There are people who unironically call this man savior of white race
There are people who unironically call this man savior of white race
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There are people who unironically support this man and white nationalism
he's the last dictator from europe
He's helpful, for selfish reasons.
Shut up OP, we will all move to based Russia soon, it will be a bastion of white race. Putin is a self-assigned white nationalist who hates muslims and globalism and he will liberate the europe from sandniggers soon.
I p-promise, OP, p-please believe m-me...
Is every real life Ukrainian undercover CIA, mafia, or a terrorist? Or are those the only ones who have access to the internet?
>there are butthurt khokhols who take Sup Forums seriously
T-Trust me, he will s-save our great civilzation, he is playing 4D chess.
>Implies being proud of being white is a problem
>Implies being proud of your nation is a problem
You're a dingus
Putin advocates multipolar world order which would disrupt the globalist plan to create a ruling class and subservient mixed race class.
He advocates preservation of cultures and non-intervention
that guy is his puppet putin is the real dictator of belarus too when putin will fall this guy will fall too
the real savior of the white race
>russian fake pic
You didn't even try.
Some of them already gtfo from this shithole. Probably because there's not much left to steal.
He was dictator before Putin he will be dictator after Russians overthrown Putin
>i-its fake, t-they are not jews!
neck yourself
Дaй пoдпынькe нa дoшик зapaбoтaть
Russia is filled with muslims, both immigrants and natives, they have a higher birth rate than ethnic russians, so this poor shithole is not based.
when he teamed up with china and brazil to try and whup us?
Shashlik day soon.
Bastion of white people
there is literally nothing wrong with being a muslim. i think a full scale conversion of every single secular cuck will help fix this decaying nation.
>Muslims are OK
How about kikes?
they have to go and take their usury with them
Jews are the masters of jewing. One cannot out-jew the jew. That is the redpill that Putin unfortunately refuses to take.
>Implies being proud of your nation is a problem
>Implies being proud of being white is a problem
>everyone should be proud of their heritage.
>oh except those evil whites they should be ashamed of themselves.
Why it's problem?
I think your image explains it perfectly.
that the world hates us cuz they aint us. and media will always have a snarky condescending attitude towards whites and claim racism is our problem not theirs.
White pride will always be associated with white supremacy.
The south lost. Get over it.
Yep, any problems?
only because of the media. there is literally no difference. Japan wanted to kill all white people. Every single one of us. but thats ok because it was in the past.
i would maybe take you seriously if you weren't a nigger