Greetings from a Fascist

Hello, autists of Sup Forums. I am just here to inform you that, well, my oh my, how we are getting some great funny memes from here on our forums. I mean, who doesn't want to see a huge mass of alt-right spergs think we actually like them? And I mean seriously. It's extremely funny and satisfying to see the lot of you using terms like "14/88" when you aren't even fascists, but you're white nationalist neo-conservative degenerates. No, we don't want to shoot that nigger. No, we don't want to kick out everyone who isn't white. And no, I don't want to go fucking shooting a shotgun at a tree with your grandpa.

- A fascist, definitely not fellow.

You are not a fascist you are a faggot.

Mussolini didn't care too much about race so nice larping.


National Socialism is fascism. Every national socialist who truly understands it calls himself a fascist. It's the exact same worldview. I am a national socialist.

>No, we don't want to kick out everyone who isn't white.
Kek. Kicking out non-europeans is literally in NRM's party program

All the evidence shows that uralics such as Hungarians and Finns aren't white. All the same, we don't want to kick out Finns, considering there is a Finnish Resistance Movement.

National Socialism is as similar to Italian Fascism as Italian Fascism was to Falangalism. Same core concepts, entirely different implementations. They're far from the exact same worldview.

National socialism was built on the fascist worldview. National socialism is fascism, but fascism isn't national socialism. Still the same worldview.

Ok, so what about the niggers and arabs?