How does pol feel about blacks?


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don't focus on anectodal evidence, blacks are based and they are welcome to fuck my wife and daughters anyday


thanks for youre earnest and forthright response fellow civic nationalist

Why did he murder them? I read a news article about this earlier but it didn't have many details yet. Surely that couple would've been fine if he just took their valuables instead of their lives.

guy was born in africa.

any chance hes another fucking illegal?

blacks in general are basically the same but blame whitey too much and dont look at their own black on black and b on w violence... ever.

Law and justice is on the part of the dead doctors but I like what the negroe did
US doctors are cancer

why cuck? your anal cavity might not get as stretched as you like

There's just a couple of blacks where I live, and they just keep to themselves.
I think they're gross though.


>Cape Verdean immigrant who killed two doctors in a South Boston apartment building should have been deported last year after his second bank robbery.

>Judge Lisa A. Grant out of BMC gave him 364 days in jail instead of 365, because she was well aware that a sentence of one year or longer meant automatic deportation. Department of Homeland Security recommended deportation. She overruled them.

>Lisa Grant is a former liberal activist and criminal defense attorney appointed by democrat governor Deval Patrick

makes you think