So you say there are only 2 genders

So you say there are only 2 genders
But what declares what the gender is?
Is it the genitalia?
If thats the case then people with sex change operations can become the other gender
Also there are people who have both a penis and vagina
And I will not be a "1 post for this ID"
I will stay on the thread and respond
Is it the chromosomes?
If so, then what about klinefelter?
If someone has xxy, then they might either have a vagina or a penis.

Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up nigger

not an argument

What are you, fuckin' retarded?

shut the fuck up nigger

Also, genetic failures do not count. /thread

Give a faggot your sex junk

not arguments
actually give an argument

Nothing but Culture OP

Gender madness is cultural madness.

Admit you're a butt monkey and deal.

Are you fucking delusional? You're a woman if you have the XX chromosomes, male if XY. There is no "xxy genotype", that's impossible to obtain.

take 2 faggots to a new planet and lets see them repopulate it without using magical science like cloning or insemination or fake uterus.

The way I see it its either male, female, or error. However they identify as, its up to them.

Asking these retarded questions is literally critical theory. Deprogram your brain retarded newfag

There are two sexes.

"Gender" has been hijacked by the left and I don't really see any point in fighting them about it.

Because at the end of the day there are only 2 sexes.

Klinefelters and any other genetic disorder is just that

If you have a y chromosome at all you're a man

Gender is a failed social construct by one time theorist John money. Sex is real


are you saying that culture decides gender?
in that case the modern culture decides that people decide their own gender
not argument
whether or not they can reproduce does not have to do with this; we are talking about their gender
I mean if someone has turners or klinefelters they cant reproduce but they still have a gender
how so?
this is not about gender
this is about biological sex and the 23rd chromosome, and genitalia
>if you have 1 y chromosome
then how do you explain the people with xxy who have a female build, a vagina, and breasts? check out subfields, champ

you got jewed

I'm okay with that, Because culture is just one of many social considerations. I'm just waiting for the time till it starts to conflict with common sense, and only then will the culture learn.

The are two sexes.

There are rare pathological cases that don't fit within the norm, they are exceptions. Exceptions are not the norm.

End of story.

men with klinefelter's syndrome don't have breasts and vaginas. you're thinking of androgen insensitivity syndrome and they have a normal male karyotype with a female phenotype

Literally the Y chromosome turns on maleness and male traits. XXYs are sterile males

Are still male and a lot of them don't know they're Klinefelter until they have problems having children.
>Hurr Durr it has xx AND xy
Fucking childish understanding of genetics

so stupid you left out turner's XO another genetic f/u like trisomy
xx female
xy male

>If someone has xxy, then they might either have a vagina or a penis.
2/10 made me respond. XXY is male and will have penis and balls, but will be feminine and probably sterile. Not a 3rd gender, just a low quality male.

Actually gender is determined by who has the larger sex cell. Larger gamete is female.

the doctor chooses in those unable to consent
every other retard stay out

if you can consent, sure, whatever you identify with, but
there are 3 genders : male, female and insane (other)

OP, read this frogpost. I wonder who you voted for on Sunday.

"Gender" used to be interchangeable with "sex" back in the day. Now "gender" is a political statement on one's outward appearance, while "sex" has retained its biological statement of having an xx or xy chromosome which relates to being male or female.

In my opinion, people who assume their gender to be something that conflicts with their sex either exhibit a delusional state of mind or suffer from some form of mental/personality disorder.

I would argue chromosomes determine sex thus gender 99.95% time. For the genetic oddities they themselves will typically associate with 1 gender. They also make up less than a percent of the US population so I really see it as a non issue.

Are you fucking retarded?


Gender is still the exact same thing sex. If you let the left redefine words, you're letting them win.

What's the point that you're trying to make? Yeah, genetic defects exist, doesn't mean shit for the world at large. As a species we're made to be either male or female, there's nothing much else to it.
This too. Gender is just political fuckery for opression points.

>But what declares what the gender is?
The determinant factors here are 1) what part of the reproduction system they fit into, and 2) what genitalia was found to be attached to the body at the moment of birth, Is this not a reasonable explanation?

In the case of having genitalia of both genders, they are called hermaphrodites, but can still be classed as male or female depending on whether they can reproduce or not. Those without genitals/cannot reproduce are asexual.

I am not saying it is not, I am saying that this is what people are saying it is. I would say gender and sex are the same.

Your argument for transgenderism is a syndrome that effects less than a percent of a percent of the population?

>> so Obama

if you make eggs you're a girl
if you make sperm you're a boy
the people born with 'both' are typically much more one than the other, so they are 'fixed' at birth by removal of the tiny penis or vag
thus there are only 2

Furthermore, guys with Klinefelter are no more predisposed to wanting to be a tranny than regular xx or xy, so it has fuck all to do with gender identity.

Simple and concise.

>John Money

Jesus Christ, this motherfucker is one sick fuck. Why isnt there a thousand topics pointing out how depraved this guy was?

