Historian here, if anyone has any questions I can try to put them into perspective

Historian here, if anyone has any questions I can try to put them into perspective

PhD in volkisch scene (Munich roaring twenties) but I can take any q's

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Such as useful PhD.
Isn't it folks?

>t. Muhamed Abdul Al-Safir Uhmar

Weren't they degenerate as fuck? Fags flocked to the city and they had sex shows and trannies and all that shit. No wonder Hitler needed to purge germany.

Yeah , the weimar goose shit. Wasn't that the peak of degeneracyber in Germany?

Tell me about Thule-Gesellschaft, do they still exist?

Well it is for me, I get to actually read and write about subjects I'm interested in considering I have no political ambition other than studying theory and practice.

Germany was a country divided (talking about margins, not the official Weimar puppet rule) between nationalist (volkisch) parties which were coming and going all the time and similarly leftist (in a Soviet sense, only without mass following) brigades vying for attention. There was a lot of tumult on the margins of society that soon went mainstream due to French post-war occupation of German areas (to put salt on the wound, sort to say).

Thule was founded in 1912 as a Masonic lodge (it is a fair assessment, that's all it was), a rich boy's club that Hitler used for social connections. Those with more interest in posturing, like Himmler, utilized it to find 'occult' artifacts. Watch Richard Stanley's Secret Glory for more information about this. Thule does not exist in its original sense, but it's not like its ideas were new, it's your standard occultism with Germanic (Nordic) flavor.

What's the gayest thing you ever did with a prof? Are you a liberal of a nazi?

>(((historian))) here
>ask me questions so I can erase Aryan history

they give phds for that shit? kys

Why would I want to erase Iranian history?

I take Machiavellian view of history.

White slavery in the States? How valid is it? I've seen historians in conflict over this one.

Is it suitable for polemics?

What good books are their about the Wiemar Republic?

>Watch Richard Stanley's Secret Glory
ok, thanks

Ok so choose a side. You never fucked a prof or anything?

Did fascist and commies literally killed themselves in the street daily?
If so
How similar to that time is our current political discussion

What did nig nogs do in the roaring 20s in munich?

A fellow historian

it feels pretty lonely. It seems like the field is getting filled with liberal ideologues and marxist retards.

Our political scene is like the beginnings of the conflict between communists and fascists.

As each group battles each other, they get stronger, more powerful and more influential.

Do you browse /his/ board?

Actually, what are good books about pre-WW2 Germany, in general?

I was almost going to read Mein Kampf just to try and get into the mindset. I really like reading about history around this time, but always stumble into good books.

Sometimes, there are some intelligent posters but quite a few blow hards who learned their "history" from high school and bad television documentary.

>PhD in volkisch scene (Munich roaring twenties)

What do you think about the Broadway musical Cabaret?

I feel you. I am a Geology major that minored in history because I love it so much, but half the classes were like Feminist History of South America.

Also communists everywhere. It's almost like they are trying to "fix" the narrative. Hmmm

Was Hitler's intent to conquer Europe like the romans did?


it's very hard to learn about Weimar Germany. Once I had a good YouTube that was a copy of an old radio broadcast that talked about it from a Christian perspective. Talked about pornography being on the street at the eye level of children. I heard the book burninigs were mostly porno and communist rags. I need sources!

What was more degenerate: the volkisch scene or modern times w/Bill Nye

Taking the amount and speed of information in our time , how much time would you give to the coming escalation of conflicts?


Not at all, in fact most of the violence came from Rohm's troops in the early 1930s leading to public outrage against Nazi Party and prompting Hitler (or those around him) to fire up the Night of the Long Knives.

Start with Kershaw and look at bibliography for a particular field of interest but he gives a good general overview.

Standard entertainer stuff like they did in Paris.

At least it's not literary theory, I'd kill myself if I worked in that shithouse.

