Why are white people so edgy?

You guys are probably the most civilized and certainly the most privileged race in the world and yet every white person I've met is thoroughly miserable and chilly, seemingly for no real reason. Your sense of community is lacking compared with other races, and you tend to take things more personally.

Of course, this applies generally; That is, to those with some understanding of the world and subtlety in their interaction. All races have their fare share of the blissfully ignorant, but there seem to be less of those individuals among whites.

Please humor me, because I don't quite understand. Why do white people appear to be the most depressive race despite also being the most successful? Are they genetically inclined to be edgy bitches?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Your sense of community is lacking compared with other races
Because we've been told by (((them))) that looking out for our own race and preferring to be among our own is white supremacy, i.e. the worst, most hateful and evil thing in the world EVER.

Meanwhile niggers and other minorities are told it's a good thing to band together against us evil whiteys. For example when blacks interact with blacks they don't know, more often than not they immediately relate with each other. They will stand behind even the worst criminals a la "they dindu nuffin"

Meanwhile whites have no problem throwing each other under the bus and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe their families.

die jew

Almost every question on Sup Forums has the same answer, jews.

WW2 and jewiwood broke us.

Bad slide thread pls write new copy pasta instead of adding 1 more sentance antifaggot

Also sage

Noone pls reply unless your saging this is just another slide thread

Well we the English invented satire a form a dark humour per say.

You could summarise that as finding edginess funny.
It also gave us Anglos a mild advantage psychologically in WW2.

In regard to other factors, we've got a torrent of problems that the more third world based races don't know or care about such as world over population and Marxist political parties.
Not to mention the people that generalise us with the old Imperialist elite.

Jordan Peterson on Post-modernism:
>What I see Post-modernism doing to students, generally speaking, is demoralizing them completely. they come to university looking to catalyze their identity, often clinging to the last remaining shreds of their culture - that's just what's keeping them afloat - and all the post-modernist professors do is take those fragments keeping them above water and remove them, saying, "Well, now you're free. I've dropped you in the middle of the ocean and you can swim in any direction you want. Now you're free."

We live in the North, with little sun light. We survive, it's what we always did. Cold winters forced our race to become tough and creative. All the problems of the difficult conditions have been solved out of necessity to survive winters. Now our civilizations have grown, we have become soft. But we still lack the sunlight we need to be happy.

This is just a theory, but it may be because of lacking idenitity. Blacks find idenitiy in their race and tend to group together because there arent a lot of them. But in white culture, you can't just be white. Your identiry has to be something else
Jock, pretty girl, nerd etc
And if they dont fit into those cultures then they become alientated from society until eventually they find others accepting. And this creates subcultures
ie Sup Forums

Why are whites the only ones that ever have to justify their existence?

White people invented all of the modern words that refer to this phenomenon:

a feeling of melancholy and world-weariness

a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement

a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.

a condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals

These states are the results of high intellect and their comparative prevalence in white individuals is the result of intellect differences compared to other races.

Too much comfort and less meaningless lifes

We came, we saw, we conquered. Now we're bored. We mapped the planet, invented everything from the printing press to the airplane, developed a deep understanding of the planet and the universe with the scientific method, we even went to the moon. Now we mostly just babysitting brown people in their own countries they are completely incapable of maintaining. You don't deserve us. You all hate us anyway, because you're jealous. Black celebrities bleach their skin and dye their hair, minorities want to have a marriage and children with a white person, so that they may elevate their own status in society. And now the societies our ancestors built are being replaced with strangers from every corner of the planet, none of whom care in slightest about us. We'll be alright though, because although we were never the majority, we always persisted. We conquered the Americas, we named every continent. English is one of the most common spoken languages, and many more languages worldwide have adopted the Latin script. You're living in our world, whether you know it or not. Suit and tie? White man's attire. Skyscrapers? White man's architecture. Computers? White man's invention. You're welcome

the responses to that thread were moving to me as a white person so I'm reposting it/them in hope of engendering similarly fruitful conversation, be less of a faggot please

You see edgy people are just physical representations of the characteristics in which are (((disseminated))) onto society which serve the goal to disenfranchise White people and empower Non-Whites.
In short society is in a state of bilious sense, think in times before; Edgy people were innovating in all facets of the Arts/Sciences/Thoughts etc.
We've been reduced to rubble in our expression because our traditional or "outdated" culture is no longer appropriate to express.


Maybe it's because western society is getting fucked by Libtard politicians or globalists, the core foundation our great societies are founded upon and made us so privileged is being bulldozed in favour of multiculturalism, those who know this is happening is torn up, waiting for the next time to vote, hoping waves will be made, or those who don't see it yet, who embrace the self destructive ideology of globalism and multiculturalism are miserable because they have given up their identity, culture and community but are so cucked, they couldn't tell you why.

Why is unemployment high? Globalism
Why are house prices rising along with number of homeless? Globalism
Why is the NHS cracking under stress? Globalism
Why is the education system under stress? Globalism

Fuck the EU, Fuck the globalist agenda, Fuck multiculturalism

Want to see something depressing? This is what a unified, purposeful white society looks like. Perhaps the last one ever to exist.


How did it not occur to you that not being satisfied is an important element in the drive to work, invent, or achieve something?

If "white" people were content to sit around smiling at each other, shitting out more babies than we can feed, then we'd be just like your warm and happy community (I don't know your race and don't care) and we'd be joining you in complaining about the cold and successful Asians. Or Jews. Or whoever is next as scapegoat.

>Why do white people appear to be the most depressive race
because we're surrounded by niggers

>most civilized and certainly the most privileged race in the world and yet every white person I've met is thoroughly miserable and chilly

That's your problem, OP. This idea that white people are both privileged and civilized is what's making them feel that way. They are neither.

The prowess of our ancestors has been drained out from us. Along with many other people. The Japanese, the Chinese, the Germans, the French. All of our ancestors used to be fierce lions and tigers that would take nothing from nobody.

But because we accepted Globalism and Modernization, or just a bunch of shitty skyscrapers and endless degeneracy, in turn for our Culture, Family, Religion, Race; we have turned into a bunch of deadasses.

Our children are being taught to betray us, our nations are being destroyed, our women are being "freed", and our homes are being trodden upon.

Thank you for time and consideration.

Be less of a brainlet you absolute tool of the kikes. That thread was one of the better threads for a while, learn to recognize positive pro-white sentiment and how to create it in public discourse or you are one of (((them)))

East asians are very edgy t.b.h

Because depression and ennui stems from a lack of stimulus

Humans are supposed to be in a pressured environment biologically, struggling to survive. They aren't supposed to have time to consider ethical issues at length or perform deep introspection. Whites, having settled in Europe, which is a shit place to settle initially [as opposed to, say, africa] were perpetually under pressure to survive, think, defeat their neighbours and so on, which resulted in rapid progress compared to other regions with milder climates and more accommodating conditions: for example Africa, or Japan during their zen period, where technology stagnated until whites showed the fuck up.

Now the powerful white, partial neanderthal - whatever brain, seasoned for intensity and solving practical problems, has nothing to occupy itself with and is suffering

You kinda answered your own post, ignorance is bliss.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:


