What's good Sup Forums, I'm doing an assignment for my English class where we have to come of with examples of DoubleThink (we're reading 1984 right now) and I wan't to make this essay as red-pilled as possible, my teacher is sort of liberal, but he's absolutely disgusted with the state of the youth nowadays.
Any examples of DoubleThink you guys can come up with about liberals/left or anything else like that would be a great help.
Thank you in advance.
What are some good examples of DoubleThink?
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Check CNN / NYT / WaPo / other liberal rags for the past two years.
Gender is a social construct v transexualism. Literally the biggest hypocrisy of the modern left.
Well yeah obviously, but like good specific examples.
I already have the Melania/Hillary wearing white as one, but I REALLY want to redpill my teacher.
Muslims are peaceful but if we don't let them immigrate into our countries they turn into terrorists and kill us
>Feminism is good
>Islam is a beautiful culture
>My body my choice
>Circumcise my son
ohhh nice, I love it.
>Bisexual = 2 genders but, gender is a spectrum #LGBTQ
>Guns are bad no one should have them, except cops, but fuck cops #BLM
>diversity is good
>this is why we must turn all the people in the world a brownish color and make them think the exact same things
So far so good, keep 'em coming boys!