It's perfectly valid, and easily provable, push towards the West was made with Chinese and late immigrant blood (and of course blacks). Basically every great man from that era was a slaveowner in anything but name.

You can take Ilya Ryepin's Volga Boatmen and easily transport them to America, same circumstances around areas where industry was built.

Yes, it's the best board on Sup Forums along with /tg/ and /lit/.

I would not suggest reading Mein Kampf if it's not annotated because most of the stuff there is heavily redacted (by Hitler) or outright fabrication in order to show himself as someone predestined to lead.

Read Iron Kingdom.

Great movie, great atmosphere, shows the wheel of history grinding upon those who know better yet are powerless to stop it.

No, his plan was based around creating a mythical Lebensraum while severely underestimating Russia. He had no idea how to finish a war.

Was there ever a movement to return a Kaiser to germany post WWI? Could it have succeeded?

I know the Nazis did not like the idea nor did the communists.

Germany had legitimate grievances with the way Europe turned out because of versailles. He didn't intend to conquer it and create a new Roman Empire, but rather a new order.

One of the reasons WW2 occurred wasn't
>muh poland
but because Britain wanted to maintain its hegemony in the face of rising German power.

Germany has a larger population and stronger economy than Britain or France. Especially in the 30's when the French population was shrinking and the British economy was floundering.

In history rising powers tend to always fight the reigning dominant power.

Nye, of course. Cultural Marxism is far more oppressive than National Socialism (though corporations still don't have death squads).

No, German nationalists (and Hitler himself) wanted to prepare ground for emergence of a Dictator (or Fuhrer). They had Ludendorff and other highly esteemed military figures but did not regard them as anything more than that. Nazi Party in particular actually wanted to take land from aristocracy (or so Rohm thought up until the end).

What parallels do you see between now and ~100 years ago?

It seems to me that things are becoming a powder keg similar to how they were in early 1914

It's impossible to compare because today public space is heavily and skillfully neutered by corporations (who do not have to abide by rules of free speech). Small nations are controlled by several gigantic military conglomerates and powerless to engage in anything other than proxy wars. Peace is guarded and will always be guarded by atomic weapons. Battle of Kursk was the last titanic battle of world history.

Why did they want to dismantle the aristocracy? I was under the impression people liked having a monarchy in germany.

I disagree, the era of peace we've seen are the direct consequences of pax americana. Nuclear weapons will be surmounted technologically, ABM technology is advancing at a rate and American hegemony is coming to an end.

Mostly populism. Not only that they despised monarchy after WW1, they wanted their pride to be restored, soldiers like Hitler and Rohm (the latter far more) were jaded by betrayal of the elites. Nazis came from German Worker's Party, they had nothing to do with the old order.

I have no idea what ABM technology is but as long as you have such powerful weapons they make any sort of large troop movement impossible.

If there were no atomic weapons Europe would still be under Soviet Union.

What lands did Hitler's mythical lebensraum compose of in his mind

Basically everything from Berlin to Ural Mountains. That's where soldiers were supposed to settle with Slavic slave labor living in the dirt heaps and building stuff.


>Ian Kershaw: Why Did German Democracy Fail?

This the one?

I figured Mein Kampf would be biased, but couldn't really find a good book. It's hard to find history books of this time and place that don't portray events with the outcome in mind. Do you know what I mean? I'm not going to deny the holocaust happened (inb4 reddit), but it seems like most historians look at the end and use that to color events leading up to Hitler.

Anti Ballistic Missiles, essentially missiles used to prevent ICBMs or the use of large scale air based campaigns.

Hypersonic missiles too are making it possible to eliminate or prevent nuclear war between major powers.

The United States, like nearly all declining empires will fight tooth and nail to retain it's position. It'll exhaust itself on military adventures and collapse like the USSR. A recipe for a new era of great powers and international conflict will begin, especially as ABM technologies profiliterate.

The next 10-15 years

Anti balistic missle technology?

