Oldchan here So this board has a general theme throughout all threads posted. You guys aren't idiots.... For the most part. But regardless, I hope to riddle you with this question
A good portion of posts, especially in the past two years, have been centered around the all-powerful, hidden groups which dictate our lifestyles. We all have a general understanding of these powers, and generally agree that they have been controlling lifestyles of commonfolk for a millennia. My question is this: In spite knowing hatred has been perpetuated and manufactured for a millennia, why bash one another based upon the color of our skin or the religion we follow?
Objectively speaking
Julian Phillips
You're obviously a shill
Samuel Bennett
because it feels good.
Ryder Cruz
I don't bash people because of the color of the skin, I bash people with low IQs and poor impulse control who make horrible, often violent decisions.
The fact that they're black is beside the point
Brandon Nguyen
Its the good old divide and conquer/common enemy tactic described by Plato himself (the rise of the tyrant).
Sup Forums can only be made manifest in a honest fashion once most realize the "war" is between the social and the "anti social" or the outcast.
Samuel Roberts
>You guys aren't idiots
That's where you're wrong Mr. Oldfaglarp
Juan Foster
Op here. /thread Not shilling or trolling. Haven't voted lib once in my life
Josiah Cox
>why bash one another based upon the color of our skin or the religion we follow?
divide and conquer is the formula dummy,
you think people this stupid could have come up with that on their own?
they've been dividing the citizen vote from the slave vote for thousands of years,
the third presidential election in the US they said don't vote for Jefferson he's not white
this is some old old shit,
Jonathan Myers
Because its easier to blame other groups of anonymous peoples/ethnicities, than to confront the reality that life sucks for most plebs and nothing can change that, unless you start working your ass off.
There are people like me who come here, because its not some faggoty "upvote" bullshit, where popular vote determines the validity of a comment. I enjoy that I can voice my opinion anonymously without being "downvoted".
Thats why I come here.
Sadly most people on Sup Forums specifically are angry. Mad at something. Always irate at some external factor. Emotions are easily channeled into hating others, which usually is: