>mfw I'm watching this board slowly become left again like it used to be
Mfw I'm watching this board slowly become left again like it used to be
>Tim Heidecker
>2984 St Gregory Rd Glendale CA 91206
Hey, far leftists hate jews too, so whatever.
It has never been nor will ever be left. Fuck off and die.
>mfw I watch a bullet go through your face.
fuck you marx
It was about libertarianism and Ron Paul was our god.
Trump is the best thing that ever happened to liberals. He's pushing the whole world hard to the left.
>buttmad newfag who thinks pol was for trump cuz we are conservicucks and not cuz we wanted to see the most amount of buttmad possible at once
Indeed, it was never, and never will be, "left". Too bad Rand went too much into neocon territory to appeal to voters or whatever.
Never .
Pol used to be left just because of fucking George W Bush
And now it's turning left again because of fucking Donald Trump. Funny how shitty Republican presidents keep pushing Sup Forums back to the left. Where are the good Republicans?
This is now an anti-Leaf thread
It never has been left in the 5 years it's been up.
Libertarian has been the prevalent ideology.
>Where are the good Republicans?
It's true, Sup Forums started as chaotically funny extreme left, but the stormfags it was designed to contain masturbated themselves in an echo chamber so hard that they developed an independent language based off their distorted reality tunnel of conspiracy theories and hating anyone with a chance of happiness in life.
Fascism is done, the racist stuff is just how you announce you're retarded, it was always just for laughs, same with CP, but sick manchildren have to run in and larp all over the place and ruin it.
Libertarian with odd socialists and stormfags
This guy gets it. Understand this repubitches Trump is a joke and the punchline was him becoming president
>good Republicans
Theres no such thing
>Implying you have to be a leftie to shit on Dubya
It has never been left. It won'tbe left as long as there is no banning,because that is the base of every leftist ideology.
It's so dumb and childish that it cannot exist without full control.
a label almost as dumb and misunderstood as anarcho-capitalist.
that shit is for kids who want some book to tell them it's okay to be a mean selfish shitbag.
quit categorising people and have some fun before the inevitable calamity.
it used to be libertarian, you dumb newfag
No, you're watching /leftypol/ persistently raid us in an attempt to push us to the left.
Western society at large is going to swing harshly to the right though, and there's literally nothing /leftypol/ can do to stop it.
do you idiots ever stop to think about how this board is ruining america's image throughout the world?
Reminder that posts like these are an attempt at Kabbalistic magic. Jews believe that by speaking something they will it into being. Abracadabra for instance was originally a Kabbalistic phrase meaning: "I create as I speak"
They believe that by saying "Sup Forums is becoming leftist" (even though it's not) they will it into being. They may not even be aware that they are doing it, but it's embedded deep in their psyche
Western society just rejected the right in Netherland and France and America is swinging hard left in reaction to Trump. Trump is polarizing the entire world against the shrinking weakened right. Trump was a mistake no matter which side you're on. He's hurting the right by association.
>muh right left dichotomy
if you un-ironically believe in this, you need to go back. Left vs. right squabbles are trivial nonsense to keep you distracted while we are all robbed and overrun.
>Western society just rejected the right in Netherland and France
Both Wilders and Le Pen did better than their previous elections. SJW leftism is showing itself to be literally insane, and normies are noticing.
No, America(ns) do that on their own. They also don't care.
Ha I was deeply confused by the combination of the quoted post and the posters flag for a while until I noticed the date and realised it was from before we had country flags
Commies were always a joke on this board.
It's just newfags discovering the board.
>used to be
Technically yes, National Socialism is further left than National Capitalism
>This board is 1 group of people with thte same political opinion.
Please get out.
why are liberals so obsessed with how we look to the rest of the world?
Fuck the rest of the world, it's literally third world
thanks to moot empowering the most scummiest sects of american society to have a anonymous echo chamber
Both Wilders and Le Pen did worse than the polls said they would. The right is collapsing because no one in the world wants another Trump. Even the right is rejecting him.
Old Sup Forums was just "libertarians arguing with Nazis"
It was never "left"
You're a faggot
The right is starting to look more frightening to normies than the things the right uses to frighten normies.
A massive tide of immigrants bringing psycho killers and nihilistic idiots is bad, but a rising trend of internal violent vicious fuckwits is no shining saviour to be welcomed. Both together are too much for civilization to deal with.
Leftists are braindead morons, this board is not for idiots, sorry OP, you don't belong
This is accurate.
t. 2004 Fag
>t. has never left his state
Libertarian is right wing.
Hence, it hasn't been left.
Most people here have always been for free speech and less government intrusion (hallmarks of libertarianism), up until the past couple of years when people have wanted the government to stop immigration, and so on.
>America is swinging hard left in reaction to Trump
Umm it's doing the opposite. Look at the voting trends, they're all going more Republican.
what does being a liberal have to do with anything? if the right had any morals like they claim to, they'd care more so about america's image then the left. but you're degenerate shitty fucking trash who larp being good christians while doing completely the opposite behind closed doors then ridicule others for being open about it and people tolerating it.
Yeah, how dare those plebs be allowed a voice. That's a right reserved for the enlightened, like us.
Hello fellow oldfriends, when does the Narwahl bacon LOL?
No, it's not becoming left.
The board hasn't changed. However, the definitions of left and right have changed.
Thanks for trying, shill. Sage
We have seen the voting trends. Previously strong red districts are swinging by double digits towards the blue. Many previously safe red areas are now under threat of being blue in the next election. Every election since Trump has shown a strong democrat improvement.
i do everything i can to try to trigger the NatSoc faggots to chase them back to stormfront.
ideologues should all be shot.
Please go back to feggit you white knight good goy faggot fucktard
>rejected once
>they'll stop trying I'm sure
>it is suddenly 2012 again and we all all celebrating Obama's relection and the Romneytards and lolbertarians gettingt btfo
When the day of the rope comes you will hang
I like his picture
>up until the past couple of years when there's been the slightest bit of pressure
dumbasses always reckon the government should do something, as long as it's not to them.
That's dumbasses for you, not libertarians.
>swinging hard left
ShareBlue isnt sending their best these days
it isn't though you fucking leaf
>mfw OP is still faggot
>Implying this isn't due to the Dems trucking in illegal immigrants
>inb4 muh tories. I know.
Why did white people create cuckolding, what's the appeal behind it?
>so many baseless accusations against anonymous posters you know nothing about, so little time
Of course, NatSoc is left.
>implying national socialism isn't left
>implying this board is changing
Shills have been trying to infiltrate but with no success
>become left again like it used to be
When was it ever left?
We have been known to shit on the American republican party. This has lead some idiots to believe that we therefore supported the American Democrat party.
You are remembering a time that is now but a dream...
The time for Libertarianism has passed.
Jeb bush. But he got memed away into oblivion
Na, is just chaotic neutral.
mfw when shill bot posts outnumber actual posts
this. God I love chaos. How do we create more chaos? The internet is still somewhat wild west-ish but it's been taken over by too many normies. I wish there were raids again.
>newfag calling others a newfag
Sup Forums was never leftist. Nor will it ever be you filthy kike.
>Sup Forums was left
Libertarianism is inherently right wing you leaf
If anything it moved toward the center after Sup Forumsharbor. It was never a lefty board.
>implying this isn't a false flag LARPer
nigger are you retarded
Maybe you shouldn't have let in all these MAGA fags, and posted frogs everywhere.
Let fuck now! For chaos sake!
Nah we're going left, we're just a new breed of gay Nazi niggers who think Japanese are the superior race
>mfw you go into the oven