>but I can take any q's
I bet you can take any D to

Just read his Hitler book. It covers all those topics and gives you quotes and fabrications from Mein Kampf.

Kershaw is good because he shows how ad hoc many of Nazi policies were. As for Holocaust, it had roots in the Wagnerian era, it was not anything new, just formulated in an industrial society.

So how would those missiles prevent nations from simply putting atomic weapons in the way of invading armies? Like gigantic land mine?

Yes, the Russians are perfecting theirs with the S-500 Prometheus while the Americans are getting pretty far with AEGIS and THAAD.

Ultimately this will lead to a situation where the technology becomes common and cheap, much like how technologies only fielded by the superpowers in the late 1980's (Body Armour, Explosive Reactive Armour, Thermal Optics, Advanced Anti Tank Missiles, etc) are common now.

Putzi Hanfstaengl: Great German socialite of the 1920s, or the greatest?

Ok thanks. So he wanted to expand Germany and Britain didn't want that so they used Poland as their stooge to declare war on him. Does that mean that hitler had always planned to invade Russia?

Second question because 1920's Is your expertise: why was Weimar Germany so degenerate? Was it really the Jews?

you'd really be helping out my meme game.

Theoretically one could do that, but nuclear landmines were researched in cold war and primarily discarded as being easy to detect and not practical.

Technology often moves in cycles, for example during the beginning first world war defensive technology outpaced offensive. However by the end offensive technology reigned supreme leading to the WW2 and early cold war conflicts. By the mid to late cold war, defensive technology reigned supreme but now we're entering a period where offensive technology is becoming dominant.

Good candidate for sure. He even mingled with Mitfords.

Hitler invaded Soviet Union out of fear of them getting ready for him in 1943/4 and Lebensraum was mostly a nice addendum to the cause. They were at that point convinced that 5 months in 1941 will suffice to take them out of the picture so Britain can fold.


It was going through a severe financial crisis and had lot of conflicting allegiances on its political scene, basically it seems that beer halls were so much fun those days, you could listen to all kinds of urban myths until something started to stick. Degeneracy was used in the widest sense and Germany was too poor to have anything too decadent going on.

nuclear landmines could be used to pollute territory you forced to give up to the enemy and you exlode them from the distance when enemies go in and deploy on the positions.

Gonna continue playing New Order now, thanks for the questions guys.

You can detect them with a geiger counter or modern sensors though.

>Frontal Recon units approach mined position

>detect radioactive nuclear mine

>everyone stays clear

>bomb disposal robot deactivates or detonates it

you can blow up most nuclear bombs without setting off a fission reaction.

Plus it's kind of silly, if you do this you make it impossible to retake said territory.

Is their any correlations in history that are in line with what is going on with our homelands being invaded and the obvious jewish stranglehold on the white/european race? If so what was the outcome?

The American Empire vanquished it's enemy the third reich and become more and more powerful. It was left with one enemy, the USSR.

Both sides took over the rest of the globe while preparing for a massive world war three against each other.

The USSR ended up collapsing so only the US was left with superpower status.

With this power, it became an unopposed global empire. However like all hegemonic empires, it became decadent. It's population became increasingly apathetic, focused on pleasure.

It's very similar to the history of the late Roman Empire. It was even invaded by massive barbarian hordes which clashed with the Roman culture.

The inevitable result is that the American Empire will collapse creating a new era. What will happen in that era remains to be seen.

you can make shit undetectable, or spread fake decoys for gieger counter. There was idea of the whole line of nuclear mines. If you would detonate on of these others would blow up too creating a line of fire. It was for times when fronts had millions men concentrated on them and walking all at the same time.
People didn't care about radiation at that time and generals were almost crazy with ideas. Just watch this

>Germany was too poor to have anything too decadent going on.
So were there child prostitutes on the streets of Berlin? I think that's more what he was talking about.

What a faggot. He didn't even reply to me. Fuck you OP you are a fag.

How much debt did you incur for your degree and what is your payback period?