I NEED truth

I am a literal Descendant of Moses the Levite.. Take that how you will.. I, am not sure how to go about it.. But I have questions regarding the Spiritual. PLEASE respond. Chabad is not enough - they hide the truth... I am but 18 and they know what I know - it makes them uncomfortable..

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Fear not. Go by the name you know yourself to have been given by birth, and know, that if you truly believe in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God. So know this, study the Holy Bible, and use again the name you were given from birth, hate it not, and know thyself as you, and God and Jesus Christ (who is The Word) and the Holy Spirit as themselves and know that they are One in the same in spiritual conscious reality which is after death yet when Christ Jesus returns even still then in the blink of an eye the light outshines the darkness, and the darkness comprehend it not. "Fear not."


Yeshuah was of the Tribe of Judah...Not Dovid.

Have you been sacrificing chickens?

What is this you speak? You know we talk about the Christ. You consciously know we are both talking about Jesus Christ. Both our brains.

Now, may the Holy Spirit guide you to the Holy Bible as you see the light of God show. Be though Christian not by label, no, not by label or category or any such sub-groups. We are all invited to be Christians, yea, us all! In the spiritual world we are our individual selves as new creations but One with God in consciousness! But here in the flesh we have the Holy Spirit when Baptized as Jesus Christ was!

This is easy.
>was Yeshuah baptized?
We are talking about the Son of God who is The Word right? I think we are. Wouldn't I be correct praytell?

Whaat like a couple-'a chicken chasers?!

No.. I don't even keep Shabbat or Kosher.. I wanted to and wholeheartedly tried, but it is as if Life punished me the second I began my walk of teshuvah..

Are you a shill?

We sacrifice frogs now.

Let Moloch into your heart, user. He misses you