The Jewish Question

Jew here. Listen up goy, this memeing has been hysterical, but it's time to set things straight. I'm not going to bring up the Holocaust because I know it's going to ruin the thread, so please agree with me on that. Now then.

> The Jews do not control all of Western Media. The Saudi royal family actually have 49% control of Murdoch's media outlets
> There is a legitimate difference between right and left-wing jews, but it has nothing to do with zion vs. anti-zion. It's more like normal jew vs. communist
> Speaking of communists, you guys like to bring up the fact that many bolsheviks were jewish. This is true, except they were almost all 'atheistic' and allegedly satanic. There are many people who claim to be 'Jews' but are really just Satanists, it's a pretty common thing. Why would a true Luciferian call himself Luciferian? Don't you think he'd use a disguise, such as Jew, Christian, or Muslim?
> Khazar Theory is tinfoil-hat tier and discredited garbage, though it is true many israelis are diluted and not as genetically Hebrew as you'd think.
> If Jews ruled Europe, why does the EU hate Israel, and why the fuck would Jews flood Europe with Muslims, when we hate muslims more than expenses?
> The media is not owned by Israel, otherwise CNN would stop criticizing it and taking the Palestinians side
> If Jews ruled the world, there wouldn't be 2.7 BILLION Christians. Your Bible says that those that follow the anti-christ will be 'most' of the Christians. Which Sect is the largest of Christianity? Roman Catholicism, the religion of the satanic Vatican.
> I agree the Talmud is garbage compared to the Torah
> I agree Jews are secretive little fucks, which has backfired on us because now you autists assume that means we're guilty of global domination.

> cont'd

Other urls found in this thread:

>Implying Jews aren't Black


> "but jews are in high places of society!1" yes, because we are few in number. Our religion and our parents literally command us to become doctors, lawyers, politicians, bankers. Same reason why East Asians are excellently successful in the West. It's not a conspiracy, it's just how we're raised.
> Jews hire other jews, tribal mentality. Indians hire Indians, Muslims hire Muslims.
> I agree Israel is up to some weird shit when it comes to Da'esh, Mossad, etc, but that is just shady politics in the region of the Mid East, it doesn't prove some massive network.
> If Jews were TRULY at the very top, why in God's name would they allow you morons to post about it and make these elongated conspiracy theories? Why would they allow this counter-culture, and draw so much attention to it? If it was a real conspiracy theory, it would not be this memey, possible, or tolerated. It poses absolutely no danger to the NWO, so they let you autistic frog posters talk about it all day and waste your time, rather than see the bigger picture (Jesuit Order, Luciferians, Communists/Globalists).

If the JQ was the final conspiracy, it would not have this much attention, support, and belief. It's a psy-op.

> inb4 trust me goys

>Your Bible says


> There is a legitimate difference between right and left-wing jews, but it has nothing to do with zion vs. anti-zion. It's more like normal jew vs. communist
>but it has nothing to do with zion vs anti - zion
>bolsheviks were jewish
>bolsheviks were athiest
>jews were athiest

holy shit jidf if you're going to try and shill at least be a little subtle

No really, you're proving my point. The JQ is such a popular meme that it makes no conceivable sense that it is the final conspiracy. If it was this dangerous, Elite-ending truth, why would it be such a massive movement? If the JQ was as intense as you guys make it out to be, don't you think they'd use a different psy-op like the Saudis, Hindus, or some other group? It just seems like it's in too much of the spotlight to be the final redpill.

> Jews hire other jews, tribal mentality
right. that's why your not compatible with the west, so fuck off back to the desert before we start mass murdering you. how are you so willfully ignorant?

Give me some evidence that the leaders of the Bolshevik movement were religious and went to the synagogue every other day. Because as far as I'm aware, they were extremely atheist, destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques, and had complete disdain for all human life.

How the fuck would mossad cull almost 100,000 people with ties to a single internet board ffs. Think critically here shill, there's some logic missing in your entire diagram of what's possible.


>implying they don't actively have a dozen patios going on from Russians, to Saudis, to white old men, to "globalists", to fucking nazis who defected and joined NASA or CIA
Gtfo retard.
Most of us have enough intelligence to recognize nuance with Jews, we're not idiots, but you guys pursue your own self interests for better or worse and we need to pursue ours and they just happen to conflict with one another, so a peaceful separation is the only solution. Go back to Israel. Take some goyim with you if you fucking love us so much, I don't care.

Right wing American half-Jew, reporting in.

