How come black men are better athletes than whites?
They fuck white women better than white men too.
When will black men rule white nations again?
How come black men are better athletes than whites?
They fuck white women better than white men too.
When will black men rule white nations again?
ikr. White bois sit inside and play video games, watch anime, and never exercise. I stopped dating white guys when my ex boyfriend was beat up after talking shit to a black guy to come off as alpha or something. When he was beaten and started crying, i just lost respect for him. How can i respect a white man if he can't even protect me? Black guys have swag, they can dance, they can rap, and they know how to have fun. I got tired of my ex bf trying to get me to watch anime. Grow up you white boi-children.
um nice arguement, sweetie
get out Antifa faggot
>fast running
practical application of their skills is just not a Black owned thing. Just see all the asians and spics and white people owning your monkey asses in martial arts and weight lifting. all your race is good for is throwing balls around and shitting out nursery rhymes. A bunch of you niggers listen to eminem lmao desempaimu
How well will Jamal protect you from poverty?
>Black guys have swag, they can dance, they can rape, and they know how to have "fun" at the expense of others
Blacks are Animals
How long before she gives birth to Cocacolisha will he be gone?
its funny isnt it? thousands years of evolution can be destroyed only by nigger fucking white woman and making nigger kids