Not going to lie, I was worried Session might put me out of a job, but looks like DEA will be leaving my dispensary alone. I'd be surprised if they had a enough money to stop the coke coming in from South America. No way they will waste resources on a state certified pot dealer.
DEA funding cut 95%!!
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all those civil forfeiture monies. Thats the plan. he is forcing the DEA to steal people's money.
Drain that fuckin swamp!
It would be a good way to make them even more unpopular.
how much of the DEAs budget comes from the federal funding being cut?
Well in the grand drug-war food chain. We are pretty small fish.
Just got a shipment from the grow house for 13 pounds worth around $15,000.
Compare that to a narco sub with $3
million worth of coke.
Your DUDE WEED is safe, not only is Trump openly in favour of medical marijuana but so are most americans. Even many hardline conservatives can be won over by the cartel defunding and increased tax revenue arguments. De facto national legalisation is probably just a matter of time.
Is this a good thing to do though? I understand that we need to stop going after weed and psychedelics but what about the dangerous drugs don't we need to keep going after that?
Because they are destroying our communities.
I work at a medical only dispensary. You have to have a medical card to buy our products.
I don't get too many "DUDE WEED" kids, although I do get some, but I mostly get really sick people.
Today I sold weed to an old blind women, a man with horrific back issues due to multiple surgeries, and a young women with epilepsy.
Honestly love what I do.
DEA is dealing street level and bringing it into the States. It makes its own cash so they don't need govt funding.
No, spending money preventing them from injecting liquid death into their arm is. They will get ahold of it regardless of what the government tries to do about it. The best course of action is to let the degenerate fucks ruin their own lives, and not make us pay for it. There'd be little to no drug wars if you could just hop over to your local smoke shop and buy it over the counter.
I agree it would be good to still go after Mexican cartels, but I don't think any amount of funding to the DEA will ever be enough
>all that money
Civil forfeiture isn't about drugs, they aim to take your wallet your car your house over "reasonable suspects".
So we should just give up and let hard drugs overrun communities?
Pot needs to go up in price
I don't want a real job
I wonder if they will ever go after schools over prescribing med's for made up shit to get more funding?
>he is forcing the DEA to steal people's money.
it ties DEA funding to their success, they cant sit on their ass. Get the drug dealer's money, or else.
Op didn't even read the article. It's not Dea funding it's some beuracracy that gives grant money out that's losing funding.
may as well, the wall will accomplish part of the DEA's mission, and the FBI/ICE already does a lot of what DEA does for them.
Its just a scam to increase forfeiture funding. Its a fun little law that says if a vehicle, buisiness, bank account or residence was used to sell drugs they can confiscate it and auction it off to use as funding.
Its kinda like giving cops quotas only quotas are illegal so they just cut funding and tell them if they want a new MRAP for their 3rd SWAT team they need to *wink * wink* "earn it."
It's only going to get cheaper. Right now market price in Denver for a pound is $1,000 - $1,200. The goal of the large grows is to get that down to $500 a pound, and they are doing it.
Larger grow operations, better equipment, and switching to green house grows over hydroponic are all lowering costs dramatically
First of all, there's no amount of laws or funding that would prevent people from obtaining and using hard drugs. Secondly, if your entire community became a drug house, you live in a shit tier nigger community.
This, you don't need to put money into something that's self-efficient with the funds. Hell I don't even know why they were being given so much fucking money in the first place, what were they spending it on for these last few years?
b--but they seize peoples money who don't even have drugs... because only people who sell drugs wouldnt trust jewy banks
is that so?
The DEA isn't stopping people from using drugs mostly.
For 90% of the population there is no way they'd do cocaine or meth, you're better off providing rehab for these people than spending money fighting the dealers.
In a way it's not about the specific substances, the main benefit of the "war on drugs" has been that it provides a straightforward way of putting criminal niggers and spics in jail early and often. By that metric, it has been a resounding success which has saved countless lives.
In a white ethnostate I would be for the decriminalisation of most drugs. In the "diverse communities" we actually have that question gets considerably more complicated, but the case for weed remains strong.
Its a mystery.....
> tfw scrambling to sell as much dope as possible before legalization in 5-10 years.