I'm trying to explain to these people how important Jews are on our side, Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, Ben Shapiro, and there shouldn't be a blanket condemnation of anyone with Jewish ancestry.

At the same time though, there is truth in what they have to say, which is that in accordance with their share of the population, Jews make up an enormously disproportionate share of Big Media, Hollywood, and so on that are all the main outlets of the poison known as Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness.

But what you say is true as well. Jews are achievers, and not only do they make it to the top in areas of political influence, but they're also doctors, scientists, inventors, good businesspeople.

The Jewish Question is a meme to a great extent, and a very effective one, and there's no subjects we should be afraid of broaching. I think a lot of it is the trolling culture on there. You just have a meme that catches fire, and boom. I don't think the average person on here is a raging Jew hater, and we all act more vicious and more troll-like on here than we are.

You good boyz, you dindu nuffin'.

Glass it all and be done with it, spare humanity from the blight of the Middle East and turn it unto ruin.

Hans, get the gas!
Jews are less than rats. They are the pond scum of humanity snuffing out all the brightness of the world.
>pro mass immigration to white countries
>pro faggots
>invented communism and bolshevism that has killed millions of white christians
>own the central banks and push fractional reserve banking
>make us all debt slaves
>control the media.

Why are they less than 2% of the population but 40% of the supreme court? Why are they 40%+ of the billionaires?Why are they pushing this race mixing in tv,commercials,media?
Jews a parasite .

>I think a lot of it is the trolling culture on there. You just have a meme that catches fire, and boom. I don't think the average person on here is a raging Jew hater

The Jewish people have been booted out of nearly 100 nations in mankind's history for their parasitic nature on native populaces

the average man in history has been a jew hater

lol man sometimes I forget how many teenagers are on this board

>The Saudi royal family actually have 49% control of Murdoch's media outlets

cite source.

This, will they down play this?

Get the fuck out of white countries,

We don't care if the common jew doesn't do this. There is a pool of them to ascend to these postions which the abuse.

Stop taking memes seriously, newfag. It's Sup Forums, we're shitposting and don't unironically believe in Jewish conspiracies - we're not that autistic.

Answer this you kikes
Why does the goyim banish you over a 100 times?

You literally go to prison for implying any systematic Jewish collusion in many European countries, (((genius)))

Problem of the lemons mate.
Also it's common belief here at Sup Forums that the Saudi royal family is Jewish.

Do you know why jews are the leading people in power for immigration of muslims even though the latter hates jews as much as we Sup Forumsacks?

Because it encourages muslims to get out of middle east to further the great israhell plan.

> The Jews do not control all of Western Media. The Saudi royal family actually have 49% control of Murdoch's media outlets

House of Saud is Jewish. You fucked up at first claim

-almost all of the big american movie studios were started by jews and continue to be run by them
-russians are mostly christian and don't like jews
-einstein was a jew
-why do jews get all the attention and reparations
-why did i have to learn about the holocaust, read anne frank and night, and watch schindler's list for history class?


I think you guys jus need another ass-kicking

You lost me there, lad

That's because you have no free-speech laws, not because of some higher power. You're not even allowed to talk about refugees.

They don't need to kill you, they just need to do something about the "truth" being spread.

Jews are a cancer.


It's true the common jews dont do this but they create the ones that do. I mean no catholic mother ever gave birth to a jewish supremacist. Funny how they've been kicked out of 100+ countries. The neocon cucks can go fuck off to israel ,too.
They've even corrupted evangelical leadership with this retarded Zionist shit. Pic extremely related . Jews hate evangelicals more than muslims! Hahahahaha!

Craw into an oven.

(((Saudi royal family)))
>Your Bible says that those that follow the anti-christ will be 'most' of the Christians
>(((your bible)))
Yes U are right about that but it's not Catholics you subversive cunt, it's Christ Cucks. The ones who in their heart believe that you idiots are "God's chosen people"... They are following you and you are the devil. Fuck off with your bullshit.

