Proof migrants in Europe cause the most crime?

I entered a little debate with a libtards and she posted numerous studies that look really suspect that I plan to debunk but does anyone have some hard evidence that most rapes and violent crime in Europe are caused by migrants?

Here's a list of her studies. I know she didn't look through them all and just assumed they were legit.

Here's her obvious bullshit studies I need to refute. Got any other studies proving them wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

Post some screenshots of them and start discussing them dude. You're not gonna get any quality discussion without putting in some legwork.

Bump fo u

Right off the bat, that first source is pretty much outdated. July 2015 was 2 years ago, plenty more migrants have arrived since then. In fact, those first 4 sources have no data from 2016. Here is an article based on an official report by the German police on the spike in migrant crime last year:

>but does anyone have some hard evidence that most rapes and violent crime in Europe are caused by migrants?

Pretty sure Norway had some studies that showed that pretty much all assault rapes were done by migrants.

I'm on mobile and don't wanna dox myself.

But I'll tell you I gave her Pew research that most muskims are radical. More proof showing Muslims killed over 270 million ppl over 1400 years. Tons of pics of the state of France, etc. After she spent an hour dismissing everything I said with no evidence she started posting "studies" that show migrants aren't the leading cause of violence and rape in Europe. I know they are bullshit but I'm on mobile right now and doing refutations without a proper keyboard, mouse is a massive pain in the ass. I also don't have access to my folders and bookmarks for a few hours until I get home.

I'm just asking for help to give me a head start since I won't be home for like 2 more hours.

I believe that was Oslo in 2014. None of the recorded violent sexual assaults that year were committed by native Norwegians.

>Less than 1% of all crimes involve migrants fleeing from war as perpetrators
>Migrants are actually less than 1% of all the people arriving in Sweden
>Yugoniggers, sandniggers, and pirateniggers without asylum-rights (i.e. not fleeing from a warzone) commit 49%
>25% of the population

These studies are made by propaganda institutions, and the migrants are a small part of the problem, all the other dumb niggers and foreigners that have lived here for 2-3 generations are just as much a fucking problem but they count as 'swedes' on all the statistics since a few years back (for obvious reasons, "if you can't prove it, it means we're right!")

To add to my previous post, that final source in that pastebin is entirely about America, not Europe - assuming European migrant crime was what you were arguing about then who knows why the fuck such a source was provided

Thanks I'll try to find it but on the off chance you got s link would be greatly appreciated.

Fuck that's solid. Thanks a lot. I need more though. Just Germany alone won't be enough. She's a retard and will say "hurrr dirt I have more studies". I need to wreck her entire worldview with a ton of irrefutable data.

most obvious:
It prove that crimes are hided by police and government

Don't even bother with her. What you're attempting is the equivalent of showing scientific studies to a creationist. Their position is based in ideology and they've already decided to dismiss anything that contradicts their position.

Okay that's super important to my argument thank you! More resources are appreciated. In the mean time should I share aesthetic pics for you all as thank you while you look?

Too late I already committed to it. :(

You are a left winger pretending to be a right winger in the hope actual right wingers won't be able to refute your study and will be converted.

sadly no translation and sources

Listen to the abo, you sound like a wierd version of a beta orbiter. Just give it up and tell her she's a retard thinking with her feelings.

>libtard provided studies
>OP has to have Sup Forums give him evidence and debunk the studies for him
This happens way too often.

First: isolate by race.
Second, isolate by country. You can even pick a state or region.
Third, isolate by type of crime. Because she's a woman, I would choose sexual assault.

Once you've done that. You find the study. When she comes back with those studies, you can refute them. A quick glance shows that none of them isolate by race.

Fourth, you want more than one argument. Show her Putnam's (i think that's his name) study that multiculturalism always decreases the trust and social cohesion in a study. Argue that's it more than just crime.

Fifth, show her the proportion of races that go on health care. Ask her what economic effects they have.

Six, next time you want to red pill them, know what the fuck you're doing before you start. has lots of academic statistics about Islam.

35% of italian convicts are foreigners, despite 9% of residents are immigrant.

very good stats
note: dotted line are finns, suomenruotsalainen are finnish swedes

Lmfaooo no I'm not. I know just as well as all you migrants are the cancer of Europe.

Whats the point
They'll say statistics are skewed and racist
You don't debate with libturds, you smash their faces

This data is far for being perfect, because many of these immigrants already appear as Spaniards. But it's still the best we have.

Here is a bump.
And a vídeo showing, explaining and quoting on the matter.

Note that data comes from our justice department, so it's 100% legit.

Sorry to hear it. You're going to end up incredibly frustrated.
In my experience you want to have these discussions face to face so you can call them out on their fallacious arguments, lack of knowledge and misrepresentations of data. This is primarily because it's hard to brush these things off face to face.

>integration wor-


Thanks all I think o might have enough so far but if you got some really crucial new info lay it on me. I'm driving home soon wont really be able to reply for an hour and a half soon.

I just picked a random one off the list, namely the study posted on, and I'm just reading the introduction. I'm a little drunk, so I'm not sure if I'm reasoning well right now

The article starts off with classical economic analysis without looking into culture, as if there is any opportunity gain from raping other than a little utility. If buying insurance is rational because the slight risk of being injured while not insured potentially exceeds the gain of not being insured, then the chance of being convicted outweighs the benefits of raping a person. Hence, rape can be considered irrational. It also fails to consider individuals who travel with an intent to commit crime, which have outweighed the pros and cons before they set out on their journey.

Again, an interesting assumption is made: Because immigrants prone to committing crimes likely can't afford good legal defense, the number of convicted is likely to be pushed down, instead of up. This is because they would feel less confident in their defense if caught. This is just conjecture, in my opinion. I have ruled out rape as irrational from an analytical standpoint, so let's look at theft or burglary, for example. If a man chooses not to steal because he would not feel confident in his defense, then he is not stealing out of necessity, otherwise he would do it anyway. Thieves who do not steal out of necessity do it for larger gains, and they can afford proper defense, so this argument falls away. For the argument to work, criminals would have to have perfect information about this as well, which is unusual, as poor thieves are usually retards. I would rather say more immigrants are convicted on average if immigrants as a group cannot afford as qualified defense as the rest of the average population for obvious reasons.
>n 1996, one of the Swedish government’s own
agencies, the National Council for Crime Prevention, said that male immigrants were 23 times more likely to commit rape than the average; these astonishing numbers could perhaps have been explained as a
consequence of various factors – small numbers, new immigration, and the effects of trauma on immigrants from war zones.
>But as early as 2002, a little-noticed study by
academics at Karlstadt University concluded that 85 per cent of all those sentenced to more than two years’ imprisonment for rape were foreign born or second generation immigrants. The number of rapes in Sweden grew dramatically – from 421 in 1975 to 5,960 in 2010; and in that year more than half of those convicted were
identified as immigrants. The total is still rising; in 2014 it was 6,697.

>Muslims on their own provide 11,248, being 13 per cent of the prison population – well above their due statistical ‘share’ – and growing.

when I was in berlin my friend told me half the prison is pazarci, muslim serbs from the south, basically mountainfolk, also on the ride I was the only white person on the bus, the rest were gypsies, zoll stopped us they didn't even check my passport, just told me to go back to the bus while they scanned the rest, them germans sure got the cream of the crop with all those doctors and lawyers eh?