I feel sorry for the slingers in america and other places that got their livelyhood legalized out from under them with no preparation.
This article isn't about the DEA
Thr Office of National Drug Control Policy is not the DEA, OP. Did you even read the article that you posted in the OP?
Since dispensaries started opening in Denver, crime around these shops has decreased.
State law requires dispensaries to install cameras inside and outside the store.
The pawn shop by my dispensary has been robbed less since our dispensary next door went up. The police often ask is for our security footage to help then catch criminals in the area, which we do.
You are a fucking moron. Office of Drug Policy =/= DEA
I did, but I misunderstood what it meant by office of drug control policy. I assumed that's what the Drug Enforcment agency was... so my bad on that one.
also since weed became legal in denver rainbow appearances increased 85% and the unicorn population increased 500%.
One way to tell the difference is that the DEA makes cool wallpaper images
Success? No it hasn't you dipshit, it's been fueling a vicious cycle that is lobbied for by the for-profit prison industry. Slapping people in jail for long periods over trivial crimes has only served to waste tax money. It has also served to further perpetuate crime by shackling minor offenders with extremely debilitating criminal records. This all keeps people in jail and puts tons of money in the prison owners' pockets.
You're basically playing into one of those "jewish schemes" that you NatSocs hate so much.
17 or so in the grey market
Little more for the err, tourists
I'm amazed it lasted this long, it's not really criminal in Denver , basically bootlegging
Not like real criminal drugs, I doubt anyone is going to shoot you over a unit
But the fuckin homeless moving in here wtf plus all the yuppie rich fucks,
>more black people hispanics in jail
>their children grow up in single mother homes, more chance of staying poor
>poor people make more children while the succesful white people make less.
I don't think you thought this through
One of the only real 'Drain the Swamp' movies the Trump administration has done. I applaud it. Trump is still a retard though.
DEA is one of the useless organisations in existence.
>Implying that 99% of them weren't already single mothers
Sure it would be better to fix the black family unit, but good luck doing that at this point. It would require rolling back all the "progress" shitlibs have made to the welfare state etc to late 1950s levels.
The bitches at the DEA ransomed Ross Ulbricht, created fake murder scenarios, and stole many BTCs....then tried to jump bail .
The DEA are asset forefeiture, no transparency, and really a bunch of thieves.
"But on Friday, President Trump’s administration revealed plans to gut the 2018 budget of his Office of National Drug Control Policy."
This ain't about the DEA
let me help you figure this drug war funding problem out
Ayy wuz up mang!
>tfw DJing, weed grower (20 plants throughout the year) and hired hunter/eradicating (ranches/farms) gets me $65k a year
t.SoCal/EastTex dude
You think the DEA gets less people to use drugs?
You are a degenerate and should be ashamed of what you do for a living. Drug dealers like you will be the first to go on the day of the rope.
You mean like outside, in dirt?
What's Texas prices like?
I'm not sure how anyone can afford to live here anymore without blowing out their basement thought
States in the bible belt will no legalize any time soon, they also have huge amounts of nignogs who all smoke weed
As long as that is the case and you can readily buy units at the dispensarys we will have a market
>day of the rope
White version of a black uprising lmao, keep LARPing, homo
>liberals screech for this for fucking years
>but when trump comes along and actually does it they start autistically screeching about how bad it is
you people will never be happy. the only answer for you is a bullet to the head
*Can't readily buy units at the dispensaries
Or ten packs
DEA uses most of what it confiscates to launder money for politicians and other blood money owners.
This is a good thing
Funny that potheads and junkies here think it means they will be spared
Fuck you and the Jewish scum you put in your body like the good goy you are
We want medical marijuana for the extract not the actual pot you filthy fucking junkie
There are literally properties in it that help people who can't be helped by any other kind of drug and it's safe.
God damn I hate stoners
How long do you think they can keep that up for, before the public treats them as thieves?
I am from Texas and live there 4 months out of the year. Weed work and most of my residence is at Los Angeles(Norwalk) for me. Hired eradicating is in ranches and farms in both and other states (kind of like hired death squads against feral swine). I sell legitimately and *under the table* netting $30k a year. I'm not growing more then 12 plants at a time about 3 times a year (24-30 plants the whole year).
I'm 100% against drugs in my community and letting the cartels run unopposed.
