schools, who got a job with the rothchilds like instantly after finishing his education, and then just decided to make a run for office being endorsed by every major news outlet on earth and obama. Now he's just standing in front of a glass pyramid with an eye on top raising his arms to sky telling the french to ensemble and march towards progress. Nothing unusual about that.

Ils ont jamais caché. Mais là ça atteint un autre degré, ils en sont à nous narguer, à nous foutre un gros fist républicain dans le cul.
C'est désespérant. Que penses-tu de la réforme prochaine du FN ? Vont-ils abandonner l'euroscepticisme ?
S'ils abandonnent le combat contre l'européisme, je fais un coup à la Mishima le 08/05/22.

illuminati pyramid behind

They forgot the all seeing eye above the pyramide.

I got you, f-a-m

Le FN va exploser. Il nous faut un parti identitaire anti-feuj anti-muzz. Et surtout pas de Le Pen dedans. Un homme charismatique et viril doit le diriger, pas une avocate inculte qui se contredit à longueur de temps.

I think if the FN reforms in order to abbandon euroscepticism there's no reason for it to exist. And talking about coups, what are the chances of the French Forgein Legion or the french army doing something like what happened with DeGaulle after retreating from Algeria? Is this military ok with what's happening now?


Que penses-tu de Marion (la nièce)?
Je ne la connais pas vraiment, j'ai juste vu quelques discours et interventions, et elle a l'air moins conne que sa tante.
Ceci dit, j'aimerais bien connaitre ses dossiers cachés

The red dots

Also, she's hot af

Don't shoot, I surrender!

Plus jamais de le pen en politique. Il nous faut un homme fort.

elle est bonne ! mais ces't tout

Frances last president was a socialist.

Macron was a socialist.

France has continued with its cultral norm.

nothing new, nothing unprecedented, nothing to be shocked and amazed at.

Two socialist presidents in a row is trend breaking you kangaroo nigger.
We've had only (((conservative))) presidents except for Mitterand before those two

Your syntax is obnoxiously wrong.

Use a different proxy, your LARPing is pretty cringy.


Over half of the military and police forces voted for Le Pen in the first round.
There are many freemasons among the generals however.
There are huge tensions behind the scenes, which came to a peak when General Christian Piquemal was arrested for an unauthorized protest in Calais.
I do think there will be some kind of military event in the future, but I think it will be a voluntarily manipulated and hurried coup which will be foiled easily, much like the 1961 putsch or the more recent Turkish events...

wtf does that even mean?
Is this the Australian power? Shitposting beyond known limits?