(Operation "B" Gone) Actually do stuff edition

We should try to dismantle the LGBT community on itself by using logic. They should have to remove the B in LGBT because it is implying that there are only two genders and this effects the Trans/Queer community.
We need to make memes and catchy slogans that will stick towards our goal of making the LGBT community eat itself.
Previous threads

some memes that were made for inspiration


Leaf user you were grasping at strawmen.
America user, I'm sorry you cant see my cute boy body in a school girl outfit and my fembenis.

Some hashtags that were creative

>cute boy body in a school girl outfit
I know we say hhhhhhng a lot, but seriously

As for you OP. Have you ever been to ?
They are always eating themselves. 75% of threads are tranny threads or trannies trying to convert gays/lesbians to trannies

Gender is different than sex.

Lesbian and Gay imply the same thing also. We should get them to change it simply to "T." Doesn't have as much ring to it but that is the point.

Like Hnnng this degeneracy?
Hnnng my dick?

At request of a german user ive taken up running to tone out my softer aspects and I'd Probly be able to pull off those looks again.