That being said, the DEA doesn't really do anything because it has to run through legal channels and essentially act like a law enforcement agency, which means the only people it can really get are smalltime dealers and not a whole lot of other people.
If anything, we've seen that the cartels are basically terrorist organizations and the only way to fight them in any capacity is through paramilitary operations.
>we need to stop going after weed and psychedelics
Go to some other country if you want to be a degenerate so bad
The pot craze is literally what caused the heroin epidemic
No, Afghanistan intervention is what literally caused the "heroin epidemic"
If we build the wall and then start a shoot down anything that doesn't comply policy both with arial and sea drug trafficking here would come to a standstill
We are cutting the gibs programs
They won't be able to afford more nigglets and spic goblins anymore
I do t think you understand where Afghanistan sends it's drugs mate
90% of it goes to Russia as payback and to China
Most of our Heroine comes from South of the border
This is fucking huge. Amazing.
No more drug war
No more CIA money laundering
No mor-
>no more CIA money laundering
Holy shit. They're gonna take him out. How else will they fund their black projects?
>Most of our Heroine comes from South of the border
Very tired meme.
Got ya, would be interesting to see unit prices in ban states . I heard in Alabama is like 9k or some such shit
I don't think heron has much to do with pot
Having said that I'm not impressed with the whole stoner thing, it's like low energy niggers, without the violence
I hate the whole, my medicine or I need to medicate shit. I mean if I want to get drunk and party I don't make excuses for it. If I have a shitty day and want a whiskey it is what it is.
The cbd oil supposedky helps and lots of people want to do actual clinical trial on mdma
>tfw National Guard
I can't fucking wait to get out. What state user. I'd like to buy from a fellow Sup Forumsack, we gotta take care of our own
this is most likely true due to the idea that
drugs aren't really a price sensitive item for drug addicts
even if you arrest their dealer and the price goes up because another dealer is taking more risk the addicts will still buy, cause they're addicts
they addicts will always buy(and steal to scrape up the money) and there will always be another dealer ready to take a slightly higher risk for a little more money
but like hell if i am just going to sit back and let people walk around and smoke meth
cocaine typically isn't nearly as bad(from what i have seen)
but meth is crazy fucking shit
at least arrest people if they are caught using meth and force them to go through rehab or jail time instead of do something like decriminalize it and allow voluntary rehab
No doubt. If weed is very hard to get, the price will go ⬆
>tfw I sing and play guitar to muh plants
>I'm not growing more then 12 plants at a time about 3 times a year
Scared you won't pay enough attention to them, or space limitation?
I've always wanted to try different controls with plants and different songs during flowering.
Wtf, I love weed now
Trump is also cutting funding from the Coast Guard because I guess they also interfere with the drug trade. Why else would someone cut such a thing?
I've never heard DEA referred to as "Drug Control Office"
>$24 million from $388 million
DEA had a budget of $2 billion in 2015
That seems like a lot for 13 pounds.
I've heard people say that playing classocal music to plants helps them grow
Or maybe hide the sound of the fans
Indoor pot plants mature in only about 2 months so you see changes rapidly
I think they do respond to feelings and auras, call me weird but it does seem like it
Don't need the aggravation of constant maintenance of a large batch and gives me time do other stuff. I use the basement of the house and have a few in the backyard outside (these are experimental). This is total bro science, but I experiment with different sine wave frequencies on a stereo aimed at the plants as well of different colored lights a few hours a day. My main job is DJing parties, weddings and any gigs in any state in the southwest.
They are living things with DNA. Not saying they're sentient (maybe), but we literally share from the origin of life.
>googled something fast
Duh fuggggg! I'm scared now!
wonder why
"Considering this, and the fact that Monsanto and Bayer are currently sharing trade secrets regarding the production of genetically modified marijuana, they seem to be setting the stage for a full-scale corporate colonization of cannabis."
"Billionaire George Soros who owns 630,000 shares of Monsanto has put up millions domestically and internationally in an effort to legalize cannabis. But the potential motives of such investments could mean that trouble is on the horizon for the industry."
>tfw applying for a federal job
>haven't smoked pot in months
If they legalize weed on a federal level, do you think they'll still care if you smoke pot or not?