Name stuff your country does better than 'murica'

Name stuff your country does better than 'murica'

- Proper health care with payable insurance. (Have fun dying of cancer or have life long debts amerifags)
- Murder weapons are illegal thus not many people getting murdered (pic related)
- No overpowered president
- No NSA spying on fucking everyone
- Not involved in pointless wars, though we have to because murica says so
- Majority of people are non-religious
- No over the top SJW movement/BLM etc.
- No political lobbyist media like FOX news, huffington post, young turks, buzzfeed

Other urls found in this thread:

>in England and Wales
Is gun murder rate so high in Scotland and North Ireland that they had to use this instead of the UK?

Best potatoes, best Guinness, best alcoholics in the world.


It's just how we gather statistics and create laws. England and Wales basically have the same laws while Scotland and Northern pretty much have their own governments which can make their laws.

>guns murdered
How exactly does a gun murder someone?

Thanks senpai, just curious

>murica makes you fight
>our NSA is on you 24/7. you're literally a sitcom to us.
>so depressed you cannot be trusted with guns
>ocean will swallow you in 50 years anyway
At least you got Geert Wilders in 2nd place. Get your act together and we may grant you salvation. You can do it.

You forgot most chromosomes. :)
I jest, you're alright Ireland, just don't become an EU cuck post-brexit.

>Murder weapons are illegal thus not many people getting murdered (pic related)

guns illegal =/= less murder, if someone wants someone dead they get it illegally. In Netherland's case their country isn't infested with niggers and spics so that means low crime rate. However, the muzziez are on their way.

>Murder weapons are illegal thus not many people getting murdered (pic related)

France population: 66 million USA population 330 million


being great

fucking go build an empire you burger chewing ponces

>- No NSA spying on fucking everyone

But our secret service is far worse.

No government spies as much on its own citizens as the Dutch government.
Even North Korea collects less information.

>guns killed more people in a country with more guns that is larger than the other listed countries combined and then some
really zapped those synapses

>Best potatoes

I don't think I've ever eaten an Irish potato.
Do you even export them?

Best beef though.

wow, i would like to know if there is a statistic on u know what

We have a lot of maroccan/turkish people and also black people. But guess what no ghetto's and gang caused by capitalism on steroids

>not many people being murdered compared to U.S
You can thank muh 60% for that

No need. You'll build one for us, then try and fail to keep hold of it.

>tfw cucks think getting stabbed/grenaded/truck'd to death is somehow better than having a gun fight.

It's funny how we're always "70% Muslim" until it doesn't help their argument.

If you're into antifa/NVU/potential terrorist organisation or otherwise a threat to homeland security yeah. If you're not dangerous you're not being investigated. Also AIVD openly publicizes their findings instead of the NSA that hides their operations because theyre fucking illegal

-High quality white flags
-Most tactical surrenders
-Small portions make us feel thin
-America doesn't even get a pat on the head after EU ass-ramming
-Our terrorists have a higher IQ
-Higher quality deoderant (we need it)
-We make the pedo-stach look almost-acceptable
-We get more pity points after Paris attacks

France rules dude!

>in one year, guns murdered
>inanimate objects murder people on their own

kill yourself. we dont need you in our country

Decepticons. They're guns in the US, but trucks in the EU. Cultural differences and all that.

In the Netherlands everybody gets tracked.
Every phone call gets recorded.
Every e-mail gets stored in a government database.

When you take a trip in your car cameras record your number plates and they get stored in a central database.
When you park somewhere they also scan your plates every 15 minutes or so.
The latter two are used to ensure corporate cars aren't used for private use without paying appropriate taxes, but it also enables the central government to track all its citizens at all time.
And if you think you're a smart-ass my using public transport think again - cameras with face recognition is everywhere.

I'm not saying I[m necessarily against all this.
But to claim NSA is worse is a joke.
NSA is quite limited when it comes to American citizens, they mostly collect data on foreigners (for example by asking then receiving complete data dumps from the Dutch government)

> If you're not dangerous you're not being investigated.

Keep telling yourself that.

whats the population of all those non us countries combined!

Yeah this sounds pretty fucking bad, we're well on our way though.

ITT: Dying Eurocuck countries tell the greatest nation that ever existed how bad they are

>project harder you Dutch faggot

>overpowered president
ok OP

You're a complete retard.

>good at all
Now I slowly see why they insult you as potato niggers.

>No NSA spying on fucking everyone

AHAHAHAH, your government know the last place you farted with micron precision

>we may grant you salvation
>implying americlaps have any real say to what happens to their (((country)))
I mean yeah, at least you elected a president who is such a cuck for his daughter, he lets her happily marry a sneaky kike, just to name a few (((things))).

>illegal not to have health insurance = jacking up the prices so the poor can barely pay without (((subsidy)))
>guns are legal, you need a permit (you mong)
>cucked prime minister with cuck sheep who keep voting him in
>AIVD knows everything
>always involved in pointless wars, like Mali
>majority of people are actually Christian
>over the top SJW movement has three seats in parliament
>literal state propaganda through the ((("""objective"""))) lens of public funded journalism

Either you're baiting really hard, or you need to take a long look at that infection in your head that's supposed to resemble a brain.

There isn't even a correlation between firearm ownership and homicide rates, let alone a causal link.

>tfw too intelligent to think about proportionality

us is far larger than those nations and around 80% of illegal gun crime is due to blacks and latinos using illegal guns.



