Well, Sup Forums? Is he right?
Well, Sup Forums? Is he right?
This place is a boring, toxic shithole and even though I've long since escaped the politics I have yet to escape the compulsive habit to shitpost.
Allah save the queen
Flawless argument.
>Here since 14.
>21 now.
Save me please.
I'm just here for the dank memes
>Outgrew Sup Forums
No, obviously this is a false flag. Nobody can leave after the first 12 months.
>I was a le Sup Forums kid but now I'm a mature, grown up looking down on you silly children
This is the same thing that pedo tranny said
Came here when I was 16, I have a job and I am educated tell this bitch to project somewhere else
He's not wrong, they just went to Twitter and put their autism on for the masses while we do in relative seclusion.
Twitter was a mistake.
It would not surprise me one bit that a pedo tranny visited Sup Forums.
In fact I'd be surprised if they didn't.
>using a cartoon drawing for a profile picture on >twitter like a faget
> (OP)
>Allah save the queen
I don't know how to feel about this
Sup Forums didn't even exist until I was nearly 30. I came ~10 years ago for the non-identity free discourse and stayed for the bants
>outgrew Sup Forums
absolute fucking embarrassingly false lies
only a truly stupid nigger would believe a literally impossible piece of utter bullshit like this
>Look I'm so cool because I substituted one method of digital social reinforcement for another.
Their claims that SJWs outgrew board culture have nothing to do with the reality that their ideology does not work.
I have been here for 13 years...I'm gonna be 33 in October.
i bet this cuck comes back here every night to fap to degenerate porn
you asked for it
>Remember when Sup Forums was leftist?
>a trannie with a self drawn anime avatar claiming to be an adult
Are you unironically 40? Do you teach Kung fu too?
>Being nice and treating people with respect does not work.
what's wrong with you? go find a girl
I have honestly tried to leave, but... the happenings, and the truth here. It always brings me back.
>using twitter to make long statements
no, this will never be right
>Very Very Very Big Problem People
Oldfag and SJW here - yep, it's true.
I was brought back by gamergate, but on the SJW side - have been pushing for more rational politics here (shillin, haters be hatin) ever since.
I am the invasion, I am the raid... but I was born here.
Well I suppose I'm an odd one then considering I was a genuine Tumblr sjw and ended up here
I'm 39.
Chill the fuck out.
why he type like some1 infected with AIDS doe? XD
I've certainly changed. My interest here went from jerking off 5 times a day on /h/ to getting book recommendations and political shitposting.
Their really isn't any place like this though.
are those the puppers all grown up?
>I was 17
>the truth
If you're over the age of 18 and still believe Sup Forums is revealing hidden secrets you are literally retarded.
Be honest, would you?
Dont forget people that your thoughts are wrong and that's bad
Fucking normie
>starts thread on his phone so he can spam agree himself
Is there anyone that doesn't pretend to be on this site since its inception?
i manage a year but it always drags you back.
>underage b& posting here just to be le edgy
Gigantic faggot detected.
>is he right.
He broke rules 1 and 2
>i'm just so grown up and above it all!
>anime avatar
>using phrasing like 'Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Big Problem People' unironically
>having a twitter account at all
>Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Big Problem People
Weird. I was a sjw type when I was a teenager. Then I started to realize the left was full of idealistic bleeding heart morons who think good intentions makes consequences of ignorance disappear.
I started coming here when I was 20, which is 7 years ago.
I don't even know if this is a guy or a chick. No I would not. I would sped a night with Obama and hist wife before I put my dick in pic related
Came here when Sup Forums became a thing
I finished med school, paid off my student loans, and am now saving for a house/looking for a qt red-pill white girl to make white babies with
> I a full grown adult have my social media account set to a picture of a childish cartoon.
> I full grown adult who will use commas incorrectly in the middle of sentences; but not use any punctuation at the end of my sentences.
> I a full grown adult most like have a tumblr account where I converse with fellow autists
Said the herbivore.
Shit! I was waiting for huge dinosaur foot to suddenly appear crushing them all.
There's more than two British people up at 7:30, lad.
But I eat meat?
