Why does interracial dating threaten conservatives and right-wing fringe groups?

Why does interracial dating threaten conservatives and right-wing fringe groups?

What is wrong with two people being in love with each other and breeding?

You all say it is relatively low percent so then why is it so bothersome?

Honest question by an honest Asian male with a white gf. Pic semi related.

Fuck Canada.


why are the white girls with asian men so attractive while the asian girls with white men so ugly?

Agreed, fuck canada
Also race mixing destroys diversity you loony leaf

I don't care about whites and asians mixing, as long as it isn't middle aged men and mail order jungle brides.

Op is a retard. No one is threatened.

We choose to exclude those that we do not wish to associate with ona personal level.

Nonwhites all vote left-wing.