- Concealed Carry
- No STDs
- No Niggers
- No Spics
- No Ayrabs
- Shit this place white af nigga
- that comes with:
- low homicide rates
- low crime in general
- free healthcare that actually works
- free college that actually works
- women generally 2-3 points prettier
- torrenting is legal
- almost no christcucks
- almost no jews
- supremely racist/islamophobic etc.
- can't afford to spy on peoples
- everything is about 50% the price
- commies are genuinly hated by majority
- no propaganda
- beer is cheaper than water
- prostitutes are legal (loser thing to do though)
- drugs are decriminalized (degenerate thing to do though)
- higher IQ on average
- bigger dick size on average (muh dick)
- no cucks tryna import shitskins
i could go on....


CLEARLY people can't kill each other without guns.

ever hear of per capita OP



What is this picture trying to convey

Just kidding anyway, how do you Tschechoslowaken think about Greeks?

The art of going to war for pussy.

kys reddit faggot, you are not welcome here

>Who the fuck cares about your POS country
>Brady Campaign shills

Your stats don't even account for how the USA is around 10 times the size of those nations, let alone income or the actual non firearm homicide rate...

It sure feels great to have trial by jury

We actually fight terrorists, not create them

>Used to be cheap place for vacation
>now too many slimes

Humans have been killing each other for over 10,000 years. Guns have been around for just under a tenth of that. A world without guns is a world where only those in peak physical condition and/or outnumber everyone else have rights.



USA = 4*ger
200 *4=800 = 10000
American education


I'm moving to Czechia. Noice. Only problem is lack of white girls getting BLACKED.

Should break it down by state in the US to fair then


>200 murders in canada

Pic related is the RCMP most wanted list. The full top 50 list if almost all brown people wit ha few Russian mafia people on it, plus a few missing bikers from a Montreal biker war a few decades ago. But year after year almost all violent crime comes from visible minorities.

The white guy in pic is "Jihad John" and he converted to islam and joined ISIS. There are reports he was killed in fighting in Syria near the Turkish border last year.

The woman was just a mentally ill woman who had one of her kids die from neglect in 1987. She skipped town instead of going to the court house and was never seen again.

Spoiler: Gun crime is isolated in the parts of the country with the strictest firearm laws.

Just want to emphasize that the white population here is just as peaceful as anywhere else. So white communities are pretty great (and the minorities, blank and Hispanic, that have the work ethic to be a part of too, excluding Asians, Nigerians, and Indians).

But niggers and spucs really do fuck up the skews here, even most white peyote arrested for crimes are Hispanic but labeled white by cops so they're not profiling or racist. And yes, they really are as bad as you hear.

DING DING DING we have a winner! Weapons are the great equalizer. The only reason we haven't had another World War is the threat of nuclear bombardment.

At least we didn't directly intentionally fund the Taliban

>Including suicides in "murder" count.

Yeah that's clear but what about Greeks in your country, if there are any?

Spics, blacks* phone autocorrect

Guns or not, humans always will kill eachother over reasons.
It's good to have one to protect yourself though, if the need arises.

Interestingly, when firearm laws were passed in Canada during the mid-late 90's, while the rate of suicide by firearm did indeed drop in the subsequent years, the rate of suicide by hanging went up by the same amount, leaving an identical total suicide rate. Didn't stop anti-gunners from parading it around like a huge victory, though.

>Aside from population and guns USA and Germany have no differences that might affect the crime rate
You learned that in school fag? Man I'm impressed.
>try bordering mexico faggot and see how you like it

no, havent met a single one, ever. only foreigners are vietnamese, russian, polish or german

>including suicides and self defense numbers in death count
>being a retard

In fact, most "Western" nations who have seen a reduction in crime rates and who attribute it to their strict firearm laws actually implemented said laws AFTER the downward trend began, in many cases by decades.

Look at Canada. C-68 came into effect in the late 90's.

>Name stuff your country does better than 'murica'

Tim Hortons

kicked your asses twice and bailed you out from the Krauts twice. Go fuck yourselves.

I like your beer, Czech user. Budweiser is one of my favourites.

Gun laws aren't based on logic. If they were, wouldn't all countries have more or less the same laws? But that's not what happens at all.

In Canada, .25 and .32 caliber pistols (some of the weakest on the market) are banned, but we can own anti-tank rifles. In the US, they can own nigh microscopic pistols, but any rifle over .50 caliber is a "destructive device" and basically unavailable (with a few exceptions for "sporting purposes"). In Australia, they can't have handguns larger than 9mm.

and how's your military little boy? :) you don't have to kys, come here and I'll do it with my Gun.

true, you got good taste


Oh, I forgot to mention that in India, .455 caliber handguns are banned, specifically. Why .455? Because they didn't want Indians getting cheap surplus .455 Webley revolvers after the war.

We started with 13 states and ended up with 50 states and several territories. Maybe if you we didn't have to save your weak sissy asses in both world wars we could have built even more.


I guess that must be why crossbows and the like are unregulated.

Do you have a czech equivalent of Guiness?

Nigga, you joking?

California's restrictive carry laws, believe it or not, were the result of the civil rights movement.


Gun free zones in a country that allows guns has to be the worst solution to gun violence. I don't see how people rationalize that even if they don't like guns. You can't stop a murderer by saying no guns allowed here.

Pretty big talk for a country that spent the 20th century getting BTFO'd by every shitskin nation it tried to keep in its """empire""".

Guns cannot commit murder.

What you mean to say is, "Niggers murdered [insert number and country] using guns".

America has more niggers than most other civilized countries, so they have more gun murders.

Even military bases are "gun free zones".


"I missed the whole premise of the picture" : The Post.

I thought bait threads were banned.


>we have more niggers. 99% of those shootings in chicago
>our country is way bigger than those countries


He's leaving out the suicides to make it a marginally more fair comparison