I unironically own and operate a non kung-fu related business
>the only people older than 20 on Sup Forums
>I left when I was 17
So the poster is just a kid who came here illegally.
could be worse
>Here since 15
>Now 26
>outgrew Sup Forums
This is code for
>my arguments kept getting BTFO so I stopped going there because the hate box didn't zuk muh dick
I started around 2006 or 2007ish if that counts. I'm still a newfag, and Sup Forums was never good.
Yeah everyone should go
Yeah, with a couple slugs maybe some federal ammo would do the trick.
SJWs 'outgrowing' Sup Forums makes no sense, Sup Forums was a left leaning socialist board(except a few ron paul fags) for a majority of it's lifetime, up until a couple of years ago
if they would have outgrown Sup Forums, the natural evolution would be to become a right wing conservative, and then comeback to Sup Forums
So what actually happened is Sup Forums outgrew leftism and became rightwing
Does this answer your question
I'm already here for a decade, remember you're here forever.
I'm 38 and found pol top be a great source of 'happenings' as much as a day before they hit the MSM. I am also smarter than you.
>I full grown adult who will use commas incorrectly in the middle of sentences; but
>; but
He was on Sup Forums all summer.
29 year old reporting in, been around since I was about 18, still a leftie, still enjoy most boards on the website and don't hate other races, not an sjw.
Don't understand this delusion that Sup Forums people are baddies
More like Sup Forums's userbase became increasingly underage as it grew in popularity.
I've got a box of federal .45 I can lend you
Been in this bitch since 2004, don't know how to quit tbqh
I work at a large fortune 500 company in a very high management position, so much so that I have changed IT policy for our VPN to allow access to Sup Forums as well as other places that will not be named.
I literally browse and shit-post while in multi-billion dollar merger meetings.. I know for a fact there are many others in the lower echelons of this company, you are protected, browse at your own discretion ;)
>here since '08
And the ride hasn't ended yet.
>everyone that leaves Sup Forums becomes a failed tranny
>a tranny of all people saying adults who browse imageboards problem people
Oh that's rich
That does work, it's just not what they're doing.
>I am also smarter than you
>I'm 38 and visit Sup Forums as a substitute for real news
No, but it is always eternally better in the past than it is right now.
would i what? that's a guy
This dude doesn't even fucking know the term for Sup Forums. What a fucking newfag. He shoulda lurked more.
/k/ was never left wing, for obvious reasons.
I legitimately fucked up there, but I was being ironic anyway so its ok.
>hardcore progressivist until 22
>flunked out of college twice
>massive alkie
>gaining wait
>get redpilled over the course of a brutal summer
>go back to college
>start getting drinking under control
>start working out
>started posting here regularly
graduation ceremony's next month
"grew out" is signalling, establishing "us" as the discerning adults and "them" as the as-of-yet unenlightened infantile masses. Honestly doesn't matter which ideological journey you took, the "grew out" maymay isn't just crass, it's obvious.
>outgrew Sup Forums
No. But there are a lot of SJW who were annonnymoose faggots that came during Chanology and never belonged here in the first place.
>that flag
sure kid, nothing personal
Itll be put to good use user.
No, he's a kike shill and will literally hang on the day of the rope.
>when /pol become a thing
Fuckin newfags
Don't lie you can trust me, now tell me where Shangri-la is
>being told i have very very very very very very very very very very big problems by someone too ugly to have an actual photo of themselves as their twitter avi
>gave up jewstagram with 1000+ and jewitter with 500+ years ago
>(((he's))) wrong lol
I bet he dropped out of Sup Forumsootcamp after a week and considers himself some sort of veteran.
Yes. He's completely correct. I went from writing 'nigger nigger nigger' on Sup Forums, jerking off to anime girls getting spanked, and collecting Mexican drug cartel gore to coloring my hair, digesting pro multicultural literature, and showing off my love handles
>(except a few ron paul fags)
If it wasn't us it was tonnes of stormfags. The notion pol was always left leaning is wrong. It had a strong libertarian base which had "Liberal" views which is part of the parcel with being libertarian.
>tfw 31
Shut the fuck up kike you don't know shit about 4chans political origins.
Well if you're still a "leftist" after 9 years here there is absolutely no saving you. May your beheading be traumatic and embarrassing.
He's a faggot .
Of course he's not right
>mentally ill tranny thinks anime is ruining society
You couldn't make this up if you fucking wanted to.