Why slavs are not white?
Why slavs are not white?
Slavs are white, even the non squatting ones
why did you save a thumbnail?
chinks have white skin
do you call chinks white?
white is a state of mind (and aesthetics). slavs have neither.
they are a slav(e)s race.
look white to me
What is the best drink for squatting sessions?
Something strong - vodka or rakija.
Russian friend/coworker told me that she was told by her parents never to slav squat, because it comes from prisons where there were not enough chairs, so lots of people squatted.
We went ice fishing once, me, her, and another friend, and only had two seats, she slav squatted instinctively. Had the heels all the way down and everything. That was extremely funny.
(for the record, she got one of the seats)
Slavs are white imo.
slavs are white, it's just the vodka kicking in
Mongol blood