CUCK KNIGHT FULL VIDEO holy shit the autism




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he didnt deserve this lads

>muh juan flag
dude probably flies a rainbow flag in his spare time to show support for BASED LGBT CENTIPEDES

who was in the wrong here

Cuck knight was in the right

Muh constuhtooshun huuuurrrr

>Nobody cares about the babies you killed in iraq

I cant fucking stand veterans who pretend "muh serbiss" means anything. You fought for jews congrats nerd

how do i download twitter videos

megaphone guy brings the bants

Lol at the cops just standing there, do cops do anything in your country?

By searching for the element and downloading it using your browser you stupid burgerposter

some flash downloaders work on twitter videos some dont.

Cops took down a guy who dindu nuffin. He literally was just holding a pole and was tackled at the end.

That is the single most embarrassing thing I think I've ever seen. What are we doing guys?

>Divide and conquer thread?
Divide and conquer thread!


That guy looks like alpha as fuck. Although to be fair, the people he attacked looked like a bunch of inbred southern hicks. Yelling CSA was cringey.

No he was not. He came to a southern event and he was upset to see a Confederate flag. News flash these people's family fought proudly for Lee under that flag.

>Divide and conquer thread?
Divide and conquer thread!
>Divide and conquer thread?
Divide and conquer thread!

The Constitution is all you need. If an African country had the Constitution, it would be as prosperous, civil, and pleasant a place to live as any American city. Detroit has the Constitution and look how great it's going. Values written on pieces of paper are what determine a societies success.


uh this is a white nationalist board. Go take your magic soil and reddit pretend constitution fetish shit over on to leddit little shitbird.

yes he did

He is not responsible for their action in assaulting him, they are.

the confederacy was objectively better than the united states. it's a fact.

Yes, keep fighting with each other... It's all going according to plan

They only did that because cuck knight doesn't believe anyone should hold the Confederate flag in the south. So why is he there protecting the statue? Dumb

the constitution is nothing but marxist drivel that allows liberals to spread fake news under the guise of "freedom of speech". it has infected this country with the notion that all men are created equal and must be torn to shreds before we can become great again.

Are we watching the same video? He assualted them first.



Nice try Reddit scum.

America seems so autistic and low class.

The only people that take part in this sort of shit here are all underclass filth and junkies.

The day we gas the working class and pakis will be a good day

Thoughts on divide and conquer?

Well, Sup Forums?


fucking hilarious

also, that guy's face who took the pole from the guy stabbing cuckknight and then the cop took him down

I had ancestors that fought for the south. They were good men.

Its obvious he did that shit right before the cops rolled in to play it off to them as if he was being attacked

So Alt-Lite are just less forceful SJWs then? Whatacuck

anybody from the UK uttering the world "low class" is so unbelievably offensive it hurts. Anglos invented the white lower class

Yes, he was walking and that guy elbowed him in the ribs, then he stood there for a good few seconds before attacking back he has the moral high ground here.
Then the other guy comes in with a stick, his behavior was fine until he just out of nowhere punches him.

Yeah haha wtf was that cop doing. He just wanted action.

Your ancestors were traitorous scum. Glad to know they're burning in the fiery pit of hell.

It's not divide and conquer if we aren't working towards an even remotely similar goal. They are basically neo-cons screeching about muh consteetooshun and muh BASED black allies.

By every standard at the time it wasn't and it lost I don't agree that they shouldn't be proud but you're just jerking them off because you're a D&C shill.

cuck lord

Stop burgerposting, America

Lol as if the union wasn't in the wrong? Crazy talk!

nigger lover. does your wife even let you watch anymore, cuck?

>Let's encourage infighting on our side, that surely will be benefitial to our interests

fuck off back to r/eddit to whore your cuckknight faggot. fuck the joo and fuck the fake alt right

someone explain what this is

>preserving the unity of the nation by all means at their disposal
>in the wrong

>a fucking leaf

It wasn't okay for those southern burgers to attack that guy.
The southern hicks should focus on rectifying the issues in their community instead of trying to absolve themselves of guilt by saying they're an occupied country and attacking the government in chorus with leftist NGOs.

Alt-Lite neoconservative (BASED NIGGERS AMIRITE, PEDES?) goes to an Alt-Right nationalist rally and gets triggered.

I watched it again. You're full of crap. He was elbowed after trying to forcefully move them. Cuck knight started that fight.

It'd be like France and Germany going to war with the UK because they left the EU

The North was in the wrong.

