Kid I went to elementary school with turned transgender, he used to be hardcore Jehovah's Witness and couldn't celebrate holidays or anything. You think growing up in a strict religious household could attribute to many cases of gender dysphoria or is it merely coincidence? And that begs the question, if there are those doing it to rebel against their parents and society and "gender norms," does that delegitimize actual transgender people and take away from what they're actually about?
Kid I went to elementary school with turned transgender...
Other urls found in this thread:
Jehovahs are radical crazies this kid probably had a shit family life now he is "rebeling" by being a tranny
Being strict is good but going overboard risks a hard back lash when a kid decides to rebel.
>rebeling against authority and suddenly ends up gay
Somehow that seems to be a case with a lot of these faggots.
>b-bu-but-being gay is not a choice
>does that delegitimize actual transgender people and take away from what they're actually about?
rebelling against society and their families?
>what they're actually about?
Like what, fucking insanity? Trannies are mentally ill, there's no "about" with them. Your buddy is just lashing out in a pussified, socially trendy manner because he's a fucking loser with nothing interesting about him, as is the case with all snowflakes.
Look at what the Amish do. You get the chance to go out and see the world at 18, and any sins you commit (besides the huge ones obviously like murder and rape), are forgiven when you come back. If you don't want to come back, you don't have to. Most Amish parents give their kids money and buy them a decent apartment too. They're so confident that their way of life is more peaceful and right that they don't mind you seeing the alternative.
To be honest it sounds pretty dope.I could be Amish.
Look at his face, his attempt at a slutty face.
This faggot has been jerking himself off about getting rammed by his fellow high school classmates for years.
How he longs to be a girl and have no responsibilities only having to spread his legs to get through life. Being a girl means nothing to him except fucking.
Are feminists not all over how sexist trannies are?
Lol a kid in my high-school was autistic (actually) and was a Jehovah's Witness. I was always farily nice to him despite him being an asshole. I couldn't help but smile when kids would sing him happy birthday or tell a teacher it was his birthday so the teacher would tell him happy birthday. Instant rage.
Two of my childhood friends were raised as strict Catholics. Once they got out of that household the guy (who was going for a religious studies degree) became a hardline atheist who lost all hope in the world and the girl is a dyke lesbian who is a pretty impressive painter.
Seems like the perfect religion for autists
I hate it when people who don't know anything about gender dysphoria make a bunch of assumptions about what it is and then try to play armchair psychologist with that.
Of course she's wanted to be a girl for a long long time. She wants to be called pretty and validated, all girls do. She's just very eager to rush into things and doesn't have any female socialization, it's always very awkward at first but eventually she'll get used to things and settle down into her new life and not be so cringeworthy.
I can't even look at the pictures of myself from back then anymore.
I don't think being gay or a tranny is a choice, but they should be destroyed all the same
>the girl is a dyke lesbian who is a pretty impressive painter.\
Probably accomplished far more in life than you ever will, too.
Hons are pitiful creatures that left the dysphoria untreated until it twisted them into proper freaks. They deserve some empathy but also need to know that there place is in the gutter with the rest of the scum of society.
Yeah some people will take advantage of loopholes if laws aren't done properly. I don't think trans people should be allowed to compete in sports with cis people but if they want their own trans league that's fine.
>does that delegitimize actual transgender people and take away from what they're actually about?
>actual transgender people
these people should just admit they are faggots, instead of further ruining their lives with this retarded bs
I briefly lived with an Amish family while drifting around the country. It was a good experience and the community was nice as hell but its not easy.
You're a dumb motherfucker.
Pimozide can't cure gender dysphoria and if you even read the bullshit meme study you keep pushing you'd see it's a bullshit meme study.
Antipsychotics do NOTHING. If you think no ones just tried giving trans people antipsychotics before you're just another brainless retard that gets all his information from memes.
You can't fight it, it's impossible and you will end up back at square 1 ten years later and turn into the monsters you people mock.
You are the worst type of normie scum and need to either go back to redit or throw yourself onto fire.
It's literally just a fetish. He watched so much porn he started to get into weirder and weirder shit and then this happened.
This pic makes me so sad. After finally getting the courage to come out and try to reach for happiness her mother gets jealous of the attention and makes it about herself and transitions and makes a big deal out of it. The ultimate insult is that she's removing the only female roll model from her daughters life, denying her someone to be able to talk about things and learn stuff from, though I imagine she wasn't a great mother to begin with.
At least she's young, she will learn and she will be stronger for it.
lol you were the one that chose to virtue signal on Sup Forums. Pimozide worked but for (((some reason))) it was never used again. The side effects usually wear off after a month of use.
Goes to show how degenerate trannies ruin families and are full of mental illness.
No one gives a fuck about your life story.You have a dick and a mental illness.
Like I said, you're brain dead retarded and have no scientific literacy at all.
On a single mentally challenged crossdresser it made them not want to crossdress. This says nothing about trans people and in reality when you put them on antipsychotics IT DOESNT WORK. NOTHING ELSE WORKS BUT TRANSITION YOU FUCKING MORON. I WOULD GIVE ANYHING TO NOT BE THIS WAY, YOU THINK I LIKE BEING A FREAK?
I have looked into every possible cure there is, none of them work, nothing fucking works. There isn't a magical pill that makes everything better, you're condemned to suffering unless you can pull yourself up and seize a somewhat normal life for yourself.
It's a serious mental condition that you need to live with, and the only way to do that is to transition.
i didnt have to see this
An ex girlfriend of mine went off the deep end because her parents were strict and religious. It's just how it is. The children of cops and priests often end up being the worst. It's a rebellion streak and sometimes it doesn't end.
