Christains and muslims and jews are equally harmful to progress of western society. You all make things just as bad.
Sorry not sorry
No, communism and atheism are. Faggot
Logical reply.
>Everyone is stupid except me
Not everyone is stupid. Lots of people including me over look facts and jump to wrong conclusions based on their prexisiting biases
No, user. Don't you know that fairy tales and traditions based on fairy tales are the only reason we have morals? It's a hard act that without fairy tales, we'd have no sense of morality, and the human species would die horribly.
The moral roadblocks we install in the fields of medicine and science, which aren't overkill or completely stupid and short-sighted in the least help society by keeping them from becoming intelligent enough to discover something that would refute the fairy tales.
I believe in Jesus and Muhammad, user. Religions don't cause death, user; other people's religions do. It's not our fault they have a different version of the fairy tale and must die.
God says that he loves us all, so we need to destroy the lives of everyone who doesn't know that so that they meet him quicker and can be judged as being heretics and punished for eternity. Trust me user, god loves all humans; some just deserve eternal agony. It's his love that causes that to happen.
>It concerns me that fundamentally flawed beings do not function flawlessly
wew lad
I myself am pretty conservative, but I couldn't care less about religion. For all it's worth, there's not much good that comes from it.
The weird part is that I really don't even consider myself an atheist.
So we don't intrinsically have morals..i don't think morals are a thing. Morals are a cost benifit analysis that humans make on an individual basis. The fact that most humans have come to similar conclusions about certain cost benfit analysis means that we all have similar minds. But even then theres great differences. You and i can think murder is wrong. But i could disagree with you about the punisument. We don't need any of those fairy tales for morals and infact we don't use them for our morals now. You should be thankful we don't.
I wish we believed in something like the greek mythology
And to you objectivist cunts, If you can't recognize the goods of religion on the pleb, you're a pleb. Simple as that