>> Faggots delusional as well yet faggotism is now completely mainstream

Does anyone even read about the human body?

- Men & women don't see in the same way
- Female babies like faces, male babies like moving objects
- Females hear better than males
- Music affects us differently
- Males will automatically block out certain sounds
- Females can verbally express their emotions better than males (key word being can, have ability, not that they do it)
- Boys naturally use movement to think
- Groups of boys play differently than groups of girls
- Boys are more likely to take risks
- Females are easier to startle
- Women also exhibit a stronger emotional response to the anticipation of pain
- Males are More Likely to Overestimate Their Ability
- Males are more likely to die from an accident than females
- Men are more likely to perceive a neutral face as unfriendly
- Males are more likely to exhibit aggression physically while females are more likely to exhibit aggression verbally
- Women use both sides of the brain to respond to emotional experiences while men use just one
- Women read subtle emotion better than men
- Males and females are not empathetic in the same way
- Men Thrive in Conflict, Women Avoid it (real conflict, not drama)
- Males are aroused under stress while females are turned off
- Men and women use different parts of the brain during sexual arousal
- The bed nucleus of the striate terminals (where the amygdala begins its descent into the hypothalamus) holds a neurotransmitter that's twice the size in males than females
- When a man is in love, dopamine mixes with testosterone and vasopressin. If you're, female it gets mixed with estrogen and oxytocin
- Men have a stronger reaction to sexual infidelity, while women have a stronger reaction to emotional infidelity
- Women navigate using landmarks, men navigate using cardinals and distance
- Men are more consistent than women
- A woman's brain is more 'flexible' than a man's

It's chromosomes you stupid nigger. An extremely small number of people have chromosomal conditions where their gender is fucked up. 99.99% of everyone is a man or a woman. There's no spectrum, only a bunch of faggots who need attention.

Op is retarded

Sometimes there are feminine men and masculine women. Not sure why they have to change their genitals.

Depends. Is the philosophy of Ghost in the Shell allowed? In that case it's when you take your brain and soul out of one body and put it into a another, fully robotic one.

People will still think you're weird af.

>then how do you explain the people with xxy who have a female build, a vagina, and breasts?

big fucking deal, exceptions exist. You don't change the rules for them.

XY = 8==D
XX = (|)

8==D = men
(|) = woman

is this so hard? are people like you mentally retarded?
also genetic errors and mutations are not genders

Michael jackson was born black. He then attempted to change his skin color to APPEAR white, but genetically he was still African.

Similarly, those who go through any sort of delusions about their gender cannot change what they genuinely are behind all of the window dressing.

What a time to be alive........

The most common form of genetic 'mental retardation' is Down's Syndrome, this is due to an extra chromosome so rather than the normal number of chromosomes - 46, there is 47 due to an extra chromosome at position 21 - called trisomy.

>"if that's the case then people with sex change operations can become the other gender"

except it's impossible to give a man a functioning vagina and vice versa.

>Also there are people who have both a penis and vagina
There's male, female, and "all the amusement park rides".

The functional expression of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome is what determines sex in humans. It's literally what makes males develop as males.

Because you can't cut up a pussy or bolt a dick on it that will produce cum.

Because you can't mutilate a dick enough to produce eggs.

You will never be a female.

Kill yourself.

Functioning genitalia, the role a person plays in reproduction.

Yes some people are born with both and are technically both, that doesn't not some how make trannies or any other bullshit legitimate. Some people have all the right genitalia and it just doesn't work, that's defective but not its own gender.

Feeling has nothing to do with it

>whether or not they can reproduce does not have to do with this; we are talking about their gender
Then define gender, define it based on something in reality

penis = male
vagina = female
mish mash of both = trap send to gulag

/end thread

You cannot turn a penis into a vagina, you can only mutilate your penis, and that doesnt make it a vagina. By your logic i can shoot someone and call them a woman because i made a hole in them.

If I was to get a sex change and mutilated my penis so it looked kinda like a vagina would that mean I could give birth? If yes then I would be a woman but if not I could be a dude with mutilated junk

>If thats the case then people with sex change operations can become the other gender
Let me just stop you right there.

A post-op transwoman is not a woman. He is a guy with a mutilated penis. Its almost like you believe in the concept of transubtantiation like a Catholic does or something.

The wafer/Eucharist which represents the body of Christ in holy communion. Catholics believe through transubstantiation that the wafer literally becomes the body of Christ.
So If I chop off a guys dick, make a hole in his pelvis and shove a flesh light in the wound, you believe that it transubstantiates into an actual vagina?

That's silly.
You're silly.

That is actually correct. Anything outside of the xx/xy paradigm is rendered infertile.

>8==D = men
Speak for yourself, dicklet.

>If someone has xxy, then they might either have a vagina or a penis.

Thats not how that works Faggot.

X, XX XXX, etc are Female
XY, XXY, XYY, XXYY, etc are Male
Just Y is fatal

If you have a Y chromosome At All, you are Male.
