Why are virtually all socialists also pro-immigration? It doesn't make sense to me. You'd think that someone could be left-wing economically (want more things to be tax funded, want the economy to serve the public, pro-union etc) and yet also nationalist/racist. Why in the modern world do these beliefs virtually never combine? I am seriously confused.
Why are virtually all socialists also pro-immigration? It doesn't make sense to me...
They are also feminist, pro lgbt and pro islam at the same time.
Welcome to fuckville
They believe we have a duty to provide for the less fortunate, no matter who they are.
Left wing economically and yet nationalist? Isn't that national socialism/nazism?
Why Islam Rapists win every time, every where in the world?
If they keep winning, there willl be a time where muslims and leftards will clash over each views and kill each other, I can't wait for that.
You're talking about a system that could theoretically work. The Germans tried it once, Jews were pissed!
>closed border, homogenous socialism could work
>what is the Soviet Union and the entire Eastern bloc
It's because free thought isn't encouraged on either side of politics. Especially when YouTube, Facebook, and even Google, filter your results based off of what you've already observed. You like stuff on the left? Here's more of it, you like stuff on the right? Here's some of that. I think a big part of the reason why modern society is so politically polarised is because people spend hours of their days sitting in their little bubble of confirmation bias, brought to you by shitty algorithms.
The Soviet Union was internationalist. Besides, Marxist socialism is much different than National Socialism.