However, such kids grow up to have kids and their kids resent them for being too liberal. That is why I think millennials are in for a rude awakening when their children are finally able to vote. The kids that watched their peers behave like entitled brats, they're watching. They're not happy with how cucked people have become and they're going to roar like lions. People today think we're nazis? I wouldn't be surprised if 30 years from now, we had a global crusade that made the Holocaust look like a fucking joke.
Well how I see it there's those that are legitimately mentally convinced that they're the opposite gender and who should seel help regarding those mental issues, and deal with it how they see fit (conversion therapy, sex change, hormone treatment, etc) as opposed to those who claim to be the other gender because they want to make some kind of statement or because it's an edgy thing to do and are just overall attention seeking cancer. An actual trans person likely doesn't care about state bathroom laws, since they use the bathroom they're comfortable with anyways and can get away with it because they don't tell everyone they're a transgender, vs the people that cry oppression and just want everyone to know they're a tranny and worship them for it.
how about takin some pimozide lol.
From the abstract:
>The case is reported of a gender dysphoric patient who responded successfully to pharmacotherapy with pimozide. An adult male patient with a borderline learning disability presented with cross-dressing and a strong wish to undergo a sex change.
Sounds like gender dysphoria to me.
Ok, you're either a troll or you're legitimately retarded.
If you honestly think that a single mentally challenged crossdresser (not even trans) who stopped wanting to crossdress gives any data about trans people you're unironically a very stupid person. Like I fucking said twice before, antipsychotics don't fucking work. Do you really think that no one has tried this? If there were a cure everyone would fucking want it.
I'm reeeealy hoping that for your sake this is bait.
Did you read:
> gender dysphoric patient...strong wish to undergo a sex change.
You should try taking pimozide for a month and wait for the side effects to go away. Another option is to try growing up, and growing out of it.
>I would give anything not to be this way
>You think I like being a freak?
>Refuses to even try taking medication
You're not getting any more (you)s. Your bait is too infuriating but I've had ENOUGH.
Finally, a fair and balanced stance
It's real, but not for long
You know there is no medication. Pimozide is just an antipsychotic, they do nothing.
Literally the only people that believe this are retarded Sup Forumsaks who don't know how to fucking read.
Trannies can't handle the bants.
>They do nothing
How do you know? Have you tried talking with a doctor about it?
>more ad hominem
I get that you're upset but try to calm down. I'm just trying to help. Think I'm retarded all you like but I heard it could help you, so I made a suggestion. I think you should talk with your doctor about it before getting onto hormones. It might be cheaper in the long run and might make you feel more secure.
No I can't because I know people here will read this and believe you without even reading your study and that just makes me reee with the force of a million angry suns.
They don't do that anymore because you can't just force feed people antipsychotics and throw them in asylums anymore. Trans people have to live in society so they do what they can to try and make you be able to live and not kill yourself so you can be a good goy.
Antipsychotics fix nothing. It's never helped any trannies (and I know a good bit who were put on antipsychotics). In most cases it just makes the dysphoria worse.
>says he wouldn't give me more (you)s
>gives me more (you)s
>take hormone blockers
>change mind
>nothing happens
this is a rel dilemma as a libtard. if I give my kids all the freedom in the world they'll end up longing for structure. the only way to give them a real hunger for their freedom is to raise them super strict.
Um, a radical suggestion for this thread, but maybe there are different kinds of people who want to be girls? People with genetic issues, people with hormonal issues, people with mental issues, just people with a fetish? And what works on some won't work on others?
So you stalk s tranny over the Internet. Who gives a fuck?
>takes hormone blockers
>weak all through teens and can't play sports with their sex
>infertile for life
>leached calcium from bones prone to osteoporosis
>increased chance of cancer
Nice trips, kek agrees
>not a single source
I looked up "long term effects of puberty blockers" and this:
Holy shit dude is there anything you won't virtue troll about?
>Doctors don't give medicine per patient request anymore
>They'd have to throw you away in a cell, if you ask for help with mental issues
Is that what they do? Just throw people into padded rooms? This sounds like a lot of inexperience, hyperbole, and fear to me.
>Medicine fixes nothing
>Forget the 80% of cases mentioned previously, it doesn't work!
>Trust me, I know a lot about antipsychotics
First, if you're on a drug, you should note reactions. A change in mood, really anything. Tell your doctor if anything changes. If you feel worse, then request to change prescriptions. This might solve the issue.
I say this because my sister had to try several antidepressants before she found the right one that worked for her. I know you're scared but your doctor isn't going to flip out and send you to the loony bin. Maybe talk with a psychologist before a doctor, get some of your worries out. Maybe they can ease your mind.
>first point is obvious, I imagine.
>okay its the hormones not the blockers my bad
>"We do know that there is some decrease in bone density during treatment with pubertal suppression"
>"These puberty blockers are powerful. They're synthetic hormones. We know synthetic hormones can increase cancer risk," psychiatrist Dr. Karl Benzio
I'd just give up on em at this point, they're clearly convinced that the world is against them and nothing will help, they think that they have to accept their fate and live their lives in misery (their words, not mine) so just leave them to that fate.
holy shit I knew it would be bad but I didn't think it would be that bad
>being too strict, lenient, or even boringly normal will turn your son gay
What the fuck can I do to save my offspring from the gay, Sup Forums? Is the only winning move not to play? No, wait, not producing white children is degenerate... Uhhh.....
Be a part of their lives and teach them to be decent human beings and give them adequate social and economocial skills to function in society instead of letting public school and tv teach them for you.