> The Jews do not control all of Western Media. The Saudi royal family actually have 49% control of Murdoch's media outlets
Israel controls Saudi Arabia
> There is a legitimate difference between right and left-wing jews, but it has nothing to do with zion vs. anti-zion. It's more like normal jew vs. communist
But when push comes to shove, the bond of Jew blood is stronger than anything else (as it should be) so this is irrelevant.
> Speaking of communists, you guys like to bring up the fact that many bolsheviks were jewish. This is true, except they were almost all 'atheistic' and allegedly satanic. There are many people who claim to be 'Jews' but are really just Satanists, it's a pretty common thing. Why would a true Luciferian call himself Luciferian? Don't you think he'd use a disguise, such as Jew, Christian, or Muslim?
Too common to be mere coincidence, thus also irrelevant.
> If Jews ruled Europe, why does the EU hate Israel, and why the fuck would Jews flood Europe with Muslims, when we hate muslims more than expenses?
Because muslims are easy to control and you hate whites more.
> The media is not owned by Israel, otherwise CNN would stop criticizing it and taking the Palestinians side
Israel is a decoy, the real battle is in Europe.
> I agree the Talmud is garbage compared to the Torah
Misdirection - you push the Torah onto gentiles because it is bluepilled and keep the talmud for yourself.

> I agree Jews are secretive little fucks, which has backfired on us because now you autists assume that means we're guilty of global domination.
But you are.
> "but jews are in high places of society!1" yes, because we are few in number. Our religion and our parents literally command us to become doctors, lawyers, politicians, bankers. Same reason why East Asians are excellently successful in the West. It's not a conspiracy, it's just how we're raised.
Nepotism. I pretended I was a Jew once just to see what would happen (I can pass) and I was treated like a King by other Jews for no reason. Gave me open doors I never saw before.
> I agree Israel is up to some weird shit when it comes to Da'esh, Mossad, etc, but that is just shady politics in the region of the Mid East, it doesn't prove some massive network.
It does when no one that works in intelligence is willing to point it out even though it's so obvious.
> If Jews were TRULY at the very top, why in God's name would they allow you morons to post about it and make these elongated conspiracy theories? Why would they allow this counter-culture, and draw so much attention to it? If it was a real conspiracy theory, it would not be this memey, possible, or tolerated. It poses absolutely no danger to the NWO, so they let you autistic frog posters talk about it all day and waste your time, rather than see the bigger picture (Jesuit Order, Luciferians, Communists/Globalists).
Because you don't have complete control yet (keyword yet). Laws are being passed in Europe as we speak to shut things down.

Can you just leave us poor goyim the fuck alone?

And the lowest percentage of Jews nabbed by the Nazis was in Italy because the Catholic religious orders and in particular the Vatican protected them. So fuck off with your anti-Catholic bs.

Read _The Pius War_ and/or _Before the Dawn_ by Israel Zolli.

You seem to be getting confused. It's mostly the Ashkenazi Jews Sup Forums hates they're the ones In Control. We're not talking about Jewish religious zealots but the race if Jew called Ashkenazi

What's the difference between the Talmud, Torah and kabal?

This absolutely!

> The media is not owned by Israel, otherwise CNN would stop criticizing it and taking the Palestinians side

When the FUCK does kike CNN ever reported live in Israel on the pali side? When was the last time they showed dead or starving pali kids?
JEFF- FUCKING- ZUCKER and you think CNN isnt cobtrolled by jews??? Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha!!
>jews dont control anything
They control everything. Look at france. They just put a literal Rothschild puppet in power.

>I'm not going to bring up the Holocaust
>Holocaust conveniently brought up

I know rite, WTF? it's like they're retards or something...

Seriously, they are treated like kings in Jew York. I also can pass, and the literal handouts I can get from other Jews is unbelievable if you haven't experienced it firsthand.

Yeah, we know, they are never "real Jews" if they did something bad. Jews who do bad things arent Jews. I don't know whether the Mudslimes ripped you off on this one or vice versa, but you both use no true Scotsman like it is endangered.

The Torah is the blue pilled bible preaching forgiveness and acceptance, the Talmud is a bunch of Rabbis dropping redpills on why the Torah is a pile of garbage and the Kabbalah is something else entirely.

What is Kaballah?

Yeah, I never would have believed it otherwise. It's life on easy mode. When I go through life on regular mode I always feel like people are fighting against me just for being what I am, but when I pretended I was Jewish it was like the whole world was on a silver platter for me (from other Jews). I don't even blame them for what they do, blood is the most important thing. I just wonder why everyone else isn't doing the same thing.


It's really esoteric. You should read about it because it is hard to describe. Almost goes into occult territory.

Its not the jews fault. The have become shills for the Talmud Jewish Mysticism Cult and the Jesuits controlling everything, including the spreading of propaganda. Search Bill Cooper(coined phrase sheeple btw). He said too much and got himself wacked and was promptly replaced with gatekeeper Alex Jones... Who doesn't even know he is a shill. Long story. Only Kek can help us now

>I just wonder why everyone else isn't doing the same thing.


>Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, Ben Shapiro
Have any of these fine gents called out Israel at the perpetrator of 911?

>Jews are achievers, and not only do they make it to the top in areas of political influence, but they're also doctors, scientists, inventors, good businesspeople.

Here we go... Jews are BRAGGARDS and subversive, nepotistic and plagiaristic little cunts!

>I don't think the average person on here is a raging Jew hater, and we all act more vicious and more troll-like on here than we are.

Well at least you got that part correct for the most part. But seriously, I grew up around jews and so I've been onto you morons since I was a child. You're not all bad people but damn you'r so full of shit and full of yourself it makes normal people sick. Even jews hate jews.

>lawyers, politicians, banker
yup. get gassed.
> Jews hire other jews, tribal mentality.
yup. get gassed.

>didnt name the rothschilds
>names Catholic Church instead

there is no place for you in the kingdom of God, schlomo. burn in hell

>I don't even blame them for what they do, blood is the most important thing. I just wonder why everyone else isn't doing the same thing.

Nice shill bro.. But the answer is because we are not all in a cult. ALL JEWS are in the same cult, even if they don't believe in god and are non practicing, they are still jews first and foremost. Now maybe there is nothing wrong with that but it's to the exclusion of everyone else right or wrong, and that's the part that gets them ass booted out of every country on the planet.

A jewish guy runs over some black kid by accident in Brooklyn NY.. The JEWISH AMBULANCE (not kidding) arrives at the scene and takes away the jewish driver of the car eben tho he was not hurt and LEFT THE BLACK CHILD TO DIE.. What's so hard to understand here? This is what jews do.

Yea I don't think TPTB revolves around being Jewish. It could be satanic in nature, but honestly that could just be a way to discredit conspiracy theorists. I think the reason they abduct so many children is to perform biological experiments on them. They probably have their own human grow-op for testing eugenics and gene modification.

I think it's actually very beneficial for TPTB to have jews as the scapegoat, as they are quite impervious to attack through things like the holocaust and general persecution (the jews also feed into this more by naturally playing the victim card).

I wish people didn't get to hung up on this Hitler worship stuff. For all we know it could have all been preplanned by TPTB. The most important thing is to shift the focus away from attacking jews for being jews, but instead call out and raise awareness of the few thousand elite who are planning to cull our population as we are no longer needed because of automation (only the very smart will be allowed to live)

Sure they take it to further extremes but being tribal is just logical.

Kinda like jew black magic, along those lines.

>read the first line


Under rated!

Fair points, especially regarding the Saudi influence and of course the Bolshevik issue.

Listen you racist goy, I'm just like you.

Is the term Jewess racist? That chick is fucking hot. That chick, and all the Bell Curve IQ Sup Forums spouts has almost converted me to Judaism. Jews are smart and successful. Catholics basically hate them for the same reason the Left hates white males. Just one more push OP. Digits?

The hasedum is way creepy. Involved in a lot of organized crime. Lota smugeling.

We are graced to be in your presence. How can we ever pay you back for all you do for us?


I bet you look like a Turk and therefore you are a Khazarian scum.







>the Bell Curve IQ Sup Forums spouts has almost converted me to Judaism. Jews are smart and successful. Catholics basically hate them

Nice shilling faggot. Sorry to disappoint you but kikes are but a few IQ points above retards

You might want to reconsider and move to Catholicism since Italy is the most Catholic state, and Italians have the highest IQ in Europe, world rank #5 right behind all the Asian countries. Israel is a dismal 12 world rank right behind Uruguay. Jews are pathetically stupid but great at bragging as you just did.

Been meaning to look into that for a while, thanks

Theres a couple feature length YouTubes in this animation. This is a segment of one of them.

> The Saudi royal family actually have 49% control of Murdoch's media outlets

Murdoch's media outlet is just that, an outlet. It makes up like 5% of all the media. Jews own the other 95%.

Alright thanks for the heads up

This rant never gets old:

It came up next, fuck it might as well link it.

It's amazing what can be found on YT. Hopefully they don't start removing shit.

Why don't these Sup Forums Jews just assimilate and at least larp as Nazis? Why do they have to let everyone know loud and clear that they are Jews. Whatever may be their reasons, for us, that is precisely "why" we will never trust them!