If only he had heart for his own people

>holding the south hostage politically for decades
>Lincoln's name not even appearing on southern ballots
>Trying to cut off the south's exports, which was their main income
>in the right


>bunch of rich racist slaveowners have a bunch of low iq racist hicks fight for them and commit acts of treason and terrorism against the US

Glad they got their skulls caved in. Glad to know the monuments dedicated to them are all being taken down.

And then assaulted. He got assaulted.

That's the crux

Southerners showed up to defend a Confederate statue against PC bullshit that wants it removed. Some Proud Boys / AltLite showed up and clearly had a fundamental misunderstanding of what was going on. I honestly think they thought it was some random Pro Trump event, or some random "fight AntiFa" gig and got all butthurt when they saw Confederate the rally for preserving Confederate monuments.

Basically, this guy is a fucking retard.

Cuck Knight started it

He pushed into them with force rather than slowly walking though

He also had steel on, so you can say his body was a potential weapon when pushing through

>everyone I don't like is a communist

Cuck Knight started it.

Yeah fair enough I'll concede.

>chanting USA means you're a communist
Well that makes a lot of the Trump rallies a bit awkward in hindsight.

So the rich slave owners of the north were off the hook? It was much more than slavery that war was about. Fun fact: Abraham Lincoln wanted to ship the slaves back to Africa.

Muh union history.

This is such a gay protest. Can' the Dixies and and the Yankees get along? Well all want what's best for America.

Apparently he kept literally talking about his black son kek

>there are people on Sup Forums who support the cuck

Holy shit, what has happened to this place. Twitter is more redpilled than Sup Forums

i know a lot of this is a distraction and all, but for the most part I don't think a lot of the things going on are just according to keikaku.

the reality is that in america they successfully threw a wrench into some faggot's plans, but probably only to delay it.

this whole alt right and such doesn't really matter, its all an attempt to label a group that aren't all exactly aligned the same. As long as you can categorize a whole group, you can just say they are all racist rather than trying to pick out individuals.

If he just hung out with them I doubt they would have minded at all about the union flag. He's a fucking moron and faggot for getting triggered at the stars and bars

I'm leaning towards plant/actor. The tin armour is too LARPy even by our LARPy standards. Reeks of cargo cult imitation from seeing Roman helmet guy at Berkeley.

I watched it a few times. It's clear cuck knight started it. You can't argue with video footage. Facts>feelings

Before twitter in the URL enter mobile. and then once you play the video you can right click and save video as. Simple as that.

What are they shouting, CFA? CSA?

>wacism is baaad waaaaah

fuck off cuck

Yes I agree, I've been shown to be blind.

desu those alt-righters are just larping stormniggers screaming like they're on Sup Forums

>being anti-constitution
literally kill yourself

also the larper stormnigger started the violence by pushing the kike

You just know that those nigger cops were loving every moment of this.

Even right leaning Yankees seem immensely butthurt over anything CSA.

As an outsider, I see them as far too biased.

america always had the worst protests

Cuck-Knight also was spotted saying "BlackLivesMatter" at 1:10 mark

Confederated States of America

>being redpilled means you are a racist sociopathic fuck who supports retards chanting CSA

Each day that goes by, you faggots submerge the redpill in even more shit.

The punch on Cuck Knight probably wasn't justified, though, as it was over by that time.

the leaf is right

union fagboys always acting like they descended from heaven to save the union. Nevermind the dog Sherman raizing every southern town to the ground


confederate states of america

Do confederate flag wavers consider themselves patriotic? Weren't Confederates the biggest traitors in US history?

larping stormnigger hitler dindus are doing the only thing they can, playing the purity game

now you know why their movement has been funded and pushed for ages by the CIA

>how it feels to chew 5 gum

This post is pure kike

>that flag
of course

it's funny how Sup Forums always says that leftists are all skinny numales, yet now they side with a 90IQ fattie and a numale (pic related) who tucks his thumbs into jeans like a 6th grader.

You guys are the ones that are cucks, at least this guy stood up for something

name one good thing about the constitution. All it does is protect niggers and liberals.

Confederate states of america

fuck off faggot

>Weren't Confederates the biggest traitors in US history?

It'd be like France and Germany going to war with you when you left the UK.

Is the UK traitors to the EU?

I doubt you could be more wrong if you tried, since the US was and is a sovereign state. The EU was and is not.

Lincoln didn't actually care all that much about slavery, and supported the idea of sending the blacks back to Africa, which may well have happened if he hadn't been assassinated by a traitor.

detroit doesn't have the constitution you fucking retard

literally kill yourself nigger. go back to 8pol you utter piece of shit

>racism isnt bad

Hope fags like you start coming out of the closet soon, the lynchings are coming back.

>there are people who think this
>the majority of 4/pol/ isn't even NatSoc anymore
I fucking hate this place.