The_Donald makes me cringe so much

The_Donald makes me cringe so much

Look at that based black tranny in the MAGA hat! I'd let HER fuck my wife. We welcome pedes of all colors and genders

To be fair, Sup Forums can be just as autistic sometimes.

I don't know why you faggots hate leddit so much, we're basically George Soro's to them, we control their narrative cos "le weponzied autist x-DD"

Useful idiots imo.

T_D member here. do you think we actually care about the homos and trannies that post their pictures in a maga hat? the reason reddit doesn't blatantly call out nignogs and homos is because they want to pretend they are normal non-hitler tier. you can't just go around saying gas the kikes and race war. you have to blend in to redpill the cucks.


Relax, it's just our normie friendly wing

Do muds even call whiteys crackers?

That Harvard party is sounding good

Besides, they can't really post the stuff we post here. It'd be deleted very quickly. Normies are already full triggered with the light stuff posted in there today.

That is not the problem.

The major problem with T_D is that it is related to Trump. So they have to shill for him even when he fucks up.