Oh my bad, I must've misread the writing on your mom's tramp stamp. On closer inspection it just says, "Jamal." I thought it was hebrew.

non jewish israeli here..

ive been dying to say this for once.. look iam not jewish and i wasnt even born here.

you cant call every jew just a jew, learn about judaism first and please make a visit to israel to see what judaism is all about.

main thing is, and you will notice that since a lot of people are jewish immigrants people call them by their heritage.
they dont hate them they accept them for what they are but people just want to know where you are from so they can deal with you.

even i, though not jewish am called askenazi for being white and having blonde hair.

point is:

there are a lot of types of jews, and you get warned for some and others you know you can trust.

jew yorkers for instance besides having the horrible accent are just as much idiots to israeli's as to americans.

i came here, as an atheist because israel stands for the things i think are important.
i used to be anti israel, but visiting here gave me a whole different view of jews and israel.

now, if you want to go redpill.. visit israel, i dont care if you like it, you dont have to.
i dont care if you hate it either, but just look for yourself and perhaps learn something

>Bell Curve IQ Sup Forums spouts has almost converted me to Judaism
you're jewish already. Murray is arguing for a completely european society that you wouldn't understand. the jew writer is arguing for a society where middle class kikes grow up and run harvard and wall street.

Spoken like a compound Russian Jew process. Are you the best Jewbot the Mosaad is capable of creating?

> Speaking of communists, you guys like to bring up the fact that many bolsheviks were jewish. This is true, except they were almost all 'atheistic' and allegedly satanic. There are many people who claim to be 'Jews' but are really just Satanists, it's a pretty common thing. Why would a true Luciferian call himself Luciferian? Don't you think he'd use a disguise, such as Jew, Christian, or Muslim?
Exactly. The thing is, all Talmudic Jews are Luciferian. Non Luciferian Jews have already accepted their Messiah 2000 years ago. And yes, secular Jews are also Luciferian since they follow the Talmudic morality.

The truth is, the only good Jew is the deserter of the tribe. The one who calls out the hypocrisy and evil of the Talmud and it's followers. The one who accepts Christ in his heart.

The jew cries out as he strikes you.

It's logical to let a child die in favor of tribalism? Wow you really are a cunt. I hope someone kills 6 million more of you idiots.

Yea I know. That doesn't relieve you of anu responsibility to ferret out the meddlesome ones. (Catholics & the pedos.)
As you said you're a secretive lot, and that's fine. But as you know we can't break down your doors and start reading what you're up to when they're closed. That leaves one option: wait until the secrecy bites you in the ass for the 110th time in history.
The Kikes told the world that Trump was literally Hitler. He's not, "Literally Hitler" comes next and I'll be voting for him if you don't get your ass moving.
You know as well as I do what the history books say will happen.

let me first ask you this.. everybody here is always screaming redpill redpill redpill but i bet you most havent even fucking been here.

that being said, i never said you have to like israel.. i even said hate it if you want to.
even i dont agree with everything.

i got pissed at an orthodox school teacher on remembrance day for hammering on about arabs to the kids in front of the cemetary at negba.
my wife was born in negba, run by hippies and non practicing jews.
those ones who died there died because they defended their families and not the jewish per se

> Western Media... Don't know details but Internet has diluted power of media
> legitimate difference right and left-wing jews...agreed
> Speaking of communists... except for first Soviet government after the Revolution, Jews were progressively sidelined in the USSR. Agree it wasn't not particularly Jew friendly particularly religious Jews.
> Khazar Theory-... it's an unproven theory that might have been overstated but not proven false. However admixture rates with native Europeans much higher than originally believed.
> If Jews ruled Europe, why does the EU hate Israel, and why the fuck would Jews flood Europe with Muslims, when we hate muslims more than expenses?....antisemites make no sense on this
> I don't listen to CNN anymore. Too biased under guise of evenhandedness. Could not tell you what they think.
> End times gibberish. Idk.
> I agree the Talmud is garbage compared to the Torah... I looked at the Talmud, and I unironically think it's one of the coolest thing ever written...
> I agree Jews are secretive... IDK. Secrecy in the Internet Age is overrated.

finally someone talking sense

I read shit like this and it makes me realize Europe deserves to be slain by Muslims. I still wonder what your obsession with Jews is in the first place. Is it an inferiority complex? You guys are pathetic. Look at the bigger picture instead of simplifying one group while disregarding the complexity of human nature.

Don't you think the extinction of Homo Sapien would have stopped your concerns?

Simple explanation goyim, they're just anti-semites.

The Bolsheviks were Jewish (as in ethnicity, not the religion) but they hated religion and destroyed religious institutions.