Germany: 12 year old attacks people in a bus with pepperspray

A syrian "child" (we don't know, because refugees decide their age by themselves) attacked people with pepper spray in a bus and injured 10. Police searched the flat of the parents and found the pepper spray and the clothes he wear (they saw in because of a camera in the bus). He said he felt ashamed because other passengers to put his legs down from the seat in front of everybody else. A nearly same accident happened just one day before.

But this is just a normal happening in Germany nowadays...

Other urls found in this thread:

Of course, you don't read this in the bigger newspapers...

2 years and 4 month for child molesting:

at least pedos don't get raped in EU jail, right?

All youre going to do is make this board hate germany even more.
Speech is illegal in your country. Spread this shit on kikebook or shitter or something

I don't know. The article says he was already attacked when he was in law custody.

People in Germany don't see many of this anymore because Twitter, Facebook and Youtube block videos, content and complete accounts in Germany.

So what do you expect this to do?
You guys are fucked over there get out and burn something down

>So what do you expect this to do?
>get out

Obviously immigrants harass younger German child, other bastards watch it.

>12 year old Syrian refugee child

Very dubious.

at least they aren't racist though

The American Pavement Ape has no understanding of "life." Like a small child killing their first goldfish because they decided they wanted to take it out of the bowl and take it for a walk... they're are not evolved enough to understand the very concept that actions may lead to death.

The ape does not understand that "the future" even exists. Their entire mental process, what little there is, exists only in "now." They cannot plan for the future. It is a concept they do not understand. Niggers will regularly blow their entire month's welfare by day two, then complain they are hungry on the street begging for more. They know only muhdik, muhcrack, and muhgibs.

The nigger does not need a reason to nig. They quite regularly beat and kill others (of their own tribe and of others) for "disrespeck." Be it not bumming them a cigarette, or stepping on their shoes. Sometimes they just kill out of boredom. The chimp has no motive. (It's actually part of the reason it's so hard to charge a chimp with "hate crimes" in this country. You can easily argue that your client is just a nigger, and thus does not have the forethought to have malice. It's just an animal being an animal... impulsive and violent.)

Niggers make up the majority of prisoners. They don't get raped. They are the ones doing most of the raping. Killing a white person will make you a celebrity in prison. They'll be among their tribe, getting free food, free sex, free entertainment, all paid for by the state. They get to lift in the gym, watch TV, play monkeyball, and be fed three times a day. No nigger fears a soft American prison.

Foreigners honestly have no ability to even understand how terrifying the American nigger is. It's something you have to experience to truly grasp how animal-like these people really are. The memes are all real, but they hardly do justice to describe the Jane Austen bullshit any white person living near these chimps has to deal with.

Associated press just released a picture of the 12 year old syrian


Well European jails are filled with more Muslims, so they'll be welcomed as brethren.

Please work on your English. Embarrassing, really difficult to follow.
If you are able to speak and write English properly and just punched that shit through googletranslate then: fuck you.

Also this doesn't constitute a happening and barely warrants a thread.
Of course you won't hear about that in news other than regional.
Do you really expect national news to tell you "yeah, somebody used pepperspray unlawfully".
You are an underage Cuck aren't you?
>17 posts in total
>7 by this id

I stand corrected, it was 14 posts in total.
So your 7 spergout take up half a thread.

Fuck off and fight against nazis by hunting AfD candidates through the streets.

And ten years ago when I fucked your mother you've read things like this and especially things like public rape in newspapers.

>Also this doesn't constitute a happening and barely warrants a thread.

Your political views are really emborassing. Your're face and dick too.

You really are an underage Hauptschüler, aren't you!
>I-I fucked your mama!
Embarrassing performance, fuccboi.
>no u!
Embarrassing too, Cuck-adoodle-do.
Did a Syrian "child" pinch your schoolyard crush, because he is an alpha and your embarrassingly fat, autistic, and virgin?

They're generally placed in the coward section of the prison and there's little to no rape here. Savage beating or acid to the face is what has happened at least here. Sometimes an inmate "falls down the stairs".

But other than that is he a good addition to the country?

Du bist eine widerwertige Rattengeburt, sprach der Herr.

There isn't as much rape here, but pedos are the lowest tier everywhere and won't have one nice day in jail.
Get beaten daily by others.

Probably paying taxes for pensioners and shit just in a few years when he is a doctor.

You have no clue about reality damn faggot.

Beeeil dich Schulbus, kommt gleich, den willst du doch nicht verpassen.
Und lass dir wenigstens heute mal nicht dein Pausenbrot von Mohammed und Walid wegnehmen.

Widerwärtig schreibt man übrigens mit ä. Hat nichts mit "wertig" zu tun.
Dein Deutsch ist genauso beschissen wie dein Englisch, lel.

Wenn du Bastard wüsstest was ich für ein Leben habe. Und was machst du so mit deinen paar Talern?

Fertipper. Du übergewichtiger Kloß.

You guys want to take this outside, you're ruining a perfectly good thread.

In nearly every German thread there is a troll who distracts everybody. In my last thread about Germany there was the whole time someone who always repeated that he hates Germany and so on. I don't know if these people are real, trolling or payed but they are embarrassing.

dein Leben heißt wie ne zecke den Sozialstaat aussaugen,schön hartz4. und bei Mama im Keller wohnen, du ossischmarotzer.
Wörter wie Kloß und Taler lassen dich übrigens nicht gebildeter erscheinen. Eher das Gegenteil.

>good thread
Not a troll, sorry.

Ich könnte dir soviele Hunderter ins Maul stopfen bis du daran ersticken würdest. Welchte Wörter lassen einen denn klug erscheinen, du ungeficktes, fettes Schwein?

>Es war ein einmaliger Akt, der auch nicht sehr lange gedauert hat und dem Kind hoffentlich nicht langfristig schaden wird. Daher gibt es auch für uns keinen Grund, sich über das Urteil zu beschweren


rottet diese Untermenschen endlich aus

So ruhig weil du mal wieder wegen deinem Übergewicht heulst aber trotzdem weiter Chips frisst und SchwippSchhwapp säufst?

Why is Germany is cucked?
Europe will fall because of Germany.
