>americunts have the lowest highway speedlimits in the world and get a $300 fine just for keeping up with traffic
Bootlickers WILL defend this.
>americunts have the lowest highway speedlimits in the world and get a $300 fine just for keeping up with traffic
Bootlickers WILL defend this.
last time I got a speeding ticket in southern utah i was riding a KTM and got a $417 ticket
I love the boot. Boot is tasty. You will learn to love it too. Eventually you will become the boot.
keep your garbage on
One good thing about living in Commiefornia is that speed limits aren't really enforced.
that officer probably saved your life
>t. assmad americuck
A tax being hidden as a (((fine))) isn't politics? Enjoy your police state.
again, you can obsess over americans all you want over in your containment board