I understand fascists have no use for commies and his versa. But they are both inherently left because of total police state and big gov. No?
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I understand fascists have no use for commies and his versa. But they are both inherently left because of total police state and big gov. No?
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Everything is right wing when you're a communist.
>thinking the political scale is only left and right
Babby's first poli-sci lesson
Fascism is somewhere in the middle.
Right and left are mostly just buzzwords and their meanings change depending on which country your in.
Fascism was born out of the right wing nationalist parties but their economic policies were nothing like the American right.
Educate yourself
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>I am liberal econ and conservative morals
>I am smart enough to realize Liberal economics don't work tho
>It would work under a nationalistic society where mass migration isn't a issue
>trying to put everything on a goddamn number line
I can tell you failed math class as child.
>I feel like this test is wrong tho they throw Hitler at authoritarian right when he was economical liberal didn't want to see his fellow Germans starving and out of work but was conservative authoritarian morally.
Wew lad what a spicy post Jamal. See if you can tell the difference between me and a commie while I am incinerating bankers and niggers as the Fuhrer intended and the communist is commiting White genocide for xer rulers in Israel you subhuman cunt.